Magic shots seek out the Bloons, even behind cover.
~ BTDB2 description
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Guided Magic is the first upgrade of Path 1 for the Wizard Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. It allows the Wizard's magic bolts to home in on bloons and bypass Line of Sight restrictions. It also increases overall projectile lifespan to account for the seeking. Certain alternate attacks are also affected by this crosspath, but interact with this crosspath in very different ways. However, the seeking benefit is much stronger, at 600 instead of 360, making its seeking better match a Monkey Sub than a Neva-Miss Targeting.
Guided Magic can affect crosspaths that grant other magical spells. Of the ones that grant ignorance of Line of Sight, Fireballs and Wall of Fire blazes with this crosspath can pass through walls, but not Dragon's Breath flames. As for lifespan, Dragon's Breath flames last 100% longer. For Necromancer and Prince of Darkness, it gains Manual Targeting that can only be positioned on nearby track. Wall of Fire blazes with Guided Magic receive the Manual Targeting option, which locks them to any location within the Wizard's range. No effect on the Phoenix or the Lava Phoenix.
A relatively straightforward upgrade, with its main purpose in this game improving the main bolt attack to seek as well as to dynamically adjust Wall of Fire spots.
Version History[]
Initial release
1-2-0 Wall of Fire no longer auto-targets but gains a target marker (like Cleansing Foam)
1-2-0 Wall of Fire now is targetable on non-track locations
110 Fireball: The fireball can now shoot through blockers with the Guided Magic crosspath
Guided Magic allows other Wizard attacks to shoot through blockers so it should work for Fireball as well.