Bloons Wiki
Bloons Wiki

Hello people of the Bloons Wiki, if you do not already know, I am creating a fanfic based on the BTD series. It's my first fanfic I have ever made so don't be too harsh on me, have fun reading :)


WARNING: This fanfic may have some language that is considered offensive to some users, viewer's discretion is advised. =================================================================================


Chapter 2 has finally come out after almost two months!


Poll 2 coming soon!

Results of Poll #1

Which one of these towers would you like to be introduced in the next chapter?

Monkey Engineer- 2

Monkey Apprentice- 3

Chapter 1 - A Crucial Moment in History[]

October 27 1946 1:26 AM Unknown Location[]

There is a massive war in what appears to resemble Ocean Road between the monkeys and a large horde of lead bloons coming from the entrance. It appears that the bloons are winning. An adult monkey and two teenage monkeys are hiding behind a barricade in the middle of the madness, one of them wields a sniper, another one is controlling a cannon and the last one is holding a sniper as well while throwing pineapples.

Cannon Monkey: Sir! Sir!

Sniper: What is this shouting boy?

Cannon Monkey: We have just received news that a stealth force of leads are approaching from the ocean!

Sniper #2: Camo leads? Youā€™re joking right?

Sniper: Private, continue attacking the leads over there with your pineapples, Iā€™ll take care of these bad boys.

Private: Roger that General!

The Private continues to throw pineapples at the leads at the front while he shoots them down with his sniper. The General then aimed down his sights on the oncoming stealth force.

General: Why do the bloons keep on attacking Seaside Road anyway?

Countless amounts of dead monkeys are seen dead in the distance. The war was going horribly for the monkeys. All of a sudden, a lead bloon approaches the barricade from the right. The Cannon Monkey and Private both try to stop it but the General was in their way.

[At the same time] Cannon Monkey: GENERAL!! BEHIND YOU!! Private: WATCH OUT!!

General: Sergeant and Private, canā€™t you see Iā€™m trying to concentrate? If we donā€™t manage to-

All of a sudden, a lead bloon penetrates their defence and appears behind the general.

General: Wait a second what is- AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

It tackles him down and smashes his head against the ground, leaving him writhing on the ground for a couple of seconds. Soon enough, he was completely motionless. He was definitely dead.

Private: NOOOO!! Fall back, I repeat, fall back!!

Sergeant: Negative! We are surrounded! Thereā€™s no way out!!

Some more metal-like sounds are coming from the ocean and approaching the monkeys while the regular leads at the front are approaching. The sergeant quickly kills the lead bloon that murdered the general. Some monkeys are heard screaming in agony in the distance.

Private: We have no choice sir! We might as well just try and take a blind rush out of this mess! Itā€™s our only hope of survival!

Sergeant: Ok, affirmative, letā€™s do this!! In three! Two! One!

The Private takes the Generalā€™s sniper and puts his own one on his back and leaves the pineapples behind, the two monkeys sprint as fast as they can towards the right-hand side of the bloonsā€™ force.

Sergeant: There are too many! I think we need to split paths to divert the bloons! Iā€™ll come back for you later!

Private: Iā€™m not too sure about that! We should just-

The Sergeant already went his separate way. Just then he was ā€˜hitā€™ numerous times by an invisible force.

Sergeant: Whatā€™s going on? AHHHHH!!

He appears to be suffering from excruciating pain. The Private points his sniper towards him and detects several camo leads surrounding him. He tries to shoot some down but it was already too late. He was shoved to the ground, with several cuts and lacerations, haemorrhaging badly.

Sergeant: Leave without me Private! You must go without me! You must go to that tree..over there!

The Sergeant points out a large tree in the distance.

Private: And what exactly do you want me to do with a tree Sergeant?

Sergeant: JUST LISTEN TO ME!! You must, dig under it and it will lead to, to..

Blood drips out of his mouth as he lies on the ground and a lead bloon is revealed behind him.


He takes out the generalā€™s sniper and shoots the bloon five times.

Private(to himself): I will make your last wish come true! Your final words will not be forgotten!!

He charges straight towards the large tree that the Sergeant pointed out, he didnā€™t care about the horde of leads chasing behind him, he didnā€™t care how badly injured he was, he didnā€™t care about death. He finally stumbles across the rock, confounded on what to do next.

Private (to himself): Why did he tell me to come here? What is the purpose of this banana tree?

ā€œYou must, dig under itā€ He suddenly remembers the Sergeant say. As unusual as he thought it sounded, he wanted to fulfil the sergeantā€™s last words. He tries to dig out the sand with his hands, he found absolutely nothing. The lead bloons were advancing very close to him. He desperately attempts to dig out some sand one more time and all of a sudden, he falls into a dark cavern.

Private: AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

October 27 1946 1:47 AM[]

He lands on a soft matress, completely unharmed. A mechanical whirring sound is heard above him and the sound of the lead bloons as well as the moonlight disappears.

Private: What on earth is this place?

He jumps out of the mattress and finds a weird blue-ish source of light nearby.

Private: What on earth..

He tries to follow it and finds himself walking through a long narrow corridor, the walls and ceiling appeared to be made out of steel. He eventually comes across a large room with what appears to be some blue-ish luminous matter within a circular frame, which seems to be charged up by some square boxes found on the ground wired up to it.

Private: No wayā€¦

He moves towards it slowly, amazed by this creation of some sort. He tries to touch it with his finger but this resulted in him been surrounded by waves of blueness. He started to become dizzy.

Private: Whatā€™s going on?? Hello? Am I hallucinating? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!?!?

