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All relics

All Relics collected in the first CT, with exception of: SMS, Air And Sea, Monkey Boost (Note: this is pre-33.0 UI menu exterior)

Relics are in-game modifiers on Contested Territory and Boss Rush in Bloons TD 6. By collecting relics, they unlock special game perks via Relic Knowledge. Relics can be earned by capturing Relic Tiles, which earn Map Relics, or by purchasing a small selection of available Daily Relics at the Team Store. Collecting a Relic allows the team to choose up to 4 Relics from the pool of captured Map Relics and up to 4 Relics from the selection of Daily Relics.

Relic Knowledge is kept if and only if the particular Relic is still available. This means that any team that loses control of a Relic Tile will also lose the associated knowledge that goes with it until the team captures that tile again; the same also applies with neutral tiles. Any team that fails to capture a tile when it turns neutral will also lose the knowledge until it is captured again.

Some of relics can stack quantities or effects via both the Store Relic and captured Map Relic of the same type (e.g. stacking a Powers relic will double the amount of that Power).

List of Relics[]

There are a total of 45 Relics in the game (including unreleased 6 Relics).

Name Description Other notes
All Activated Ability cooldowns for all Monkeys reduced by 10% Percentage ability cooldown decreases from Abilitized stack additively with other cooldown reducers such as Bloontonium Reactor and Primary Mentoring. Likely can stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Air And Sea
Ace, Heli, Buccaneer and Sub have their placement and upgrade costs reduced by 5%, and their reload improved by 5% Attack cooldown reducers from Air and Sea stack multiplicatively, and the discount from Air and Sea stacks multiplicatively. The discount can additively stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type, and attack cooldown reducers also additively.
Alchemist Touch
All attacks can pop Lead Bloons Gives all towers lead-popping power. Also grants lead detection to towers that otherwise cannot target Leads, such as Psi before Level 5.
Bigger Bloon Sabotage
All MOAB-class Bloons spawn with 15% less health and move at 95% speed Reduced blimp health and blimp speed stack additively with other "saboteurs" such as the BigBloonSabotageIcon Big Bloon Sabotage MK. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Box of Chocolates
Start each game with 100 extra lives Increased starting lives stack additively. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Box of Monkey
Start each game with one free Monkey costing $400 or less for unmodified initial placement Based off Medium prices. Free monkey MK is used first.

"Free Tower" benefit DOESN'T stack by having both the Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type. Separate from other "Free Tower" benefits such as BonusMonkeyIcon Bonus Monkey! and BonusGlueGunnerIcon Bonus Glue Gunner MK.

Broken Heart
All attacks do +2 damage to Regrow Bloons Extra damage from Broken Heart stacks additively with sources of Extra damage to Regrow Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Regrows. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
All attacks do +3 damage to Camo Bloons Extra damage from Camo-flogged stacks additively with sources of Extra damage to Camo Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Camos. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Camo Trap
Grants the use of 1 Camo Trap Powerups per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type stacks the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Deep Heat
All attacks can pop White Bloons and frozen Bloons, freezes last longer and through more layers. Version 43.0 modified the white-popping to also include frozen-popping and enhanced freezing.
Durable Shots
All projectiles have +25% pierce First available since the 2nd CT event. Formerly gave +25% lifespan until Version 43.0.

The +25% pierce stacks additively on top of already existing pierce bonuses. If a Store Relic and Map Relic are both active, additive pierce stack of +50% pierce.

El Dorado
All Monkey Money and Team Trophy rewards from game victories are increased by 25% (minimum +1) First available since the 2nd CT event.

Bonus currencies from El Dorado DOESN'T stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.

Extra Empowered
Your hero starts a game with 3 extra levels (stacks with Empowered Heroes on Regular Tiles) Heroes start at Level 3, or Level 6 with EmpoweredHeroesIcon Empowered Heroes MK.

DOES stack with bonus levels from Extra Empowered of Map Relic and Store Relic. Having both gives an instant Level 6, or Level 9 with EmpoweredHeroesIcon Empowered Heroes MK in combination.

