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There can be only one.
~ ThereCanBeOnlyOneIcon There Can Be Only One MK description

The Vengeful True Sun God (commonly referred to as VTSG) is a special form of the True Sun God added to Bloons TD 6 in Version 3.0. As a dark Monkey deity, the Vengeful True Sun God employs Vengeful Sun Avatars, Dark Spectres, red Sunblasts and additional attacks which all deal twice as much damage (except the Vengeful Mini Sun Avatars, which deal even more) compared to the normal form True Sun God. As such, it is considered by many players to be the most powerful tower in Bloons TD 6, excluding Bosses in which paragons gain a much higher damage output. Coupled with tower buffs, the Vengeful True Sun God possesses the highest possible Damage Per Second (DPS) potential of a single tower in the game, making it paramount to extreme late-game runs.[2]

The Vengeful True Sun God can only be created by (1) enabling the ThereCanBeOnlyOneIcon There Can Be Only One MK, (2) upgrading a Sun Avatar with $50,000+ worth sacrifices in three out of the four classes, and then (3) upgrading it with $50,000+ worth of sacrifices on all four classes of towers within the Temple's range while the The Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night are present outside its range. The tower will transform into the ordinary True Sun God. If done correctly, the ordinary True Sun God immediately transforms into its Vengeful form, as the other Tier 5 Super Monkeys are sacrificed.

The Vengeful True Sun God cannot be summoned in Sandbox Mode, nor can it be summoned on C.H.I.M.P.S., where Monkey Knowledge is disabled. An ordinary True Sun God will not transform into the Vengeful form other than immediately after upgrading the Sun Temple while the requirements are met. True to its Monkey Knowledge description, only one Vengeful True Sun God can exist on screen, even in co-op. Moreover, the Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night can not be repurchased while the VTSG is on screen.

There is also a secret interaction when a level 20 Adora is placed within range of the Sun Temple as it is upgraded. The Vengeful True Sun God can alter the True Sun Goddess transformation of Adora, converting her into her Vengeful True Sun Goddess form. Her Vengeful True Sun Goddess form is no more powerful than her normal True Sun Goddess form. Also, Vengeful True Sun God can alter the appearance of certain maps such as Adora's Temple and Lotus Island. However, these are all purely cosmetic.

The total cost for a Vengeful True Sun God is complex. The cost section of this page will further explain the total costs in greater detail.




Vengeful True Sun God

Assuming everything was done correctly, along with the normal animation of upgrading the Sun Temple to the True Sun God, there is another animation after the first transformation in which the True Sun God, Anti-Bloon, and the Legend of the Night will float up into the air (more so with the latter two than the former most), looking up, and a pillar of light will flash until the transfomation is complete and the Vengeful True Sun God form is revealed. Also Anti-Bloon and the Legend of the Night will disappear. Just like with the Normal True Sun God, this animation is purely aesthetic and the Vengeful True Sun God will be able to attack at full power while the transformation takes place.

Design-wise, the Vengeful True Sun God shares the similar appearance to a normal True Sun God, except it is much darker, wearing a round metal halo with an embedded red gem. Its body is also made out of metal, with red lines running across it. All of Vengeful True Sun God's visual elements are taken from the constituent Tier 5 towers, for example: True Sun God's overall appearance, along with The Anti-Bloon's metallic body and red eyes and Legend of the Night's dark color scheme.

Vengeful True Sun God is just like a normal True Sun God except all its attacks deal +35 damage. It utilizes a separate set of sacrifices on top of those from a normal True Sun God. To summon the Vengeful True Sun God, The Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night must be outside the range of the new True Sun God, $50,000 worth of sacrifices on all sacrifice tiers must be done prior to the final separate sacrifice of the aforementioned Super Monkeys, and the ThereCanBeOnlyOneIcon There Can Be Only One MK must be enabled. Vengeful True Sun God cannot be summoned on CHIMPS or Sandbox Mode.

See the #Creating a Vengeful True Sun God for detailed information about summoning a VTSG. The #Sacrifices section can be looked at to see further information about Vengeful True Sun God's various sacrifices.

Targeting Priorities

Vengeful True Sun God targets bloons using the standard targeting priorities. Its main attacks shoots straight movement projectiles. Sacrifices give the Sun Temple with multiple attacks that cannot simply be explained in a single paragraph.

