Reduces ability cooldowns everywhere by 20%. While in radius, Heros earn XP 75% faster and water Monkeys' ability cooldowns are halved.
~ BTDB2 description
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Energizer is the 5th upgrade of the Monkey Sub in Bloons TD Battles 2. It is very similar to its BTD6 counterpart, with differences. It gives +75% more XP to all nearby heroes, and does a lot more Ceramic damage with radiation. Radiation deals 5 damage and +10 to Ceramics, and does so every 0.4s (0.3s with 5-0-1, 0.2s with 5-0-2) and affecting 1000 bloons per pulse. Energizer also discounts the cash required to level up heroes manually by the inverse ratio of the XP multiplier, specifically 57% of the original cost. Decamo pulse is 1000 pierce, increased to 1200 and 1500 with the Path 2 crosspaths.
It costs $32,000, and is unlocked with the other tier 5 Monkey Sub upgrades for 1500.
Energizer reduces cooldowns of all abilities in the game, a game mechanic that is unique to this tower. Because it can affect all abilities, it is especially impactful for income abilities, especially Jungle's Bounty, Supply Drop, and Support Chinook.
Crosspath with Path 3 for the speed benefit since path 2's pierce benefit is insignificant in comparison.
It may be helpful to have this Energizer added in combination with at least 10 of any ability alt eco towers.
For a less passive set-up, it may be in the player's interests to use an Energizer for abilities like The Anti-Bloon's, certain Hero abilities, Pop-and-Awe, or Tsar Bomba.
Version History[]
Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
No longer requires 16,500 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund, as well as unlock all Tier 5 Monkey Sub upgrades.
Energizer now costs 1,500 Monkey Money instead of XP.
Energizer increase heroes earn XP +50% → +75%
Energizer now reduces the cost of leveling up heroes within its radius.
There is no reason why paying to level up a hero should be less efficient while in range of an Energizer. This change alters how the buff is applied to the hero so that the cost of instantly upgrading is reduced in line with the reduced leveling time.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Affected by Bloontonium Reactor 401 and 402 speed buffs
5-0-x Energizer sonar pierce reduced from infinite to 1000
5-1-0 Energizer sonar pierce reduced from infinite to 1200
5-2-0 Energizer sonar pierce reduced from infinite to 1500
Enough XP to unlock Energizer
Unlocked Energizer
Energizer buff on nearby Quincy, a hero and thus can gain bonus XP buffs
Energizer buff on nearby Pre-Emptive Strike, which has an ability
Towers placed on Ice platforms will be considered to be water towers as well, granting them 50% ability cooldowns instead of 20%. This can be used to have 100% uptime on various abilities such as Grand Sabatour.