The Private is freefalling through a massive blue vortex, drifting away into the nothingness, there seemed to be no up or down. Weightless and bodiless, his perceptions begin to warp and twist as time and space changed. Little did he know that he was going to make a new existence in an unfamiliar environment.

Chapter 2 - An Ominous Disturbance[]

January 27 2024 3:39 PM Park Path[]

We are taken back to the present in Park Path where two monkeys are having a conversation with each other, they seem to be taking a walk, the first one is wearing what appears to be a lab coat and is wielding a glue gun as well as a couple of darts, the second one was wearing military clothes and had a dartling gun attached to his back as well as dart ammo strapped across his shoulder to his waist.

Glue Gunner: So Darwin, how exactly did Park Path get its name? I find peoples' creativity rather dull nowadays, Monkey Lane, Ocean Road, Mount Magma, come on seriously?

Dartling Gunner: Well, fortunately, Park Path has a proper name origin, it dates back to well, not so long ago, 2009. Apparently there was an explosion here, still, nobody knows who did it or why they did it. Anyway, all of the dirt was displaced, the trees were on fire but to peoples' surprise, the concrete path of the park remained the same as if it were untouched, after the rebuilding of the park, its name was changed to 'Park Path', it's a well-known tale around here.

Glue Gunner: But still, I really do wish people could be a bit more imaginative about places' names.

Dartling Gunner: True.

There was a moment of silence. A monkey in a red apprentice's costume is seen hiding behind a tree nearby the two monkeys, he accidentally sets the tree on fire.

Monkey Apprentice: Eep!

Glue Gunner: Why do I see fire over there? Hey, who's that?

Dartling Gunner: I think we need a bucket of water or something

Glue Gunner: Or simply call the ambulance-I mean, fire brigade.

Sirens are heard nearby, a fire truck shows up and monkeys come out to extinguish the flames.

Fire Brigade Monkey: Excuse me, do you realise there is a 'no open flames' sign over there?

Glue Gunner: But sir, we didn't do anything? It was that Monkey Apprentice over...over...there.

The Monkey Apprentice was nowhere in sight, it seems to have disappeared. The fire brigade monkeys continued to extinguish the flames.

Fire Brigade Monkey: Well, you should know that this is an important historic landmark, anyway don't let us catch you doing this again.

Glue Gunner: But we didn't-

The fire brigade monkeys had finished extinguishing the flames and had gone back into their fire truck, they drove off around the bend of a nearby building.

January 29 2024 2:13 AM Glue Gunner's House[]

The Glue Gunner is sleeping happily in his bedroom until he gets disturbed by a large screeching sound, he wakes up and observes his surroundings and then looks out of the window, a large wave of Rainbow Bloons are seen passing by. He goes up to his phone and dials some numbers and puts up the phone to his ear, waiting impatiently.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

What seems to be the voice of the Dartling Gunner from two days ago speaks.

Dartling Gunner: Hello?

Glue Gunner: Darwin, it's me Nyx.

Darwin: Nyx! What on earth are you doing so late at night?

Nyx: More like early in the morning, anyway onto why I called you in the first place, there is a large wave of Rainbow Bloons going through Main Street!

Darwin: Lemme have a look.

Some static is heard.

Darwin: Woah damn, how did they get past security? It has only happened twice before in the history of this...street.

Nyx: We might as well take action.

Nyx starts to get dressed and prepares some clothes and looks at the mirror, he is wearing some black ninja monkey clothes. He heads to the next room which appears to be a lab, he pours some glue into his glue gun and heads downstairs, he then grabs some shurikens and heads outside.

January 29 2024 2:18 AM Darwin's House[]

Darwin is seen putting on his military outfit and loading up his dartling gun as well as putting on his ammo belt, he then rushes outside to meet up with Nyx whose house was right next to his.

January 29 2024 2:22 AM Main Street[]

The two monkeys meet up just when the rainbow bloons had caught up, surprisingly, they haven't done any damage at all yet, especially after rummaging through half of Main Street.

Nyx: Why haven't they caused any damage yet? They've already gone through half of Main Street.

Darwin: No idea, but attack anyway, we cannot take any risks.

Nyx splats some glue on the horde of rainbows, this brings them to their attention and they begin charging at the two monkeys, Darwin shoots several darts out of his weapon and brings them down to yellow bloons, the glue is still intact. Nyx finishes them off with his shurikens.

Nyx: Well, that wasn't too hard, hey why does the sky seem darker than usual?

Darwin: Oh god, this had better not be what I'm thinking it's gonna be.

It turns out there is a MOAB invading Main Street.

Darwin: ...damnit.

The MOAB releases 8 Ceramic Bloons which chase the two monkeys. Nyx sprays glue at them but it seems to be very ineffective. Darwin attempts to shoot dart at them but they weren't helping much either.

The two monkeys run past Main Street and into Ocean Road, they jump into the sea and hold their breath.


Darwin: *glugglugglug*

The Ceramic Bloons dash by, not noticing the submerged monkeys. Nyx and Darwin soon both ran out of breath and are forced to jump out of the sea.

Nyx: Phew, that was close.

Darwin: O_O

The two monkeys run silently away from the Ceramic Bloons until Darwin accidentally trips over a tree trunk.

Darwin: Crap.

Nyx: We're screwed.

The Ceramic Bloons heard the noise and returned to chase down the monkeys, the Ceramics were moving very quickly, too fast for Nyx or Darwin to keep up with their pace.


Darwin: Get off me!!

The monkeys were soon knocked out.

A Promised Secret[]

I was told to never use my ability.

No matter how extreme the situation was.

No matter how tempting it was.

Even if it was a matter of life and death.

I simply couldn't use it.

They would tell me when I would be allowed.

But I never was.

Or never will be.

I had to take it in.

And let fate decide.
