Joy Of Snekey Blimp
This is should come in a next update too!
How Fast: ZOMG To Pink every 15 secs or Darting guns, spike factory,Seek Monkey Ace Darts and other seek stuff-Ninja shurkin seek. 3 inches or less.
Hits: 1000
When Round Comes: 116 or Higher
Releases: 1 J.O.Y (Joy Of Armor)
How Big: Big As MOAB
Immune To: Dartling Guns. Spike Factory and Seek Monkey Ace Darts.
How To Pop Easily: Special Agents and Mortar Towers.
If Dartling guns, spike factorys, Seek Monkey Ace Darts or other seek stuff come to this blimp 3 inches or less, the blimp is starting to move as fast as pink bloon until 3 secs.
I drew half circle for a mouth and 2 white lines for the teeth and red eyes for devil eyes Circle and star with airholes in it to make it signal to go faster and front proplers tails orange and 2 fins with rubuies and purple tail.
Its diffrent than J.O.Y (Joy Of Armor)
Its 10 to 60 chance to get it in round 116 or higher.
Health Stages[]
===0% Damage

0% Damage 0-249 Hits

25% Damage 250-499 Hits
Just Basic Looking, No Cracks or damage.

50% Damage 500-749 Hits

75% Damage 750-899 Hits

90% Damage 900-999 Hits
25% Damage===
Tiny Cracks===50% Damage=== Reverse C Crack near the star and damaged tail.
75% Damage[]
Star Airhole is pretty damage and tail is has a bandade
90% Damage[]
A Lot Of Cracks and its on fire-Engine and tail.