Flint Tips
Sharp Projectiles add fire DoT to all Bloons they damage (1 damage every 2.5s for 5s total) Note that sharp projectiles still cannot damage lead bloons with this relic; this requires Alchemist Touch in addition to Flint Tips to apply that burn effect.
All attacks do +2 damage to Fortified Bloons Extra damage from Fortifried stacks additively with sources of Extra damage to Fortified (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Fortified. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Glue Trap
Grants the use of 2 Glue Trap Powerups per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Going the Distance
All Monkeys gain +30% range and their projectiles gain +30% lifespan Extra range from Going the Distance multiplicatively stacks with other range bonuses. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type, stacking multiplicatively.

Bonus projectile lifespan from Going the Distance stacks multiplicatively with other projectile lifespan increases, such as Guided Magic's increased Wall of Fire lifespan. Can stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.

Hard Baked
All attacks do +1 damage to Ceramic Bloons Extra damage from Hard Baked stacks additively with sources of Extra damage versus Ceramics (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Ceramics. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Regrow Bloons regeneration is disabled First available since the 2nd CT event. Reduced regeneration percentage rate likely stacks additively. Can stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Hero Boost
Heroes earn XP 20% faster in each game Increased hero XP rate stacks multiplicatively (or additively?). Stacks multiplicatively (or additively?) with the MK SelfTaughtHeroesIcon Self Taught Heroes and MonkeysStrongerTogetherIcon Monkeys Together Strong. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type, stacking multiplicatively.
Magic Monkeys
Reduces cost of all Magic Monkeys by 8% Added on 32.4 on the 5th CT Event. Store-exclusive.

Discount from Magic Monkeys stacks multiplicatively.

Mana Bulwark
Creates a shield that absorbs up to 50 lives (stacks with Mana Shield on Regular Tiles) Adds a shield of 50 lives that regenerate 5 shield lives if no lives were lost in the previous round. Mana Bulwark's shield generation benefits stack additively with other sources of shield generators, including ManaShieldIcon Mana Shield MK. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type; stacks the max shield additively and the regeneration rate is also additive.
Marching Boots
In restricted count games, give players +1 max count of each tower in their loadout or +4 total max count per game DOES stack the bonus tower count and max tower count with itself if with a Map Relic or Store Relic of the same type.
Military Monkeys
Reduces cost of all Military Monkeys by 8% First available since the 2nd CT event. Store-exclusive.

Discount from Military Monkeys stacks multiplicatively.

All attacks do +2 damage to MOAB-class Bloons First available since the 4th CT event.

Extra damage from MOAB Clash stacks additively with sources of Extra damage versus MOAB-class Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Blimps. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.

Grants the use of 1 MOAB Mine Powerup per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Monkey Boost
Grants the use of 2 Monkey Boosts per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Monkey Tycoon
Get +1 of all Monkey Towers in your loadout and their base price is reduced by 4% Was first released in 29th CT event. Store-exclusive.
Restores 20 lives per round up to each game's starting lives value, if no lives lost the round Bonus life regeneration from Regeneration stacks additively with other life generators. DOES stack its life regeneration with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Restore 10 lives per round up to an increased starting lives value of +150, if no lives lost that round First available since the 3rd CT event.

Bonus life regeneration stacks from Restoration additively with other life generators. DOES stack its life regeneration with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type. However, it cannot stack its increased maximum starting life values.

Road Spikes
Grants 10 stacks of Road Spikes per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Rounding Up
Earn +$20 at the end of every round Bonus end-of-round cash stacks with other end-of-round income generators such as Merchantman. DOES stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Royal Treatment
All attacks can pop purple Bloons Gives all attacks Purple-Popping Power. Also grants Purple detection to towers that otherwise will not target Purples, such as Psi before Level 13.
All attacks can pop black Bloons -
Grants the use of 2 SMS per game Short for Super Monkey Storm.

As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.

Support Simians
Reduces cost of all Support Monkeys by 8% First available since the 8th CT Event. Store-exclusive.

Discount from Support Simians stacks multiplicatively.

Starting Stash
Start each game with an extra 250 cash (stacks with More Cash on Regular Tiles) Bonus starting cash from Starting Stash stacks additively with other bonus starting cash sources such as MoreCashIcon More Cash MK. Can not stack with itself if with a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type.
Tech Bot
Grants the use of 1 Tech Bot Powerup per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.
Grants the use of 2 Thrive Powerup per game As a Power, having both a Map Relic and Store Relic of the same type DOES stack the number of Powers additively. Can't be used in Time Attack.


