Shattering shells strip all special bloon properties off all but the biggest bloons.
~ BTDB2 description
Shattering Shells is the 4th upgrade of Path 3 for the Mortar Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. Like its BTD6 counterpart, it decamos, degrows, and defortifies bloons up to BFB. However, in addition to decamoing DDTs it removes lead properties off them too. Burn damage improves from 1 to 5 per tick, 8 per tick with 2-0-4, and damages bloons every 1.25s for 3.75s. In addition, it is much cheaper than its BTD6 counterpart, making it a more ideal choice for getting rid of weaker fortified blimps. Also, it can apply napalm on Black properties.
It costs $8,500, and is unlocked with the purchase of Mortar Monkey.
An expensive option as a support for weakening BFBs and DDTs in particular. The defortification of blimps up to BFB and removal of DDT lead properties is all that truly matters with this upgrade, yet is still quite expensive. Aside from defortification and lead-stripping, the extra burn damage may be useful against Ceramic rushes to heavily chip their healths, in addition to neutralizing incoming Regrow rushes.
0-2-4 crosspath is recommended to hit the same place more consistently. 2-0-4 does have an improved burn like in BTD6, but the increased blast radius size is still generally outclassed by the focused hits of Rapid Reload.
The bonus burn damage is very niche, but it can be helpful versus dense Ceramic rushes if there is a good loop for Shattering Shells to hit. In practice, it sees most use as a supporting damage versus R28-29 Tight Ceramics.
In a Tack-Mortar strategy, Shattering Shells assists Overdrives to damage DDTs, particularly in the R26-27 range prior to getting Blooncineration.
Version History[]
Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
Shattering Shells now decamos DDTs
Shattering Shells now removes lead properties off DDTs
No longer requires 12000 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund.