“ | Limited edition, mint condition original Quincy, Son of Quincy action figure! This is only going to go up in value so buy it now! | ” |
~ Description of "Rare Quincy Action Figure" |
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The Rare Quincy Action Figure is an item in Geraldo's Shop in Bloons TD 6. When placed on the map, its sell value grows by a certain percentage at the end of each round. So, it can be bought early and then sold later for a profit, can be up to 95% sell potency from each round value (100% base price sell potency with Better Sell Deals MK). Only one can be owned per Geraldo at once. It cannot be bought on Deflation or CHIMPS, as it is regarded as an income generator. Although only one Rare Quincy Action Figure is available per player, Geraldo can restock it again 4 rounds after selling it.
On the round that Geraldo Level 2 is unlocked, the Rare Quincy Action Figure will cost $555 on Easy, $650 on Medium, $700 on Hard, and $780 on Impoppable. At the end of each round, its value will increase by 10% for rounds 1-30, 5% for rounds 31-80, and 2% for rounds 81+.
Rare Quincy Action Figure's value increases exponentially based on the round that Geraldo is placed on. Its value will increase at exponential rates depending on the subsequent rounds, 10% at the end of rounds 1-30, 5% at the end of rounds 31-80, and 2% at the end of rounds 81+. Boundary values aforementionally mentioned are top-and-bottom-inclusive.
The equation involves three distinct equations, ignoring rounding rules:
- Multiply by 1.1 for every round between unlocking the figurine and round 30: k * 1.1^(n-start)
- Then by 1.05 for every round after 30 up to 80: k * 1.1^(31-start) * 1.05^(n-31)
- Then by 1.02 for every round after 80: k * 1.1^(31-start) * 1.05^50 * 1.02^(n-81)
- n is the round you are on and k is the base cost of the figurine
In Bloons TD 6, all purchase prices (but not sell prices) round to a nearby 5 according to IEEE 754-2008; round to the nearest 5 as usual, except lower-end 2.5 values (e.g. 42.5) round down and upper-end 2.5 values (e.g. 47.5) round up. So, after calculating the values of the figure's purchase prices, round to a nearby 5 according to IEE 754-2008. Sell prices follow the standard rounding rule up to the nearest 1.
Note that the default sellback of the Rare Quincy Action Figure is a 95% rate. The effects of the ( Better Sell Deals MK do not affect the current cost, only the initial cost (e.g. for Medium, with MK the initial sellback would be $650 instead of $620, therefore only +$30 sellback).
Under the assumption that the Rare Quincy Action Figure was unlocked and placed on Round 1, the following graphs are the costs of the Rare Quincy Action Figure on the most important thresholds, such as every 10 rounds:
Round | Easy | Medium | Hard | Impoppable |
1 | $555 | $650 | $700 | $780 |
10 | $??? | $1,533 | $??? | $??? |
20 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
30 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
40 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
50 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
60 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
70 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
80 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
90 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
100 | $??? | $??? | $??? | $??? |
Round | Easy | Medium | Hard | Impoppable |
1 | $595 | $700 | $755 | $840 |
10 | $??? | $1,651 | $??? | $??? |
20 | $??? | $4,281 | $??? | $??? |
30 | $??? | $11,897 | $??? | $??? |
40 | $??? | $18,949 | $??? | $??? |
50 | $??? | $30,866 | $??? | $??? |
60 | $??? | $50,277 | $??? | $??? |
70 | $??? | $81,896 | $??? | $??? |
80 | $??? | $133,400 | $??? | $??? |
90 | $??? | $167,396 | $??? | $??? |
100 | $??? | $204,055 | $??? | $??? |
Round | Easy | Medium | Hard | Impoppable |
1 | $635 | $750 | $810 | $900 |
10 | $1,500 | $1,770 | $1,910 | $2,120 |
20 | $3,880 | $4,585 | $4,955 | $5,500 |
30 | $10,075 | $11,900 | $12,890 | $14,275 |
40 | $17,190 | $20,300 | $21,925 | $24,360 |
50 | $28,000 | $33,070 | $35,715 | $39,685 |
60 | $45,610 | $53,870 | $58,180 | $64,640 |
70 | $74,290 | $87,745 | $94,765 | $105,295 |
80 | $121,010 | $142,930 | $154,360 | $171,515 |
90 | $151,850 | $179,350 | $193,700 | $215,225 |
100 | $185,105 | $218,630 | $236,120 | $262,355 |
For other variants of unlocking and placement of Rare Quincy Action Figure, use the formula, or try solving it on WolframAlpha or making a program on this.
Note that for extreme freeplay rounds the cost and sellback maxes out at $10,000,000; this can be reached around round 300 on Hard.
Assumes Geraldo was bought on Round 1, and Rare Quincy Action Figure is $750 (pre-41.0). Sourced from "Geraldo's Rare Quincy Action Figure Price scaling chart according to the Wiki (10% 1-30, 5% 31-81 and 2% 82+)" on r/btd6:
The profit formula for the Rare Quincy Action Figure, written in Python as a GUI. The code below is from a GitHub project that adds the formulations for the Rare Quincy Action Figure (link: https://github.com/derpferpmerp/QuincyFigurine, written by derpferpmerp on GitHub). Provided the "numpy" library is usable, this code can run on a Python interpreter.