  • First: Targets the first bloon visible within its range.
  • Last: Targets the last bloon visible within its range.
  • Close: Targets the closest bloon visible within its range.
  • Strong: Targets the strongest bloon visible within its range.

Adding Ultravision adds Camo Prioritization, allowing all its attacks to prioritize Camo Bloons over other types when this secondary targeting option is active.


It costs the same as a normal True Sun God, along with $50k of all tower categories (Primary, Military, Magic, Support) sacrificed prior to upgrading an existing maxed Sun Temple, plus the costs of The Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night outside the range of it. Combining the sacrificing costs and the upgrade cost of the True Sun God upgrade itself altogether, the Vengeful True Sun God upgrade costs the following from scratch from these difficulties:

  • $1,254,910+ on Easy (7 * $50,000+ 3 tower categories for the first sacrifice, and four tower categories for the second sacrifice, $102,765 for 0-5-0 Anti-Bloon, $265,370 for 0-0-5 Legend of the Night, $536,775 for the True Sun God upgrade).
  • $1,414,600+ on Medium (7 * $50,000+ 3 tower categories for the first sacrifice, and four tower categories for the second sacrifice, $120,900 for 0-5-0 Anti-Bloon, $312,200 for 0-0-5 Legend of the Night, $631,500 for the True Sun God upgrade).
  • $1,499,765+ on Hard (7 * $50,000+ 3 tower categories for the first sacrifice, and four tower categories for the second sacrifice, $130,570 for 0-5-0 Anti-Bloon, $337,175 for 0-0-5 Legend of the Night, $682,020 for the True Sun God upgrade).
  • $1,772,600+ on Impoppable (7 * $50,000+ for the 3 tower categories for the first sacrifice, and four tower categories for the second sacrifice, $145,080 for 0-5-0 Anti-Bloon, $374,640 for 0-0-5 Legend of the Night, $757,800 for the True Sun God upgrade).

Remember, in order to summon the VTSG, the player must purchase a True Sun God and its preceding upgrades, an Anti-Bloon and its preceding upgrades, a Legend of the Night and its preceding upgrades, and a total of at least $350,000 in sacrifices.

Creating a Vengeful True Sun God


Stages of summoning Vengeful True Sun God

The Troubleshooting section acts as a slightly condensed version of this section and may be more helpful if the player cannot create the VTSG. In order to summon the Vengeful True Sun God, the player must follow the steps below:

  1. Have ThereCanBeOnlyOneIcon There Can Be Only One MK unlocked, have Monkey Knowledge enabled, play on a mode other than Sandbox Mode and C.H.I.M.P.S. (The specific knowledge point is disabled in Sandbox Mode, and all monkey knowledge is disabled in C.H.I.M.P.S.)
  2. Build a Sun Temple with max sacrifices ($50,000 spent) in 3 out of 4 tower categories, and then prepare $50,000+ sacrifices for all categories of towers for the True Sun God. Bear in mind that some towers may be discounted around the newly upgraded Sun Temple, especially if the player has sacrificed Support towers, so ensure the sell prices of each category sum up to more than $35,000 (or more than $37,500 with the BetterSellDealsIcon Better Sell Deals MK).
  3. Outside of the Temple's range, place and upgrade The Anti-Bloon (x-5-x Super Monkey) and the Legend of The Night (x-x-5 Super Monkey); they cannot be sacrificed to the creation of the TSG, otherwise the upgrade to VTSG will fail.
  4. Upgrade the Sun Temple into True Sun God. Upon upgrading, the game will first animate the creation of the True Sun God and then absorb the Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night, becoming a powerful Dark Temple.

The Vengeful True Sun God is effectively identical to its standard form with the exception of its main attack (which gains +25 damage from 25 to 50) and a triple increase in damage to its magic Avatar summons (from 4 to 12, excluding damage buffs from support sacrifices) as well as its other sacrifice powers. This form also disables the Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night upgrades unless the Vengeful True Sun God is sold.

