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Bloons Wiki
Freezes through 2 layers of bloon and freezes for even longer.
~ BTDB2 description
220 ice btdb2

2-2-0 Ice

Deep Freeze is the 2nd upgrade of Path 2 for the Ice Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. Compared to its BTD6 counterpart, its does cost less and does not increase pierce although it already has 40 pierce without being nerfed. Freeze soaks three layers (rather than two) instead of one. Bloons are frozen for 2.2s.

It costs $350, and is unlocked by default.



The freeze penetration actually comes in handy for the early-game when paired with attacks that pop Frozen, especially Bombs, Mortars, and Churchill, which keeps the bloons in place for longer. The extra freeze time also changes the timing at which the Ice Monkey can freeze bloons again without Re-Freeze.


  • TBA

Version History[]

Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
  • Released
  • BUFF No longer requires 500 XP to unlock. Players who bought this upgrade with tower XP will receive a full refund
  • BUFF Deep Freeze: Freezes 2 -> 3 layers
We’re providing a buff to an upgrade that doesn’t offer too much, to strengthen Ice Monkey’s early game a little bit.
~ Ninja Kiwi


Official artwork[]


  • Ice King also has a buff to freeze penetration with upgrades.
