An escaping bloon or a lost life gives this Sniper 4x attack speed for a short time in retaliation. Also attacks faster the further the Bloons are along the track.
~ BTDB2 description
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Elite Defender is the 5th upgrade on Path 3 of the Sniper Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. When compared to its BTD6 counterpart, the BTDB2 Elite Defender has its passive ability reworked to no longer fully depend on leaks or lost lives to trigger.
The BTDB2 Elite Defender retains the 2x speed bonus plus scaling speed bonuses over percentage track distance (up to 100% at 100% track distance), alongside the passive ability to attack 4x faster upon life loss, but can also trigger the passive ability if Bloons reach almost to the exit, more specifically at least 99.5% track distance.
Elite Defender's bullet deals +2 MOAB-class damage, increased to +3 and +4 with 1-0-5 and 2-0-5 crosspaths, respectively; bullets deal 4, 7, and 11 damage to MOAB-class bloons with these crosspaths. Elite Defender has innate normal damage type (i.e. popping of Frozen and Lead) for its bullets, like before BTD6 Version 28.0. At minimum, it attacks about 15.4 times per second, specifically every 0.0649s. Shrapnel from 0-2-5 crosspath deals no bonus MOAB-class damage nor bonus Camo damage, unlike in BTD6.
It costs $14,500, and is unlocked with the other tier 5 Sniper Monkey upgrades for 1500.
Incredibly fast single-target, is very accurate, but the main disadvantage being its high cost and limited pierce. However, it can be incredibly powerful in the early 20's when defending against an all-out rush by the opponent, particularly with the life loss. The life loss can be tricky to activate, but if fortunate enough to get a bloon close enough to the exit without getting overwhelmed by too dense swarms of Bloons, Elite Defender can save a smart user from a massive rush. Elite Defender also has synergy with Ezili's Sacrificial Totem, triggering the retaliation passive ability on demand and offering a huge boost in DPS when needed.
Crosspathing is situational for Elite Defender in this game. In short, 2-0-5 has high single-target, while 0-2-5 has fast producing shrapnel that fulfills group-popping power.
2-0-5 is generally better, because Bouncing Bullets and particularly Elite Sniper could be done for grouped-popping anyway. 2-0-5 offers incredible amounts of accurate single-target damage that no other Sniper upgrade can compete.
0-2-5 can still be usable with tower buffing synergies such as Alchemist and bloon debuffing synergies such as Cripple MOAB. Both synergies help maximize use of the power of shrapnel. Likewise, 0-2-5 can be usable in combination with Ezili's Sacrificial Totem to produce outstanding rates of accurate group-popping power. Also, since Elite Defender's bullets pop Lead and do extra damage to Camo, this should still be effective against DDTs regardless of external camo detection.
When using Ezili's Sacrificial Totem to trigger life loss passive ability, consider using it once the bloons start approaching quite far along the track but not so close to the exit that it might risk leaking bloons. Doing so makes the most of the bonus attack speed Elite Defender gets from bloon progress without adding too much risk.
Smudge Catt's Scratching Post (i.e. "Sacrificial Totem") is better overall for Elite Defender due to draining 5 Health instead of 10 and after level 10, regenerates 9 Health every round. Also, Smudge Catt's Totem has a much shorter cooldown than Ezili's Sacrifical Totem.
Because of Elite Defender's great synergies with Smudge Catt's Scratching Post ability, she can be a great hero pick for Sniper loadouts if specifically wanting to use Elite Defender's defensive capabilities as part of an all-out defense in the 20's rounds.
Version History[]
Elite Defender got a price increase.
Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
Elite Defender costs more ($14,000 → $16,000)
Unlock requirements reduced: 30k XP → 15k XP
0-x-5 Elite Defender bullets now deal +2 MOAB-class damage
1-0-5 Elite Defender bullets now deal +3 MOAB-class damage
2-0-5 Elite Defender bullets now deal +4 MOAB-class damage
No longer requires 15,000 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund, as well as unlock all Tier 5 Sniper Monkey upgrades.
Elite Defender’s passive ability now triggers near the end of the track instead of when Bloons leak.
[...] Additionally, Elite Defender’s leaking ability was too impractical to be of use (without Ezili), therefore we have reworked it so that it has more potential to be viable.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Elite Defender cost decreased from $16,000 to $14,500
Total price decrease is $1700, due to Semi-Automatic decreasing by $200
Sniper is still not quite as strong as we would like. It lacks early game efficiency and its bottom path is a little too expensive for what it does, so a few price cuts have been made.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Enough XP to unlock Elite Defender (pre-1.5.0)
Unlocked Elite Defender
Elite Defender supported by a Maim MOAB's stun]]
Elite Defender alongside some additional defense
The Elite Defender can be just barely seen on the splash screen
Elite Defender and several Full Autos with Paintballs trail effect
On the original BTDB2 splash screen, the Elite Defender can be just barely seen on the splash screen behind the "2".
Relative to initial release of Battles 2, Elite Defender in Version 2.1.2 costs $1750 less than when it was first released, as at the time Semi-Automatic had a $800 price decrease to only this upgrade with no price changes to its previous upgrades and the Full Auto Rifle upgrade price alone had a $950 price decrease.
On an unknown update, the Elite Defender's upgrade description was modified to include escaping bloons, consistent with the Version 1.10.3 buff to the passive ability.
Originally, it was "A lost life gives this Sniper 4x attack speed for a short time in retaliation. Also attacks faster the further the Bloons are along the track."