The Vengeful True Sun God can only be summoned by having maxed sacrifices on both the Tier 4 Sun Temple and the True Sun God, so it will always be some variation of 2/1/2/2 as it is impossible to have a Tier 4 Temple maxed in all categories. The tier of sacrifice paths increases by having sacrifices inputted into the Sun Temple prior to upgrading to True Sun God. The additional benefits provided by the Sun Temple are additional to the minimal Vengeful True Sun God. Keep in mind that it is worth it to sacrifice both the Legend of the Night and The Anti-Bloon for the Vengeful True Sun God, as it is overall much more powerful than all 3 original Tier 5 Super Monkeys combined.


This section includes various requirements that are frequently missed when building the Vengeful True Sun God. It also serves as a more condensed version of the steps to create a VTSG.

Ensure that:

  • The ThereCanBeOnlyOneIcon There Can Be Only One MK in the Magic section has been enabled.
  • Monkey Knowledge is not disabled (from the Monkey Knowledge menu), and that the selected game mode is not playing in CHIMPS or Sandbox mode, which automatically disables Monkey Knowledge.
  • At least $50,000 worth of towers in three categories (out of Primary, Military, Magic, Support) to the Tier 4 Sun Temple (ie. $150,000 or more total in sacrifices) have been sacrificed.
  • At least $50,000 worth of towers in all categories (Primary, Military, Magic, Support) to the Tier 5 True Sun God (ie. $200,000 or more total in sacrifices) have been sacrificed.
  • The Legend of the Night and The Anti-Bloon have been purchased, but not within the range of sacrificing to the True Sun God.

To quickly check if the value of each sacrifice category cost $50,000 or more, check the sell price(s) for each tower. To do so, ensure the sell prices of each category sum up to more than $35,000 (default 70% sellback). However, the sell value of all towers can be higher with BetterSellDealsIcon Better Sell Deals MK (+5%) and nearby Monkey Buccaneer with x-x-4 Favored Trades (+10%). All such effects stack for a sell value of 85%. So add $2,500 (5%) if Better Sell Deals is on, and add $5,000 (10%) for nearby Favored Trades.

  • The Monkey Knowledge FlatPackBuildingsIcon Flat Pack Buildings increases the sellback of all Banana Farms by +2% (+$1,000 for $50,000 Support sacrifices). Banana Farms with x-x-2 Banana Salvage upgrade onwards further increase their own sell for an additional +10% so add a further $5,000 for the Banana Farm itself. This increases all the way to the 95% maximum sellback cap, so just assume 95% sellback ($47,500), rather than the theoretical 97% sellback.
  • The Monkey Knowledge FlatPackBuildingsIcon Flat Pack Buildings increases the sellback of all Monkey Villages by +2% (+$1,000 for $50,000 Support sacrifices). Similarly to Banana Farms, take into account a little more sellback when going for Villages.
  • For any monkey (except Banana Farm and Monkey Village), a sell cost of $42,500 (85%) will always be guaranteed to have cost at least $50,000.

Towers to sacrifice

When sacrificing towers to the VTSG, its important to know what towers will get the player maxed sacrifices for each category for the least amount of cash so that the player does not have to spend anymore than they need to. However, it is nearly impossible to exactly spend $50,000 in each category due to the difficulty's price multipliers and how the cumulative Tier 5 (the base price of a tower, plus Tier 1 to 5 in one path and maybe the other tiers in another path) upgrades may undershoot or overshoot the $50,000 minimum threshold required for maximum sacrifices. This section will show what towers and upgrades can cross the $50,000 sacrifice threshold for the least amount of money for each difficulty. This can also be applied to Sun Temple.

Note that these prices are without Monkey knowledge. This means that some prices might not be correct for some towers and upgrades, especially for Military Monkeys with the MilitaryConscriptionIcon Military Conscription and AdvancedLogisticsIcon Advanced Logistics Monkey Knowledge.

Temple without Support sacrifices

Assume no discounts are given to any of the sacrificed towers, including Monkey Knowledge. Prices correct as of Version 44.1.

