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Strike at the Bloons on Firing Range. With a little guidance from Patch!
~ "Drone Flying 101" long description

Drone Flying 101 is a Tutorial Quest in Bloons TD 6, added in Version 39.0. It requires Level 25 to unlock. Upon completing the quest, the rewards are two Time Stops, two Super Monkey Storms, and two Pontoons.


Drone Flying 101
FiringRange No UI
Medium Difficulty
Monkeys Available:
Bomb Shooter
Glue Gunner
Sniper Monkey
Monkey Ace
Heli Pilot
Max Monkeys
Max Monkeys:
Start Round
Start Round:
Starting Cash
Starting Cash:
End Round
End Round:
Starting Lives
Starting Lives:
Modifiers Rules
Monkey Knowledge Disabled
Monkey Knowledge Disabled
Powers Disabled
Powers Disabled
No Continues
No Continues
Custom Rounds
Custom Rounds
Double Cash Disabled
Double Cash Disabled

The player begins with pre-placed Level 1 Etienne on Firing Range at Medium Standard with obstacle removed for free, $650 starting cash, 150 starting lives. Only Bomb Shooters, Glue Gunners, Sniper Monkeys, Monkey Aces, Heli Pilots, and Alchemists are available. MK, Powers, and Continues are all disabled. Custom Rounds 1-15 are played.

Patch: That's Etienne, the drone operator. He is a support Hero but his drones have a lot of damage potential!
Patch: As he levels up, he gets additional small attack drones and a large drone, the UCAV. The UCAV has massive support and firepower capabilities.
~ Quest introduction

Etienne skips to Level 3, unlocking the Drone Swarm ability. The player is instructed to use the ability against the grouped Blues.

Patch: Etienne's level 3 ability is Drone Swarm.
This ability launches four temporary drones for when you need a little more firepower.
Patch: The drones target different Bloons, and Etienne gains special targeting options at level 7 and 11.
~ Upon beating Round 1

Etienne skips to Level 8, gaining the ability to grant camo detection globally and the Divide and Conquer targeting option from Level 7.

Patch: At level 8, Etienne's UCAV gives all monkeys Camo detection. The Divide and Conquer targeting option is also available.
Patch: This sets drone targeting to first and strong.
~ Upon beating Round 2

Etienne skips to Level 10, unlocking the UCAV ability.

Patch: At level 10, the UCAV ability makes the UCAV drop down, launching a relentless barrage of missiles against the Bloons.
This is most of Etienne's firepower.
Patch: There are a lot of Ceramic Bloons about to come out, but UCAV will be able to strike them all down.
~ Upon beating Round 3

The player is instructed to use the UCAV to dish out massive damage to Ceramics.

Patch: Call it in!
~ When the Round 4 Ceramics get in range of Etienne

Etienne skips to Level 11, gaining the Zone Defense targeting option.

Patch: Etienne now has Zone Defense targeting.
It makes the drones target First, Strong, Last, and Close.
Patch: You'll need all your firepower to clear this round. Activate UCAV when you see the MOABs!
~ Upon beating Round 4

After beating Round 5, all towers available for this quest can be placed.

Patch: Etienne is a support Hero, so place more towers and finish off those Bloons!
Patch: Remember! Etienne now gives Camo detection to all towers so don't worry about that.
~ Upon beating Round 5

Custom Rounds[]

Round Bloons Notes
1 20 Red bloons

Linear Storyline[]

Other Images[]
