There was another one of these made by a different user, and that inspired me to make my own.
each round passed=+2 score
each power used=-3 score
beginner map=-25 score
intermediate map=+0 score
advanced map=+10 score
Hard advanced map (ex. Geared or underground)=+15 score
expert map=+30 score
hard expert map (ex. Bloody puddles or #ouch)=+50 score
easy mode=-30 score
medium=+0 score
hard=+10 score
deflation=+20 score
apopalypse=+10 score
primary only=+12 score
military only=+18 score
magic only=+13 score
half cash=+30 score
double HP MOABs=+20 score
Alternate bloons rounds=+16 score
impoppable=+50 score
CHIMPS=+100 score
my highest would be (at the time this was made) 2x146=292-30=262-25=237 score