Easy Difficulty:

Medium Difficulty:

  • Primary: 0-5-1 Boomerang Monkey and 1-4-0 Dart Monkey; $50,020 ($35,014 in sell price)
  • Military: 2-0-5 Heli Pilot; $50,000 in total cost ($35,000 in sell price)
  • Magic: 0-1-5 and a 0-2-1 Ninja Monkey; $50,000 in total cost ($35,000 in sell price)
  • Support: 2-4-0 Monkey Village, 0-4-0 Engineer Monkey, and a 1-0-0 Spike Factory; $50,000 in total cost ($35,000 in sell price)

Hard Difficulty:

  • Primary: 0-5-0 Boomerang Monkey and 4-1-0 Tack Shooter; $50,005 in total cost ($35,004 in sell price)
  • Military: 1-5-0 Heli Pilot; $50,010 in total cost ($35,007 in sell price)
  • Magic: 5-2-0 + 0-0-0 Wizard Monkey and 0-0-0 Alchemist; $50,000 in total cost ($35,000 in sell price)
  • Support: 0-4-0 Monkey Village and 0-4-0 Engineer Monkey; $50,005 in total cost ($35,004 in sell price)


  • Primary: 0-5-0 Glue Gunner, a 5-0-0 Dart Monkey, and 0-0-0 Tack Shooter; $50,000 in total cost ($35,001 in sell price)
  • Military: 0-4-2 Heli Pilot and 1-4-0 Sniper Monkey; $50,040 in total cost ($35,028 in sell price)
  • Magic: 5-0-1 Ninja Monkey and 0-1-3 Druid; $50,040 in total cost ($35,028 in sell price)
  • Support: 0-4-0 Monkey Village, 0-2-4 and 0-0-4 Engineer Monkey; $50,030 in total cost ($35,022 in sell price)
Temple with Support sacrifices
Note: Maxed Support sacrifices give a 20% discount to all towers within range. This includes Tier 4 and Tier 5 upgrades.

Assume no discounts except maxed Support Temple sacrifices are given to any of the sacrificed towers. Prices correct as of Version 30.0.

Easy Difficulty:

  • Primary: 5-2-0 + 2-5-0 + 2-0-3 Dart Monkey; $50,092 in total cost, $62,615 without Support sacrifices ($35,064 in sell price)
  • Military: 5-0-0 Heli Pilot + 0-3-0 Sniper Monkey; $50,012 in total cost, $62,515 without Support sacrifices ($35,008 in sell price)
  • Magic: 0-2-4 Super Monkey; $50,796 in total cost, $63,495 without Support sacrifices ($35,557 in sell price)
  • Support: 0-5-0 + 2-0-0 Monkey Village; $50,352 in total cost, $62940 without Support sacrifices ($35,246 in sell price)

Medium Difficulty:

  • Primary: 0-0-5 Boomerang Monkey and 0-4-0 Glue Gunner; $50,520 in total cost, $63,150 without Support sacrifices ($35,364 in sell price)
  • Military: 0-5-0 Sniper Monkey + 0-5-1 Mortar Monkey; $50,120 in total cost, $62,650 without Support sacrifices ($35,084 in sell price)
  • Magic: 0-5-0 Wizard Monkey; $50,100 in total cost, $62,625 without Support sacrifices ($35,070 in sell price)
  • Support: 2-5-0 + 1-4-0 Spike Factory; $50,240 in total cost, $62,800 without Support sacrifices ($37,168 in sell price)

Hard Difficulty:

  • Primary: 0-5-1 + 0-0-4 + 3-0-0 Dart Monkey; $50,064 in total cost, $62,580 without Support sacrifices ($35,044 in sell price)
  • Military: 5-0-1 + 2-4-0 Sniper Monkey; $50,072 in total cost, $62,590 without Support sacrifices ($$35,050 in sell price)
  • Magic: 0-5-0 + 0-3-0 Alchemist; $50,160 in total cost, $62,700 without Support sacrifices ($35,112 in sell price)
  • Support: 2-4-0 Monkey Village and 4-2-0 Banana Farm; $50,372 in total cost, $62,965 without Support sacrifices ($35,260 in sell price)


  • Primary: 2-0-5 + 0-0-3 Dart Monkey and 0-0-5 Tack Shooter; $50,032 in total cost, $62,540 without Support sacrifices ($35,022 in sell price)
  • Military: 0-5-1 + 4-0-1 Monkey Sub; $50,236 in total cost, $62,795 without Support sacrifices ($35,165 in sell price)
  • Magic: 2-0-5 Ninja Monkey + 0-1-0 Super Monkey; $50,448 in total cost, $63,060 without Support sacrifices ($35,314 in sell price)
  • Support: 2-5-0 Spike Factory + 0-0-1 Engineer Monkey; $50,112 in total cost, $62,640 without Support sacrifices ($35,078 in sell price)


Pre-Transformation Sacrifices

Before transforming into the Vengeful True Sun God via absorbing The Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night, a Vengeful True Sun God's sacrifices act exactly the same as the True Sun God. See the True Sun God#Sacrifices page for details regarding the sacrificing mechanics for the pre-transformed Vengeful True Sun God.

