Quincy is a Hero that appears in Bloons Card Storm. Compared with Gwendolin, he has less bloontonium capacity, but his abilities in exchange require more bloontonium. His first active ability deals 30 damage against a single bloon for 3 bloontonium, while his second active ability deals 50 damage against every opposing bloon for 9 bloontonium. His passive automatically deals 10 damage against any bloon played on the opponent's side, although it does not retroactively damage existing bloons.
In the first closed test for Bloons Card Storm, Quincy was featured in three decks: Quincy Starter, Quincy Aggro, and Quincy Control. Quincy is the only hero who can use the Storm Of Arrows card.
Quincy excels at taking out weaker bloons early on, but is less efficient against bloons with a larger delay like BFBs and Rainbows. His low Bloontonium cost for his abilities benefits him in the early game, as his abilities are cheaper than Gwendolin's, but is less effective against slower bloons such as MOABs or Ceramics.