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Inconsistent Naming The term "Dr. Monkey" has several variants of its name in the works it appears in. When editing, use the correct capitalizations, spellings, and punctuations for the name used by the work in question.
Dr. Monkey (also parsed Doctor Monkey and Dr Monkey) is a recurring character in the Bloons series. He is a scientist who specializes in developing anti-Bloon weapons and technology.
Dr. Monkey debuts as a supporting character in Bloons Super Monkey 2. He acts as mission control, providing advice at the beginning of each stage and giving tips about certain Bloon types. He is the provider of Super Monkey's weapons and research, and is stated to be the inventor of Solid Doom.
In Bloons Supermonkey 2 Mobile, Dr. Monkey's role is largely the same as in the Flash version initially, though he can also provide additional Blops through experiments. He provides Ice Monkey and Storm Monkey with weapons and technology to utilize their powers.
Upon completing the final level, Dr. Monkey is unlocked as a playable character, marking his first playable appearance in the series. He has access to every weapon type (including Ice and Storm) and has the unique trait of repelling Bloptonite and boss-specific projectiles, rendering him completely immune to negative effects.
Bloons TD series[]
Bloons TD 6[]
Dr. Monkey was mentioned a few times in Bloons TD 6, such as the introduction to Sandbox Mode and the description of Cyber Quincy, where he is stated to be the one who rebuilt Quincy after he was injured. He is also the namesake of an achievement. He plays a role off-screen in the quest, New Dart Just Dropped, where two Dartling Gunners raise money to try out Dr. Monkey's experimental bouncing darts.
Dr Monkey appears as a Super Rare ally in Bloons Adventure Time TD. He can be equipped to all monkey characters except Captain Cassie and Sam. He plays similarly to the Alchemist with Acid Pool, throwing potions onto the track that leave pools of acid behind. His potions strip special properties (Camo, Regrow, Shield, and Zombie) from Bloons on contact, but do no damage by default. He can be upgraded to augment his potions with slowing effects, damage over time, and the ability to convert Bloons to gold (similarly to Rubber to Gold).
Dr. Monkey appears as a supporting character in Bloons Pop!. He guides the player through the process of converting Bloontonium into Bloonstones and offers advice on both Bloontonium and On Fire! bonuses. He also appears in a pop-up message if the player attempts to access an online feature while not connected to the internet.
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Bloons Super Monkey 2[]
Super Monkey! The bloons are invading and we need your help! Your weapons auto-fire, so you can focus on flying and popping bloons. Pop the target number of bloons in every stage or it's game over. Good luck!
Welcome back! Collect all of the red blops in each stage to achieve 100% collected. Focus on improving your attack powers before spending on research or powerups.
~ Monkey Lane Stage 1 replay introduction
Another wave of bloon scouts in-bound. Make sure to spend your blop cash on attack upgrades to get some added punch.
~ Monkey Lane Stage 2 introduction
Something heavy this way comes. Make sure your attack powers are as strong as they can be.
~ Monkey Lane Stage 3 introduction
Bloonometer energy readings are haywire! Find out what's causing it, and keep upgrading your attack powers.
~ Monkey Lane Stage 4 introduction
Incoming! Massive bogey! Do I have your emergency contact info? Upgrade your attack powers if you can and remember to replay previous stages or visit the store for more blop cash.
~ Monkey Lane Stage 5 introduction
We've pushed them out of the jungle, but now they are massing in the surrounding desert. Bloonometer readings show much stronger formations. Keep building your Attack powers but start considering Research as well.
Bad weather up ahead - thick clouds and extreme electrical discharges. Take some powerups if you need helping blasting through.
~ Bloon Dunes Stage 2 introduction
The canyons up ahead appear heavily guarded, and even a lab monkey can tell it's a good place for an ambush. Make sure your attack powers and research upgrades are strong.
~ Bloon Dunes Stage 3 introduction
Giant mutant wildlife and ufos reported in this section of the desert. Either a slow news day, or the bloons are up to something. Power-up and take them out!
~ Bloon Dunes Stage 4 introduction
Prepare yourself, Super Monkey. A vanguard of MOABs and shield bloons are protecting a massive energy signature. Be sure to win your Bronze trophy, and don't let whatever they are guarding get through.
~ Bloon Dunes Stage 5 introduction
No wonder the village radar scanner lost their signal - they've gone underwater! Fortunately, you are Super Monkey and all of your powers work as if the water wasn't really there at all. Imagine that.
New undersea bloon formations inbound, thick with shields and trying to play off any weakness in your Attacks. Make sure you're fighting back with Research of your own.
~ Deep Bloon Sea Stage 2 introduction
Nautilus, fish, and jellies, oh my! The bloons are disguising themselves as undersea life to avoid detection, but their energy shields give them away. Upgrade your Attacks or Research.
~ Deep Bloon Sea Stage 3 introduction
Denser undersea formations, and the bloonometer is reading shields, glass, and lead. Remember you can switch Attacks at any time to maximize your power.
~ Deep Bloon Sea Stage 4 introduction
You like calimari[sic], right? Looks like there's a boss size portion on the way. You have to earn the bronze trophy first, then fry up whatever's coming with all the awesome sauce you've got.
~ Deep Bloon Sea Stage 5 introduction
Undersea was just a staging area. The bloons seem to have an even bigger operation underground. Seismic activity is disrupting bloonometer readings - be ready for anything down there!
As if mutated sea life wasn't bad enough - they've hatched some kind of bloon spider down here. Watch for purple bloon aliens, too - they can steal blops from you, so take them out quick.
~ Mount Magma Stage 2 introduction
Good work, Super Monkey - you've found part of their manufacturing facility. Question is, of course, what are they building? Looks like dense and shielded formations - make sure you have tier 6 Attacks!
~ Mount Magma Stage 3 introduction
Super Monkey smash! Throw as many super powered wrenches into their factory as you can. Prepare for shields and and leads - time to use those Epic Powers!
~ Mount Magma Stage 4 introduction
Alert! Underground boss located, and some kind of crazy bloon robot sentinels. If you don't take them out the village doesn't stand a chance. It's go time, Super Monkey - hit them with everything you have.
~ Mount Magma Stage 5 introduction
Bloons Adventure Time TD
Bloons Pop![]
"Neutral" portrait
"Instructive" portrait
"Excited" portrait
While the in-game description of Cyber Quincy states that Dr. Monkey "rebuilt" Quincy after he was injured by a DDT, the Bloons TD 6 5.0 Update video states that Cyber Quincy was created from Dr. Monkey sending Quincy into the future.
According to the patch notes for BTD6Version 27.0, the ability for the Robo Monkey to land critical hits was the result of Dr. Monkey installing updated HUD targeting systems.
According to Ninja Kiwi's 4th February 2022 blog, Dr. Monkey frequently works as a guest lecturer at Monkeyversity.