Open the "Expand" tabber to open up the contents. Try copying the code onto an online Python compiler (e.g. www.programmiz.com's Python compiler). Try editing the "__main__" section of the program to get some values for the starting round and end rounds.
Python Code for Rare Quincy Action Figure |
import numpy as np
class Figurine(object):
"""docstring for Figurine"""
def __init__(self,
if start is None: self.start = 1
else: self.start = start
if sellback is None:
self.sellback = 0.95
else: self.sellback = sellback
if rounding is None: self.rounding = 0
else: self.rounding = rounding
if starting_cost is None: self.starting_cost = 750 # Medium Mode Pricing
else: self.starting_cost = starting_cost
def _apply_sellback(self, cost:float):
return self.sellback * cost
def _determine_quincy_cost(self, rcurr:int):
Function: determine_quincy_cost
Summary: Determines Figurine Cost Based on Current Round
Examples: object.determine_quincy_cost(20)
@param (rcurr:int): Current Round (Round to Calculate to)
Returns: Float
if rcurr <= 30 and rcurr > self.start:
hyp_sell = self.starting_cost * pow(1.1, rcurr - self.start)
elif rcurr <= 80 and rcurr > 30:
hyp_sell = self.starting_cost * pow(1.1, 31 - self.start) * pow(1.05, rcurr - 31)
elif rcurr > 80:
hyp_sell = self.starting_cost * pow(1.1, 31 - self.start) * pow(1.05, 50) * pow(1.02, rcurr - 81)
return hyp_sell
def _full_cost(self, rcurr:int):
unmod_cost = self._determine_quincy_cost(rcurr)
sell_cost = self._apply_sellback(unmod_cost)
round_cost = round(sell_cost, self.rounding)
return round_cost
def _calc_cost(self, rcurr):
if isinstance(rcurr, list):
return np.array([self._full_cost(rnd) for rnd in rcurr], dtype=np.float64)
return self._full_cost(rcurr)
def _GRS(self, round_number, cost):
# GRS = Generate Round String
return f" Round {str(round_number)} : ${cost}"
def _generate_profit_string(self, profit_item, rcurr):
lst_out = []
conv_list = lambda alpha, beta: lst_out.append(self._GRS(alpha, beta))
if not isinstance(profit_item, float):
for i, profit in enumerate(profit_item):
conv_list(rcurr[i], profit)
conv_list(rcurr, profit_item)
return "\n".join(lst_out)
def _display_profit(self, profit_string):
"\n -- Quincy Action Figurine Calculator -- ",
" - Setup Info - ",
f" Starting Round : {self.start}",
f" Sellback Value: {int(self.sellback * 100)}%",
" - Total Profit - ",
], sep="\n")
def calc_profit(self, rcurr):
original_cost = float(self.starting_cost)
sellback_value = self._calc_cost(rcurr)
total_profit = sellback_value - original_cost
profit_string = self._generate_profit_string(total_profit, rcurr)
return total_profit
if __name__ == "__main__":
quincy = Figurine()
lst = quincy.calc_profit([21,51,81,100])
Rare Quincy Action Figure acts as an investment. On all modes that enable selling and income generation (which excludes all Income Restricted Modes), it is a valuable item for gaining a considerable investment.
When Geraldo first unlocks it (at level 2), it starts off with its base cost. At the end of each round, its value is multiplied by a factor based on the round, stacking multiplicatively with previous increases (e.g. 110%, 121%, 133.1%, ... of the original value). The increase is 10% between rounds 1 and 30, by 5% between rounds 31 and 80 and by 2% on rounds 81 onwards. The 10% is based on the round number, not when he unlocks it, so if it is unlocked at round 29, it will only gain 10% twice before the growth rate switches to 5%.
The Rare Quincy Action Figure sells for 95% of its current value, regardless of how much was spent on it (unlike other towers), and is unaffected by Favored Trades or above. With Better Sell Deals, the extra +5% sellback applies only to its base value. The maximum buy and sell price is $10,000,000 (reached around round 300).
Once sold, it can be bought again (after it restocks), but since the value continues to grow, the second purchase will cost even more, so it is impractical to buy it more than once. Selling and rebuying Geraldo does not reset the value; only the initial unlock round matters.
The Rare Quincy Action Figure cannot be bought on Deflation or CHIMPS, as neither allow income generation. It can still be bought when selling is disabled in special challenges (e.g. Odysseys or Challenges with No Selling enabled), although it becomes useless outside of unconventional methods (e.g. Flooded Valley's forced selling).
Optimal Buy/Sell Rounds[]
There are many factors which dictate when to buy/sell the Rare Quincy Action Figure. In general, it is best to purchase the Action Figure immediately after buying Geraldo by saving up $1200-1400. After this sell the figure at any point between rounds 31-80 as the value growth slows down after this phase. The exact round to sell will largely be dictated by whenever the defense begin leaking against Bloons. Use the extra cash to buy supplemental defense and Banana Farms for more consistent and scalable income. If map space is limited, it might be worth it to hold onto the figure closer to round 80. In any case, it is generally not a good investment to buy the action figure again after selling it.
