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Glaive Lord surrounds itself in 3 special glaives that shred anything that comes near. Glaive Lord's glaives now rip through MOAB-class Bloons.
~ BTDB2 description

Glaive Lord is the fifth upgrade of Path 1 for the Boomerang Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2.

The Glaive Lord in BTDB2 is similar to its BTD6 counterpart, except it deals +5 Fortified damage instead of +2 and its other statistics match the pre-34.0 version. That is, the rotating glaives attack has 1000 pierce and deals +5 MOAB damage and +5 Ceramic damage, and the main glaive deals 8 base damage only. However, crosspathing with Red Hot Rangs allows the rotating glaives to gain +5 damage to Lead properties.

It gains orbiting glaives that deal constant damage while bloons are within range of them. They have 1000 pierce, are able to pop camo, and deal 2 damage (+5 to Ceramics and +5 to MOAB-class) every 0.1s to nearby bloons. Red Hot Rangs (BTDB2)| adds +1 damage to the orbitals and allow them to pop Frozen and Lead, and +5 bonus Lead damage, but they do not shred faster with Path 2 upgrades. Long Range Rangs increases the range of the orbiting glaives from 30 to 39.9.

Alongside orbiting glaives, the Glaive Lord's thrown glaives now deal 8 damage (further +1 with 5-0-2 crosspath), instead of 1 or 2. They also apply Shred onto the first MOAB-Class Bloon hit, dealing 100 damage to it every 1.0s for up to 15s, inflicting up to 1,500 damage from the shredding effect alone. As with most damage-over-time sources, this effect cannot be stacked. Thrown glaives have infinite bounce distance and are thrown every 0.6s.

It costs $30,000, and is unlocked with the other tier 5 Boomerang Monkey upgrades for Monkey Money1500.



Glaive Lord offers a lot of popping power against weaker bloons plus some strong power against stronger blimps. It can be quite expensive to save up though. Its main strong point is being very reliable at destroying weaker bloons and is also a great option with dealing with the round 28 40x grouped ceramics.


  • 5-0-2 crosspath is generally better than 5-2-0, as the main premise of this upgrade is its orbital glaives. 5-2-0 crosspath does make more use of the main glaives, throwing the high-damage blimp-shredding glaives more often, although more difficult to utilize and makes it weak to DDTs.

Version History[]

Initial release (compared to BTD6 Version 28.0)
  • BUFF Glaive Lord costs less ($32,400 → $30,000)
  • BUFF Glaive Lord extra fortified damage increased (+2 → +5)
  • BUFF Glaive Lord XP requirements reduced (37,500 XP → 18,750 XP). Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund.
  • BUFF Glaive Lord main attack damage increased (1 → 8)
  • BUFF No longer requires 18,750 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund, as well as unlock all Tier 5 TowerName upgrades.
  • Change Glaive Lord now costs 1,500 Monkey Money instead of XP.
  • BUFF 5-0-2 orbital rangs now provides deal +5 damage to Leads.


Official artwork[]


  • Glaive Lord in BTDB2 by cumulative prices is still cheaper than the BTD6 counterpart.