Name Description Other notes
Primary Primates
Reduces cost of all Primary Monkeys by 8% Internal name is "StoreOnlyPrimates". Based on patterns of other released relics, expected to be store-exclusive.
Monkey Shield
For 1 hour after capture, Tile cannot be attacked by opposing Teams. Improved score will re-engage. Internal name is "MonkeyShield".
Monkey Shield Mark 2
For 2 hours after capture, Tile cannot be attacked by opposing Teams. Improved score will re-engage. Internal name is "MonkeyShieldMark2".
Monkey Shield Mark 3
For 3 hours after capture, Tile cannot be attacked by opposing Teams. Improved score will re-engage. Internal name is "MonkeyShieldMark3".
Open Season
Attack any Tile on the map Internal name is "OpenSeason".
Psi Vision
See full details for all Tiles on the map Internal name is "PsiVision".



Relic Knowledge is vital for the top success in capturing tiles. Each one of them provides a notable benefit for all tiles, especially Banner and Relic Tiles. Relics can be used on any tile, and can compensate for the lack of some Monkey Knowledge. Strategize how each Relic should be earned in a specific order, and use the benefits of each Relic to obtain minimal scores and conquer particularly challenging tiles.


  • Start with the closest Relic Tiles first and then travel outwards to capture the powerful Relics. The Relic Tiles available close to the team's home tile can give some benefits for capturing future tiles further out.
  • If there are 4 or less Map Relics owned by the team, use them all for the maximum advantage. If there are more than 4, choose the best 4 Map Relics to use for conquering tiles.
  • Try to buy the Daily Power if possible unless it does little to no effect (Tech Bot being a notorious example). Almost all Power Relics have at least some use that may help maximize your advantages in optimizing scores.
  • Remember that it is not possible to opt out of any bought Store Relics. Some of these may backfire, such as life-regenerating Relics (such as Restoration) when using Heart of Vengeance strategies, though most bought Store Relics overall are a major benefit.
  • Store Relics and Map Relics of the same type can stack. For instance, unlocking the Road Spikes Daily Relic and capturing the Road Spikes Relic Tile unlocks two instances of the Road Spikes Relic that could be used and stack upon each other. It is not confirmed whether all types of Relics stack, but some Relics can't stack most or all of their effects. Example of a specific interaction: e.g. Restoration's regen stacking with itself but not max lives.
    • All Power Relics can stack in that the quantities stored is doubled.
    • All Relics specific to damage bonuses do stack with itself and other Relics.
    • It is not expected that discount-specific Relics stack with themselves but do stack with other Relics (e.g. Air and Sea + Military Monkeys for a Monkey Ace, but not two Air and Seas).
  • Ezili's sacrificing of lives via Sacrificial Totem do not affect the regeneration of lives from Restoration or Regeneration, provided no bloons leaked on the same round.
  • Some Relics may have little or no strategical purpose for capturing tiles. El Dorado and Tech Bot are among the least effective Relics for those purposes, although El Dorado affects in-game currency and Tech Bot merely assists in automating user input.
    • If there are Relic Tiles containing Relics of insignificant value, don't be deterred by them; treat them as Regular Tiles with the difficulty of Banner Tiles but only half the score. Capture these tiles if the opponent may get an advantage of them, such as if such tiles are near "good" Relic tiles.

Version History[]

Balance Changes[]

