Bloonjitsu and Grandmaster Ninja get an extra shuriken per throw.
~ In-game description
Deadly Tranquility is an upgrade in the Magic Monkey Knowledge tree. It allows Bloonjitsu to throw 6 shurikens instead of 5, Grandmaster Ninja to throw 9 shurikens instead of 8, and Ascended Shadow to throw 9 shurikens instead of 8. It also adds an extra Flash Bomb and blue mini-shuriken for Ascended Shadow, 6 instead of 5 and 4 instead of 3, respectively, which may or may not be intentional. It requires eight magic knowledge points invested, Diversion Tactics, and a one-time purchase of 500.
More shurikens per shot increase DPS of the Ninja by a considerable amount. Especially pairs well with Alch buffs, as this one extra shuriken per shot makes more of a difference to overall popping power. For Ascended Shadow, it becomes noticeably stronger with that single MK Point, helping to beat Bosses more efficiently in particular.
This MK is valuable for players who like to use Ninja Monkeys as their main source of damage. This is especially the case when going for Ninja-only challenges.
Do not worry about the adjustment of the angles for shuriken attacks; the extra shuriken helps make the attacks denser and noticeably increase DPS.
Deadly Tranquility on MK menu
Bloonjitsu popping a bloon with Deadly Tranquility
Grandmaster Ninja popping a bloon with Deadly Tranquility
Deadly Tranquility is one of the only known monkey knowledge points that directly benefit a paragon.