- As per above, trying to purchase the Rare Quincy Action Figure later will result in higher costs. Try to buy it as soon as possible after placing Geraldo while it is still affordable.
- Buying both Geraldo and Rare Quincy Action Figure on the same round costs $1100 on Easy, $1400 on Medium, and $1510 on Hard, and $1680 on Impoppable.
- Delaying placing Geraldo can allow the Figure to be purchased at a lower price and an earlier round, though the profit will also be lower.
- Placement of the Rare Quincy Action Figure should not matter as long as it is placed away from strategical locations. An isolated but visible location well away from open spots is often the best place to put the Rare Quincy Action Figure. An example of an appropriate location would be underneath the trees on Monkey Meadow.
- The Figure has the sight range of a base Dart Monkey, and can be used for Advanced Intel.
- The Figure can take certain Geraldo's buffs like Bottle of 'Gerry's Fire' Hot Sauce, so it can be placed in key positions which do not need a more powerful tower.
- Sandbox testing:
- Changing the round number affects the value.
- The cooldown reset button (yellow clock icon) restocks items.
- The figure's sell value is unaffected by Half Cash mode. However, it is difficult and often impractical to purchase it on Half Cash without using a Cash Drop or delaying Geraldo's placement by a significant amount of rounds.
- After every round, the Rare Quincy Action Figure makes a chime sound to denote its increased value. This particular sound can be used as an audio reminder for the starts of each round.
Version History[]
Balance Changes[]
The Rare Quincy Action Figure is a popular Geraldo item on game modes that specifically desire maximum income, especially Boss Bloon Events, allowing Geraldo to become on par or be superior to the income potential of Benjamin. However, it got indirectly nerfed in Version 34.0 when Geraldo himself got a price nerf, effectively raising the total cost of Rare Quincy Action Figure by slowing down the snowballing of income by about one round.
- 31.0
- Released
- 31.1
- [bug fix] Rare Quincy Action Figure now correctly use Impoppable prices on Impoppable.
- This is a definite nerf for all except Rare Quincy Action Figure, which might actually have higher scaling of cash gain.
- 34.0
“ | Geraldo's Sharpening Stone still stands out as extremely powerful for such a low cost, and how early he can be placed as a fast leveling hero allows for extremely easy power ramping from early on. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi, referring to all Geraldo nerfs in 34.0 |
- Indirectly nerfed by Geraldo price increase
- 38.0
- Rare Quincy Action Figure no longer takes one more round to refresh stock if bought from full stock
- 41.0
- Rare Quincy Action Figure price reduced from $750 to $700
- This reduces the cost of the Rare Quincy Action Figure, which slightly reduces the snowball effect of the income generation, but also makes it easier to be purchased.
- Note that Geraldo costs $50 more to place, making the Geraldo + Rare Quincy Action Figure combo remain $1450 on Medium.
- 43.0
“ | Geraldo has been far too powerful for a while and all-round nerfs are coming to many outstanding aspects, however in return a little quality of life is coming with some more forgiving stock capacities and [...] | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
- Rare Quincy Action Figure price reduced from $700 to $650
- This reduces the cost of the Rare Quincy Action Figure, which slightly reduces the snowball effect of the income generation, but also makes it easier to be purchased.
Bug Fixes and General Changes[]
- 31.1
- All Geraldo items now correctly use Impoppable prices on Impoppable.
- This is a definite nerf for all except Rare Quincy Action Figure, which might actually have higher scaling of cash gain.
- 38.0
- Fixed a bug where reassigning Rare Quincy Action Figures in Co-Op will inherit the wrong sellback value.
Placing the Rare Quincy Action Figure:
- [Mechanical locking]
When the Rare Quincy Action Figure appreciates in value:
- [Chime]
Not enough images! There are not enough images on this page to sufficiently complete this page or section. You can help by uploading some images related to the article's subject(s). In particular, this article needs: Adora with the option to sacrifice the Rare Quincy Action Figure in the sacrifice menu. |
- This Geraldo's Shop item is the only item to feature an existing Hero, obviously representing Quincy.
- Rare Quincy Action Figure is sometimes shortened to Quincy NFT. When Geraldo got first released, many members of the BTD6 community started referring to the Rare Quincy Action Figure as a "Quincy NFT", coinciding with the speculative value of NFTs (non-fungible tokens), a type of digital certificate of purchase.
- Unlike NFTs, though, the Rare Quincy Action Figure's value is worth something; its value reliably increases over time. NFTs are largely scams; previously thought to be a revolutionary method for digitally proving purchases of exclusive commodities, NFTs were notoriously known for their status as speculative investments, many of which quickly become worthless over time.
- The maximum cost of Rare Quincy Action Figure, at $10,000,000, is almost the same as 16 5-0-0 True Sun Gods on Medium difficulty. The aforementioned would theoretically cost $10,048,000.