  • NERF [bug fix] 7 Relics can no longer be selected while on the Relics menu, capped at 4 as intended
  • BUFF [bug fix] Ice Monkey with Camo Flogged now freezes Camo.
Most balance time this update was dedicated to actual towers, but a few Relic Knowledge points in CT stood out to us as far too strong or weak & are seeing the numbers update below. In future updates we will be taking a closer look at top & bottom performing relic points, so if you want to have your voice heard on that matter the next month will be the time.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Camo Trap: Number provided reduced from 2 → 1
  • NERF Flint Tips: DoT tic rate reduced 2s → 2.5s, adjusted duration from 4s → 5s to still apply two ticks total
  • BUFF Camo Flogged: Bonus damage to Camo increased from +1 → +3
  • BUFF Hero Boost: Increased XP value increased +10% → +15%
  • BUFF Going the Distance: Range bonus increased from +10% → +20%
  • NERF [undocumented] Map Relics and Shop Relics of the same type no longer stack with each other (e.g. double Restoration does not regenerate twice)
A small list of number changes have been changed up for CT Relic Knowledge. We are mainly here hoping to create a standout use-case difference for Restoration & Regeneration rather than one being purely better in every way.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF MOAB Clash: reduced from +3 -> +2
  • BUFF Regeneration: restore lives/round (up to starting lives) 10 -> 20
  • NERF Restoration: restore lives/round (up to starting lives +200) 20 -> 10
  • NERF Starting Stash bonus starting cash reduced $300 -> $250
  • NERF Air and Sea: discount amount reduced from 10% -> 5%
  • NERF Box of Monkey: free tower cost limit reduced from $500 -> $400
  • NERF Primary Primates: Primary Monkeys discount 10% -> 8%
  • NERF Military Monkeys: Military discount 10% -> 8%
  • NERF Magic Monkeys: Magic discount 10% -> 8%
  • NERF Monkey Tycoon: All Monkeys discount 5% -> 4%
  • BUFF Heartless: regrow rate reduction 25% -> 50%
  • BUFF [Undocumented] Map Relics and Shop Relics of the same type now can stack with each other (e.g. double Restoration does regenerate twice)
We’ve included slight tweaks for a few relic knowledge. Many of these relics are having slight number increases as they seem to have low value across all tile types (relics with low usage only on some tile types have not received changes as they still have value in niche cases), Restoration maximum barrier size is being reduced slightly as it too effectively acts as a complete camo counter in many cases while also providing benefits against non-camo Bloons.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Hero Boost: Hero XP multiplier increased from 15% to 20%
  • BUFF Broken Heart: Bonus damage to Regrow increased from 1 to 2
  • BUFF Going the Distance: Range bonus increased from 20% to 30%
  • BUFF Fortifried: Bonus damage to fortified increased from 1 to 2
  • NERF Restoration: Maximum barrier reduced from 200 to 150
Minor tweaks to Heartless which feels it has no competitive edge over most other Relics & Monkey Boost which overperforms on all available tiles.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Heartless now ‘disables’ Regrow Bloons: Regrow rate increased 150% > 10,050%
  • NERF Monkey Boost granted uses of the Monkey Boost power reduced 3 > 2
Some Relics required more functional changes. As more range is situational and sometimes detrimental Going the Distance has been merged with Durable Shots to also grant increased Lifespan, Durable Shots now instead increases the pierce of all towers. As ‘Popping White Bloons’ is also far too situational Deep Heat now also grants Frozen Bloon popping and improves the duration of Freezes.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Going the Distance now also provides Lifespan +30%
  • NERF Durable Shots no longer grants increased lifespan
  • BUFF Durable Shots now grants towers increased pierce +25%
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also allows all attacks to pop Frozen bloons
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also grants Freezes longer duration +10%
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also allows Freezes to last extra layers +1

Bug Fixes and General Changes[]

  • Resolved an issue where Ice towers buffed by the Camo Flogged Relic would not freeze camo bloons
  • Resolved an issue with selecting more than 4 relics in CT
  • Royal Treatment relic now allows Psi to target Purple Bloons
  • Bigger Bloons Sabotage no longer also applies to Boss Bloons
  • BUFF [bug fix] Relic related Life/Shield regeneration functions should no longer interfere with Mana Shield
  • CT Tile Victory will no longer display rewards that you didn’t earn (CT Points/Relics) if you beat the map but did not beat the capture score
  • Resolved an issue with the El Dorado relic not applying correctly


All Relics Per Week[]

RK Effects[]

Relic Icons[]

Currently only including released Relics and the Relic template.


  • Some of the Relic Knowledge Points involving bloon type popping power tend to involve mixing damage types (e.g. "Alchemist Touch" for popping Leads, and "Sharpslosion" for popping Blacks).
  • Only 8 out of 14 Powers are involved in Relics.