Fully Maxed Vengeful True Sun God

When given to a Vengeful True Sun God with maxed sacrifices (assuming the 2/2/2/2 formation, even though it is technically impossible to have a 2/2/2/2 VTSG, as Sun Temples only accept 3 of 4 sacrifice categories), the following occurs. Extra bonuses compared to True Sun God are in bold:

  • +40 pierce to main attack.
  • +100% attack speed to main attack.
  • +15 damage to main attack, for a total of 65 damage for the main attack
  • Adds 16 dark blades every 1.5 seconds, deals 50 damage, and has 20 pierce.
    • Dark blades are split between 22.5° from each other.
  • Adds a new dark glaive attack that fires every 0.5 sec. These dark glaives act like Glaive Ricochet glaives that bounce between the nearest bloons each time it moves. Dark glaives now have 60 damage and 50 pierce.
  • +90% larger projectile size (caps at 100%, but impossible)
  • +90% projectile speed (caps at 100%, but impossible)
  • +30 pierce to all attacks
  • Shoots two dark missiles every 1.0 seconds. Travels at infinite range and deals 2 damage with a bonus 148 MOAB damage to up to 50 bloons.
    • Second missile has increased projectile speed.
  • Gains four dark Spectres that shoots darts and bombs every 0.15s. Darts deal 30 damage and have 10 pierce, while bombs deal 20 damage and have 30 pierce.
    • First and second dark spectres are set on circle and orbit clockwise
    • Third and fourth dark spectres are set on figure-infinite.
    • These function similarly to their Ace path counterparts.
  • Adds 12 homing magic shots that fire every 2.0s, dealing 70 damage and have 7 pierce each.
  • Gains a 40% chance to distract bloons with its main attack.
  • Gains a forcefield attack every 5.0s that can knockback bloons up to Ceramic and MOAB. Affects up to 500 bloons.
    • Adding additional sacrifices does not improve the forcefield attack; rather, the highest Magic sacrifice tier is used to determine the functionality of the forcefield attacks.
  • Can spawn 2 mini dark Sun Avatars every 30 seconds that deal 29 damage per shot and without any footprint. Because the mini dark Sun Avatars have a lifespan of 65 seconds, a maximum of 6 mini dark Sun Avatars can appear on the map at one time. There can not be more than 6 mini dark Sun Avatars as of version 22.0, as the spawn rate is no longer increased by attack speed.
  • +10 range to base Temple
  • 40% discount to all base cost and upgrades of all towers in range
  • +2 damage, 23.5% attack speed bonus (0.81x attack cooldown), +3 pierce, +20% range for all towers in range. (+4 damage, 52.4% attack speed (0.6561x attack cooldown), +6 pierce, +40% range total for all towers in range)
  • +$10000 end of round cash
  • +100% more cash from bloons popped within range of the Temple
  • Unlike the True Sun God, for a x/x/x/2 VTSG, the buff icon shows only the VTSG Buff and not the Sun Temple Buff, even though it is applied.



Vengeful True Sun God should be the main DPS option for reaching ultra high late-game rounds, because a maxed Vengeful True Sun God has the highest DPS on average in the entire game. It greatly benefits from every possible buff in the entire game. Besides being 3 1/3x stronger, most strategies for optimizing True Sun God can be applied to Vengeful True Sun God, with the exception that Legend of the Night is disabled.

Vengeful True Sun God is the most expensive option that still retains capability to accept all universal tower buffs since Paragons cannot accept them, which means it is even more important to maximally buff a Vengeful True Sun God so that it can be competition compared to Paragons. However, since Paragons already deal substantial damage to Boss Bloons, Vengeful True Sun God's usage is displaced in Boss Events, with only use after reaching the maximum Paragon limit or if there are a low amount of available Paragons, and is mainly confined to extreme late-game runs in normal games.


