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Bloons Wiki

NK added "Oddessy Mode" to BTD 6 as a kind of story mode, and here are some ideas to improve it:

Oddessies are all permanent, instead of being an event.

Boss Bloon at the end of each Oddessy (Reworked for BTD 6).

Custom rounds with some custom bloons.

The ability to recall monkeys from previous levels (Like in The Battle For Wesnoth) through the powers screen for 3/4 of the original cost (including upgrades). As a result, powers and insta-monkeys can't be used.

Special boss music (Like Ocarina Time from BMC for Dreadbloon, and the BTD5 Volcano theme for Blastapopoulos.)

An encyclopedia with an entry for every bloon (including the boss bloons).

Ideas for custom bloons:

PDDT (Bloonarius Oddessy) A DDT that has the purple bloon properties instead of the black bloon property. Can only spawn during the final rounds of the Bloonarius finale and as 3 of Bloonarius's childeren. Description: A worse variation of an already vile bloon, the PDDTs will show you true pain.

Rock Bloon (Dreadbloon Oddessy): Has a tough outer shell that takes 20 hits to pop, then becomes a lead bloon. Moves at the speed of a lead bloon. Rock Bloons will constantly spawn from cave walls during the Dreadbloon fight, these ones not giving cash. Pat Fusty does double damage to these bloons. Rock Bloons can have the Fortified property. Description: Dreadbloon likes coating his minions (and himself) in a thick layer of rock.

Turbo property (Vortex Oddessy): Makes any bloon with this property 2x as fast. This property can be put on any bloon, and it cannot be removed, only countered with stalling monkeys. Description: To Vortex, speed is the most valuable quality in a bloon.

Magma Bloon (Blastapopoulos Oddessy): Is immune to all fire attacks and the burn effect. Shoots fireballs at nearby monkeys (exept Gwendolin), disabling them for 5 seconds. Becomes 2 Purple Bloons when popped. Can spawn randomly from lava, not giving cash when spawned this way. Description: Normal bloons would melt under the exteme heat of a lava coating, so Blastapopoulos chose the Purple bloons for the job.

Nightmare property (Dreadbloon Oddessy): Any bloons with this property can only be popped by a certain monkey, chosen at random. Would only spawn from the Nightmare Fissure in the final stage of the Dreadbloon Campaign. Description: Etherial spawn from the abyss, Dreadbloon's digging opened the portal to their realm.

Hope you enjoy, and feel free to add your own ideas as well!