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Hard thorns can pop 2 bloons each and pop Lead and Frozen bloons.
~ BTDB2 description

Hard Thorns is the first upgrade of Path 1 for the Druid in Bloons TD Battles 2. This upgrade increases pierce of each thorn by +1, from 1 to 2, and allows all attacks to pop Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons. Affected alternate attacks include Spirit of the Forest on-track vines.

This upgrade costs $350.



Hard Thorns makes the Druid hold a wooden staff with a pointed edge at the top. Thorns are harder, more woody, and pierce more bloons and damage all visible bloon types.



Usually, its main use is for the early-game, although Hard Thorns crosspath can be useful in a few cases where there is a lack of external pierce buffs available. If lead-popping is unavailable then this upgrade can help make up for this limitation.


  • It is a useful early-game option for countering grouped bloons with Druids.
  • When paired with Thorn Swarm, the 1-1-0 Druid becomes an effective option against early grouped and spaced bloons.
  • However, with Obyn Greenfoot, this upgrade is only going to be really useful for popping Leads.
  • Set the targeting to Last to thin out as many of the stronger early-game bloons as possible.
  • Crosspath with Avatar of Wrath and support it with external camo detection to allow it to easily handle DDTs.

Version History[]

Initial release (compared to BTD6 Version 28.0)
  • BUFF Hard Thorns now allows Spirit of the Forest grown track vines to pop Lead Bloons and Frozen Bloons.
  • NERF Hard Thorns: $250 -> $350
Druid of the Jungle very recently received a big nerf and while it certainly still is strong, we’re not yet convinced that it needs any more significant changes. For now we’ve decided to just make some small price adjustments. With these changes, it’ll now be slightly more expensive to quickly and easily buy 1xx on your 030 Druids as a very cheap option to strengthen your defense.
~ Ninja Kiwi


Official artwork[]


  • Hard Thorns sort of resembles the Intense Magic upgrade for the Monkey Apprentice, as it improves pierce of the Apprentice's magical bolts, just like Hard Thorns improving pierce of each thorn.