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Ceramic loading

Example of a loading screen in BTDB2

Loading Screen is a loading screen, which plays before transitioning to or from a game. It was first introduced in Bloons TD 5 Flash, and has since been added to every other game since.


Before Bloons TD 5[]

Before Bloons TD 5, there is no loading screen, going straight to the main game. (?)

Bloons TD 5[]

In Bloons TD 5, including Flash and Mobile counterparts, the loading screen is shows the words "Bloons [newline] TD5" below an icon of a Dart Monkey.

Bloons TD 6[]

Consists of a rotating 4-pointed star around a closed golden monkey icon, which represents Tier 5 Upgrades. There are no in-game tips. The entire screen's background is just black.

Bloons Adventure Time TD[]

Main article: Cuber

The loading screen normally consists of James Baxter rolling on a beachball as well as Cuber pointing out in-game tips. When going to and from Martian Games, the screen is replaced by Finn rotating and moving through floating food.

Bloons TD Battles 2[]

The loading screen in Battles 2 consists of various scenery of the player's current arena, along with Quincy telling in-game tips.

Current in-game tips as of Version 1.0.3:

You receive cash equal to your eco every 6 seconds. You can increase your eco by sending Bloons.
Different bloon sends will increase your eco by different amounts. Some more powerful bloon sends will even reduce your eco!
Camo Bloons are very sneaky. Most monkeys won't be able to see them without upgrades.
Watch out for Regrow Bloons! These heart shaped Bloons will grow back layers if not popped quickly.
Many attacks will bounce right off the hard shell of Lead Bloons. Try using special attacks like explosives or fire.
MOABs are big, slow and extremely tough. If even one of them gets through it's an instant defeat!
Ceramic Bloons have tough outer layers. You'll need to chip away at them to reach the weaker Bloons inside.
White and zebra Bloons can't be frozen or damaged by ice attacks.
Black and zebra Bloons can't be damaged by explosives.
Purple Bloons can't be hurt by energy attacks such as fire, lasers or magic.
Bloons with metal bands round them have been fortified. They'll take twice as much damage to pop.
DDTs are large, black MOAB Bloons that have the same properties as camo, lead and black Bloons.
The Dart Monkey is an efficient, cheap attacker for the early game with some powerful upgrades for later rounds.
The Bomb Shooter fires explosives that can pop lead Bloons. The MOAB Mauler upgrades are especially effective against MOAB Bloons.
Ice Monkeys can freeze Bloons solid to stop them in their tracks. Not all monkeys can pop frozen Bloons though.
Tack Shooters are effective when placed on tight corners. Their Blade Maelstrom upgrade is great for when you're being overrun by a lot of Bloons.
The Glue Gunner can't pop Bloons without upgrades, only slow them down. You'll need the Corrosive Glue upgrade or another tower to pop the glued Bloons.
The Sniper Monkey has unlimited range that covers the entire map. It won't be able to see through solid objects though.

Monkey Subs can be upgraded to use other monkeys ranges as well as their own.

The Monkey Buccaneer and the Monkey Sub are the only monkeys that can be placed on water.
The Monkey Ace has several flight paths it can follow. Choose the one that best matches the map.
The Heli Pilot can be manually controlled, ordered to remain stationary, or patrol between two points. Upgrade to Pursuit to have it chase Bloons automatically.
The Mortar Monkey drops bombs directly onto the track from above and can target anywhere on the map. It can be upgraded to add fire damage or camo revealing flares.
A Wizard Monkey with the Monkey Sense and Fireball upgrades can pop the ever elusive camo-lead Bloons.
Super Monkey is one of the most expensive monkeys in the game. It can be upgraded into the all powerful Sun God.
The Ninja is the only monkey that can see camo Bloons without upgrades.
The Alchemist can buff your other monkeys and attack the Bloons.
The Banana Farm creates bananas over time that you can collect for cash. It's a good alternative to using bloon sends to increase eco.
The Spike Factory is a good last line of defence against leaking Bloons.
The Engineer creates sentry turrets that are each as powerful as a base level Dart Monkey. Great for dealing with lots of weaker Bloons.
Once you have every upgrade unlocked for a monkey you can unlock their mastery cosmetics.
You can spend Hero Points on exclusive cosmetic items in the Hero Reward screen.
The weekly Hero Showcase contains exclusive hero cosmetics you can buy with Hero Points and Monkey Money.
You can customize your emotes, bloon skins, avatar, and other effects in the Bling screen.
Hero rewards are unlocked in order using Hero Points and Monkey Money. Get them all to unlock an alternate version of that hero.
You get a new Battle Chest for every third win.
There are three different types of Battle Chests. Standard, Great, and Mighty.
You can only store three chests at once. Becoming a VIP unlocks a fourth slot.
Battle Chests can contain many exciting rewards including Monkey Money, Tower XP, Hero Points and Multiplier Boosts.
Earn trophies by defeating your opponents to move up the arenas. Reach the Hall of Masters to compete with the best of the best.
Trophies are reset at the end of each monthly season. The number you have at the end of the season decides your starting amount for the next season.
Quincy is a good all round hero who excels in the early rounds of the game.
Gwendolin is a short range hero who attacks with fire. She's good at dealing with crowds of Bloons and can pop leads.
Striker Jones is all about explosives. He can buff Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys.
Obyn Greenfoot attacks with high-pierce magical wolves. He can also buff nearby Druids and other Magic Monkeys.