Restores 20 lives per round up to each game's starting lives value, if no lives lost the round
~ In-game description
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The extra lives at the end of each round can be helpful as a long-term benefit for cushioning against a few leaking bloons. Compared to Restoration, the life regeneration aspect is greater and is superior for the short-term.
Typically most effective in Time Attack tiles compared with Restoration, as race strategies often involve a lot of early leaks, and recovering lives faster can help get a faster time by sending more rounds earlier.
Like Restoration, Regeneration can backfire with Heart of Vengeance strategies, as replenishing lives reverts the attack speed benefit that xx2 druid provides after leaking lives. This means that if Regeneration is a featured relic, purchasing it can backfire on tiles with druids enabled.
Version History[]
Balance Changes[]
Relic related Life/Shield regeneration functions should no longer interfere with Mana Shield
A small list of number changes have been changed up for CT Relic Knowledge. [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi
Regeneration life regeneration bonus increased 10 -> 20