Super Monkey Fan Club Ability: Converts up to 10 nearby Dart Monkeys including himself into Super Monkeys for 12 seconds.
~ BTDB2 description
Super Monkey Fan Club is the 4th upgrade of Path 1 the Dart Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. It has some major differences to its BTD6 counterpart. The ability converts up to 10 of the nearest eligible Dart Monkeys into Super Monkeys, and any untransformed eligible Dart Monkeys are prioritized first before transforming just the closest eligible Dart Monkeys, lasting up to 12 seconds. However, the transformed Super Monkeys attack faster, every 0.05s, start with 50 range, and also affect any base Dart Monkeys placed after an activated fanclub ability. Also, the main Super Monkey Fan Club monkey deals 3 damage instead of 1, and attacks every 0.475s.
Although Super Monkey Fan Club costs more than most tier four abilities and is not easily achievable for round 11-13 defenses, it does see use between rounds 19-22 against groups of MOABs or singular / a few BFBs. One Super Monkey Fan Club is generally not enough for a ZOMG or FZOMG, but can definitely be a large source of damage. It is well-built for defending against late mid-game all-put rushes, as well as rapidly chipping extra DPS and clearing up moderate crowds of Bloons.
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Outdated info: SMFC rush maths ($9000 SMFC now) Page last updated: Before 4.0.2
A 040 Super Monkey Fan Club costs $8840 and sells for $6188, making buying it for a rush and selling it afterwards cost you $2652, making this upgrade not worth getting for less than 3 normal MOABs ($3000), or one fortified and one normal MOAB ($3000). However, it can still be worth against a combo of one BFB and one MOAB ($2600).
In terms of the super fans, opting for multiple crosspathed super fans is beneficial for maximum power. Multiple 0-2-2 is better if no external Camo detector is available, or reaching further. However, 2-2-0 is better for general DPS if Village or Etienne Level 7+ is in the loadout, especially if the big pierce bonus is truly required.
In the late-game, multiple x-4-x SMFC's can be bought just for the permanent damage bonus.
Version History[]
Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
[bug] Transformed fans from a Dart Monkey below Tier 3 can be upgraded into Path 1 or 3 to throw other projectiles quickly.
[bug] Using the Super Monkey Fan Club ability and then selling it will keep the transformed Dart monkeys, however. it wears off as normal
Super Monkey Fan Club transformation attack speed increased (0.06s → 0.05s)
Fixed Super Monkey Fan Club fans throwing other projectiles super quickly
Super Monkey Fan Club range of monkeys affected by the ability increased (40 → 50)
Dart Monkeys placed after an activated Super Monkey Fan Club ability be instantly transformed if the ability has not reached its 10 monkey limit.
No longer requires 9,500 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund.
Super Monkey Fan Club main attack damage increased from 1 to 3, or 2 to 4 damage when transformed by Plasma Monkey Fan Club
We wanted to very slightly improve Dart Monkey’s late game potential by giving x4x and x5x additional base damage, so that these upgrades no longer only provide an ability. This additional damage also applies when the tower is converted into a super monkey from an x4x or x5x ability.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Super Monkey Fan Club: $8,000 → $9,000 and ability duration 15s → 12s
Dart has received a lot of buffs over the updates and has now gained recognition for being dominant tower in all stages of the game. We have decided to weaken its abilities so that it can keep its early game strength while being a bit easier to rush in the mid/late game.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Description corrected to match new ability duration
More than 10 active Fan Club members active at once
Enough XP to unlock Super Monkey Fan Club (pre-1.5.0)
Official artwork[]
Upgrade portrait
Upgrade icon
In earlier versions, the Super Monkey Fan Club bug caused Dart Monkeys to throw non-dart projectiles. It resembles a similar bug in Bloons TD 5 Flash and other Flash versions of the game, which could be used to create hyperspeed Spike-o-pults and Juggernauts. Both versions involved using lower-tier Dart Monkeys and then upgrading them while transformed as Super Monkeys.
The SMFC description in BTDB2 uses the original description in BTD6.
Version 4.0.2's nerf did not update the upgrade description. It was fixed in the version 4.0.3.
The user u/qwertyxp2000 contributed to fixing the discrepency on r/battles2, via the post "Some upgrade inconsistencies as of Version 4.0.2". However, it was accidentally reverted in Version 4.1 before bringing back on Version 4.1.1, due to Ninja Kiwi mistakingly forgetting to implement Version 4.0.3's changes into Version 4.1.