  • Put it in the center to make it use its range to pop maximum bloons, as well as ensure its support buff is distributed to the maximum amount of towers.
  • The optimal Vengeful setup varies depending on how much money you have. Alone, a 2-1-2-2 is best due to the support sacrifices buffing the Vengeful Sun Avatars, which do the majority of the DPS. However, if you have enough money, you can use a 2-2-2-1 to make a pseudo 2-2-2-2. This is because a 2-2-2-1 gives the Vengeful True Sun God buff, not the Sun Temple buff. The Sun Temple buff can be added back with one or two 1-0-1-1 support temples to cover the entire map. The main VTSG will also get the support temple buff, so the tradeoff is worth.
    • If tight on cash, which would primarily happen in a boss event, a 2-1-2-2 VTSG would be better.
  • Again, boosting the Vengeful God with a Permanent Brew Alchemist is highly advised as it boosts the rate of the Vengeful God's various attacks.
    • Note that Dark Avatars are considered sub-towers and therefore are not able to be directly buffed by Permanent Brew.
      • However, the Avatars are able to be affected by area-of-effect buffs, such as Homeland Defense's attack speed increase.
  • Use Overclocks and Ultraboosts for +66% increased attack speed. Ultraboost in particular adds a +6.67% permanent attack speed buff to the VTSG that stacks up to 10 times, on top of any Overclock abilities and any other attack speed buffs.
  • A tier 4 Sun Temple with support sacrifices can boost the power of the Vengeful Temple and other late game support.
  • Placing a 3xx Super Monkey on water using a x3x Arctic Wind Ice Monkey can increase the tower's attack speed. Upgrading the Super Monkey to a 4xx turns it into a water tower, as it sacrifices the Ice Monkey and it continues to sit on the water. Because it becomes a water tower, it gets the passive attack speed buff from Carrier Flagship and Admiral Brickell's level 3 ability.
  • The 5-2-0 crosspath allows its powerful beam attacks to be utilized more often, due to bloons being within range more often, and the Support Sacrifices benefits can extend across a wider range. 5-0-2 can be useful for bonus knockback because of the incredible pierce of the Vengeful True Sun God, but 5-2-0 compensates for the lack of added knockback by combatting BADs better, while other towers can handle the DDTs in other ways.
  • While a 5-0-2 can easily solo to round 100 with no problem (since 5-2-0 requires external camo detection), the VTSG is incapable of popping Golden Bloons. Any attempt to have it pop the Golden Bloon will result in the Golden Bloon jumping to the end rapidly due to the invulnerability when the Golden Bloon gets hit.
  • Because a Vengeful True Sun God requires a complex set of sacrifices, it takes a minimum of 10 different towers (1 from the Super itself, 3 from first sacrifice, 4 from second sacrifice, 2 from the AB and LoTN sacrifice) to get a VTSG. It also takes a minimum of 4 different tower types to make a VTSG, assuming other Super Monkeys are used in the formula for sacrificing. And finally, when taking into account max towers on screen, it takes a minimum of 7 towers on screen at once to be able to make a VTSG.
  • Having a Vengeful True Sun God is highly recommended when combatting Elite Boss Bloons, due to the high HP of Elite Bosses that very few towers can whittle down.
  • Note that the sacrifice progression is longer when upgrading to Vengeful True Sun God, due to needing to absorb the other required T5 Super Monkeys. If possible, try to get a Vengeful True Sun God before a round starts, and turn off Auto Start.

Version History

Balance Changes

Version 14.0 had reworked the strength of sacrifices to reduce the power of mini-Avatars while increasing that for other attacks. Rohan from NK noted that the overwhelming damage output of mini-Avatars was a bug, so instead of outright removing the bonus mini-Avatar nerf, they instead changed the VTSG to allow the alternate sacrifice attacks to gain 3x damage (later changed to 2x damage), alongside the rework of Sun Temple sacrifice damage output.

Most other balance changes are mostly inherited from those that apply to True Sun God. However, Version 27.0 nerfed VTSG to give way for Paragons and better variety during the extreme late-game. With future Paragons being released, the Vengeful True Sun God has moved out of the meta for Bosses, although still a meta option in extreme late-game runs.

