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Bloons Wiki

Various types of Sub-Towers on screen

Sub-Towers are towers that are deployed from the standard Towers and Heroes. They were first introduced in Bloons TD 5 with the introduction of the Planes from the Aircraft Carrier. Many sub-towers can be tapped/click to reveal a menu with their own Pop Count, Sell Button, and Range, like with the Sentries and Marine. However, this is not always the case as demonstrated by the Mini-Comanches and Phoenix. Most sub-towers only last for a limited time and will automatically disappear after some time. Note that Road Items such as Spikes and Pineapples are not considered Sub-Towers, but rather projectiles.

An important part of Sub-Towers is that they can inherit range-based tower buffs from their parent but cannot inherit Alch buffs or Overclock buffs. An exception is made for Etienne drones, which can be affected by Overclock buffs but not Alchemist buffs. Overclock can be targeted onto interactable sub-towers but will generally be wasteful due to the limited time duration of sub-towers.

In Bloons Adventure Time TD, sub-towers make appearance, but are mostly spawned from Warrior Bubblegum (Candy Archers, Gumball Guards, Candy Copters, and Gumball Guardian), Commander Cassie (M.A.F., Sidewinder Strike), Marceline (Skeleton archers), and Ice King (Snow monsters). Select weapons and trinkets may allow characters to summon additional sub-towers. Select allies (Moe, Party God) may summon additional units.

Image Name Parent Clickable
Aircraft Carrier Plane Aircraft Carrier Plane Aircraft Carrier BadMaimMoabParticle
Carrier Flagship Plane Carrier Flagship Plane Carrier Flagship BadMaimMoabParticle
NavarchPlane Navarch Plane Navarch of the Seas BadMaimMoabParticle
MarinePortrait Marine Special Poperations TickGreenIcon
ComancheDefenseUpgradeIcon Mini-Comanche Comanche Defense BadMaimMoabParticle
Comanche Commander Mini-Comanche Comanche Commander BadMaimMoabParticle
Phoenix Phoenix Summon Phoenix BadMaimMoabParticle
LavaPhoenix Lava Phoenix Wizard Lord Phoenix BadMaimMoabParticle
300-SuperMonkey Mini Sun Avatar Sun Temple and True Sun God TickGreenIcon
555-SunAvatarTurret Mini Vengeful Sun Avatar Vengeful True Sun God TickGreenIcon
Golden Spectre Golden Spectre Sun Temple and True Sun God BadMaimMoabParticle
Vengeful Spectre Vengeful Spectre Vengeful True Sun God BadMaimMoabParticle
SentryPortrait Sentry Sentry Gun TickGreenIcon
SentryCrushingPortrait Crushing Sentry Sentry Expert TickGreenIcon
SentryBoomPortrait Boom Sentry Sentry Expert TickGreenIcon
SentryColdPortrait Cold Sentry Sentry Expert TickGreenIcon
SentryEnergyPortrait Energy Sentry Sentry Expert TickGreenIcon
SentryParagonPortrait Champion Sentry Sentry Champion TickGreenIcon
SentryParagonRedPortrait Red Sentry Paragon Master Builder TickGreenIcon
SentryParagonGreenPortrait Green Sentry Paragon Master Builder TickGreenIcon
SentryParagonBluePortrait Blue Sentry Paragon Master Builder TickGreenIcon
SentryParagonChildPortrait Modified Paragon Sentry Master Builder TickGreenIcon
NatureTotem Nature's Ward Totem Obyn Greenfoot TickGreenIcon
EziliTotem Sacrificial Totem Ezili TickGreenIcon
File Ball of Light Adora BadMaimMoabParticle
UCAV UCAV Etienne (Level 10-19) BadMaimMoabParticle
Level20 UCAV Perma UCAV Etienne (Level 20) BadMaimMoabParticle
ShootyTurretPortrait Shooty Turret Geraldo TickGreenIcon
ShootyTurretPlus Shooty Turret (Level 13+) Geraldo TickGreenIcon
CreepyIdol Creepy Idol Geraldo TickGreenIcon
RareQuincyActionFigure Rare Quincy Action Figure Geraldo TickGreenIcon
BottleHotSauce Bottle of 'Gerry's Fire' Hot Sauce Tower Sauce is Applied To BadMaimMoabParticle
BottleHotSaucePlus Bottle of 'Gerry's Fire' Hot Sauce (Level 16+) Tower Sauce is Applied To BadMaimMoabParticle
PetRabbit Pet Rabbit Geraldo BadMaimMoabParticle
GenieBottlePortrait Genie Bottle Geraldo TickGreenIcon
GenieBottleV2Portrait Genie Bottle (Level 18+) Geraldo TickGreenIcon
ParagonPowerTotem Paragon Power Totem Geraldo TickGreenIcon

See Also[]