  • Added Vengeful True Sun God

The +50 damage to mini-Avatars was possibly unintended originally, but in the 14.0 patch notes, it was labelled as a balance change. It is also speculated that the damage increase coming along with pierce and damage attack nerfs is to reduce lag by reducing the number of projectiles on screen at once. The changes affecting the True Sun God carrying over to the Vengeful True Sun God are calculated with the actual stats of the Vengeful True Sun God, not the True Sun God. This section is adapted from the 14.0 patch notes.


  • NERF No longer grants +50 damage to mini-Avatars
  • BUFF Increases the damage of sub-powers by ×3

Primary Sacrifices

  • BUFF Blade burst stage 1 damage increased from 1 to 45
  • NERF Blade burst stage 1 pierce reduced from 100 to 10
  • BUFF Blade burst stage 2 damage increased from 2 to 75
  • NERF Blade burst stage 2 pierce reduced from 100 to 20
  • NERF All Golden Glaives stages pierce reduced from 100 to 50
  • BUFF Golden Glaives stage 1 damage increased from 2 to 30
  • BUFF Golden Glaives stage 2 damage increased from 2 to 60
  • BUFF Golden Glaives stage 3 damage increased from 3 to 90

Military Sacrifices

  • NERF All Homing MOAB Missile stages pierce reduced from 100 to 50
  • BUFF Homing MOAB Missile damage increased from 50 to 225
  • NERF All Golden Spectre stages attack rate reduced from 0.04s to 0.15s
  • NERF Golden Spectre dart pierce reduced from 50 to 10
  • NERF Golden Spectre bomb pierce reduced from 100 to 30
  • BUFF Golden Spectre stage 1 dart damage increased from 2 to 30
  • BUFF Golden Spectre stage 2 dart damage increased from 3 to 75
  • BUFF Golden Spectre stage 1 bomb damage increased from 2 to 18
  • BUFF Golden Spectre stage 2 bomb damage increased from 3 to 30

Magic Sacrifices

  • BUFF Arcane Blasts stage 1 damage increased from 1 to 60
  • BUFF Arcane Blasts stage 2 damage increased from 2 to 90
  • BUFF Arcane Blasts stage 3 damage increased from 4 to 105
  • NERF VTSG Mini Avatar damage from 51 → 12 (includes the 3× buff)
  • NERF Affected by income generation nerfs to Sun Temple
  • NERF Vengeful True Sun God no longer accepts water buffs unless placed on water
The projectile count of the current multitudes of mini avatars spawned by boosted temples in freeplay contributes to performance decay, so we've capped the spawn rate of these mini avatars. [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Sun Temple mini avatar spawn rate is no longer increased by attack rate buffs
Temples feel like far too much of the bulk of total power in deeper Freeplay scenarios. While this is their role, ever since adding the hidden Vengeful version of the Temple the VTSG has pushed ahead so much that it nearly invalidates other freeplay tower options. While this change won't completely alter that, we have scaled back temples compared to the new Paragons & expensive regular towers by reducing the damage bonus of 555 temple by 33%, and also roughly easing up on the freeplay health ramping of MOABs by a similar amount
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Vengeful True Sun God base attack damage reduced from 75 to 50
  • NERF Vengeful True Sun God attack multiplier for sacrifice powers reduced from 3x to 2x
In an attempt to reduce visual clutter, we have reworked the formula for Temple projectile size scaling to come out overall being smaller by roughly 25%. [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Sun Temple Military sacrifice total projectile size increase formula has been reworked to give an overall reduction in size for the sake of visual clarity
    • Tier 1-5 Military projectile speed and size: +25% → +15%
    • Tier 6-7 Military projectile speed and size: +50% → +30%
    • Tier 8-9 Military projectile speed and size: +75% → +45%
    • Cap of 100% projectile speed and size still exists, although actually a max of 90% when given (X,X)-(9,9)-(X-X)-(X-X) sacrifices
As Engineer sentries do this already, newly spawned Mini Avatars from temples will now by default match the target priority of the temple.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Vengeful True Sun God's Magic Sacrifice mini Dark Sun Avatars when placed will spawn with the same target priority as their parent tower.
Minor strategic balancing for temple builds, as Military is very much intended to be the more range-based sacrifices that are ignorant of vision blockers.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Vengeful True Sun God mini dark avatars no longer ignore Line of Sight

Bug Fixes and General Changes

Extra Notes (Version History)


When upgrading to True Sun God:

When transforming to Vengeful True Sun God:


Official artwork




  • It is known among the community as 5-5-5 Super Monkey, due to the fact that when existing, neither Anti-Bloon or Legend of the Night can be bought. However, it does not share their abilities, but rather, doubles the strength of its attacks.
  • To make it easier for towers that the player does not want to be sacrficed (The Anti-Bloon and LoTN and any upgraded Banana Farms, most notably) it is advised that the player not crosspath into the middle path until after the Vengeful God is aquired if the player wants to crosspath the middle path. Otherwise, do not worry about when to crosspath.
  • Even in co-op games that allow for multiple Tier 5 towers as long as they are from different players, only one Vengeful Monkey can be created at a time. However, creating a Vengeful True Sun God will not disable the ability for other players to place tier 5 Super Monkeys, and attempting to create a Vengeful True Sun God with multiple Anti-Bloons or Legends of the Night on the screen will only sacrifice the Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night of the player who upgraded to True Sun God.
  • Even though it is not possible to use Vengeful True Sun God in Sandbox Mode, it is possible to "test" a Vengeful True Sun God on Challenge Editor.
  • The mini Dark Sun Avatar artwork actually smiles instead of making a tilted frown.
  • In the sprite files of the game, it says that it is a 5-5-5 True Sun God. Every texture that involves the Vengeful Avatar is indicated as "TrueSunGod555" as the normal True Sun God is called "TrueSunGod5xx"
    • Its projectiles sprites are also said to be "555", while the normal True Sun God sprites are not.
  • Prior to Version 14.0, the Vengeful True Sun God's mini Dark Sun Avatars would deal just over 50× more damage than a normal mini Sun Avatar (specifically from 1 damage per shot to 51 damage per shot). Rohan stated that this was a bug, and this unusual damage buff was replaced by a much weaker damage buff since Version 14.0.
  • Even though Version 19.0 added a separate money counter for almost all towers, it has not been yet implemented for Lead to Gold, Rubber to Gold, Monkey Town (and by extent Monkey City), Pirate Lord, Support Chinook (and by extent Special Poperations), and Jungle's Bounty. It has yet to be fully implemented for Spirit of the Forest (ability only), and Sun Temple and True Sun God / Vengeful True Sun God with Support sacrifices.
    • Specifically, the income-per-pop part is not yet implemented, but the end-of-round cash has, however.
  • The Vengeful True Sun God appears to be based off of the Temple of the Vengeful Monkey from the Bloons TD 5 generation; additionally, one of the unofficial names "Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey" is coined in reference to it.
    • Many redditors at r/btd6 ridiculed Bloons Wiki's chosen name for the Vengeful True Sun God as "Avatar of the Vengeful Monkey", commenting about the name's implausible obscurity and poking fun at this name choice with memes. After almost three years, the name of this page was changed to "Vengeful True Sun God" (page moved on June 7th 2021), and subsequently most pages that used the old name have been modified to no longer use it.
  • The only similarity between VTSG and Paragons is having 2 Tier 5s sacrificed when creating it, however there are far more differences.
  • Ninja Kiwi actually acknowledges the term "VTSG" in some of their patch notes. The first instance of such was from their Version 27.0 patch notes when nerfing the VTSG, and the second instance came from Version 32.0 when buffing the Legend of the Night to validate that tower as more than "VTSG fodder".

Ninja Kiwi Blogs

  • In the July 16th, 2021 Ninja Kiwi Blog, it was confirmed that the MK "There Can Be Only One" will not change when the Super Monkey Paragon is released in the future.
  • According to the "What's Up At Ninja Kiwi?" blog, specifically on the 16th July 2021 edition, the official name for the VTSG is "Frankie Fitzgerald".
  • According to NK's October 8th 2021 blog, Ninja Kiwi states that VTSG may be a completely separate entity.


  2. This is ignoring Instakilling and Percentage based Damage attacks such as those afforded by the Legend of the Night's Black Hole ability. Of course, certain types of max Paragons can outclass an unbuffed VTSG, but a max buffed VTSG maintains its supremacy as the tower with highest damage output, as Paragons can not receive buffs.
