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There is some debate regarding whether or not the ZOMG or the DDT is more powerful. This page will compare in detail whenever the ZOMG or the DDT is more powerful in Bloons Monkey City and Bloons TD 6.

General Information[]



  • Has properties of Lead, Black, MOAB-Class, Camo (& Regrow for its children).
    • (Doesn't have Lead or Black property in BMC mobile).
  • Has double the health (1,5x) of regular MOAB. (400 HP) (300 HP in BMC).
  • The speed is similar to Pink Bloon. (3.5x faster than Red Bloon) (75% speed or 2.64x in BTD6) (14x faster than ZOMG).
  • Can appear with large groups like pre-round 81 ceramic rushes. (Rounds 106, 117, 118, 126, 128, and 138) (Rounds 106, 107, 117, 123, 126, and 138 in Alternate Bloons Rounds)


  • Has less health than BFB around 43% less.
  • Is vulnerable to most "Insta-kills" (Such as MOAB Assassin or MOAB Takedown). In conclusion in terms of resistances and vulnerabilities is very similar to BFB.
  • Combined RBE from entire DDT is 816. (0,048 of the ZOMG).



  • Extremely durable, having 10x more HP than DDT and more than 5 times the durability of BFB and only 2x as slow.
  • Immune to most "Insta-kills". (Completely immune to MOAB Takedown, and resists a MOAB Assassin attack (5 missiles required to drop ZOMG to critical health and 6 to fully pop its layer.)
  • Summons 4 BFB on death which summon 16 MOABs which summon 64 ceramics.
  • Combined RBE from entire ZOMG is 16656. (20,41 times higher than DDT).
  • Resistant to slowdown effects.
  • Resistant to stun effects. (Cripple (& Maim Moab), Bloon Crush). (Usually stun on ZOMG lasts 0,5s).


  • Extremely slow (0,125x of speed or red bloon or 8x slower). (which is 2x slower than BFB which is 4x slower than Red Bloon or MOAB. And 28x slower than DDT.)
  • Has no damage type resistances or immunities (compared to DDTs).

Bloons Monkey City[]

Defense adaptation[]

Depending on the random round generator, the game may send in camo ceramics before DDTs, which allows for easy adaptation, however, if one were to know of the 6 camo regrow ceramics, then they may use a 3-X monkey sub or a X-2 monkey village with a stable regrow ceramic defense to help out with detecting the camo regrow ceramics.


Technically, the DDT is stronger than a ZOMG because towers set to prioritize "strong" bloons will shoot D.D.T.s before Z.O.M.G.s if both are within range. The Z.O.M.G. is stronger in hitpoints than the D.D.T. and is immune and resistant to most abilities like M.O.A.B. Take-Down (while the D.D.T. can be taken down by most abilities), but the D.D.T. has more abilities than the Z.O.M.G. Essentially, what the Z.O.M.G. lacks in abilities it makes up for by using brute strength and resilience and what the D.D.T. lacks in strength it makes up for by hybridizing abilities and immunities. It is also worth noting that Z.O.M.G.s appear on (most) D.D.T. tiles as well, so it is important to prepare for both. Notes: BMC Flash is more debatable about it, however, in BMC mobile, the ZOMG is easily more powerful due to the fact that the DDT lacks the lead and black bloon immunities, however, it makes up for speed.

Bloons TD 6[]

General analysis[]


DDTs and ZOMGs can prove to be tough in different ways when playing on freeplay when it comes to ramping. (If you're unsure, ramping increases ceramic HP and makes all regular bloons only contain one type of bloon while all MOAB class bloons have increasing HP and Speed per round and their children remains unchanged, this starts at round 81.) ZOMGs can prove to be a nuisance due to their high HP, but it's not much due to most freeplay players having obtained a True Sun God or Vengeful True Sun God to fend them off, DDTs on the other hand, depending on track and unit placement can be a real nuisance close to round 500 as their speed and HP by that point can outrun defenses and probably a few if Support Chinook is used can leak and result in a loss.


Due to many rounds before round 90 involving camo regrow ceramics, the regular player's defense won't make much work dealing with the DDT's 4 camo regrow ceramics due to adaptations compared to the ZOMG's 4 BFBs, which can be a problem considering that when the ZOMG is popped, thinking of it in a certain way, has the bloon bring it's 4 clustered BFBs farther into the track which, depending on the defense and track, can prove to be a problem.


Technically, a ZOMG is stronger than a normal DDT, but a fortified one is stronger than a ZOMG because the ZOMG is targeted first before the D.D.T. However, target settings will generally target Fortified D.D.T.s over Z.O.M.G.s in most cases. Certain upgrades may act differently on Dark Dirigible Titans, with a strength spanning from between M.O.A.B. to Z.O.M.G, if not sometimes above Z.O.M.G.

The following are some additional targeting comparisons between Dark Dirigible Titans and ZOMGs:

DDT's favour:

  • Pirate Lord will target Z.O.M.G.s first before targeting any other bloon type, starting with Fortified D.D.T.s and then D.D.T.s, then B.F.B.s and M.O.A.B.s.
  • MOAB Press special knockback boomerangs will only slow D.D.T.s instead of pushing them backward, and even then the knockback boomerangs will not always hit D.D.T.s due to the fast speed of such bloons.
    • MOAB Domination however, stuns any affected MOAB-class bloon before pushing them back a fair distance. Unlike MOAB Press, MOAB Domination affects DDTs similarly to when against MOABs.
  • MOAB Assassin and MOAB Eliminator abilities cannot target D.D.T.s without camo detection, but if given camo detection they will still target Z.O.M.G.s over D.D.T.s

ZOMG's favour:

  • Bomb Blitz's description claims that it can fully destroy D.D.T.s, B.F.B.s, and M.O.A.B.s, but not Z.O.M.G.s.
  • Super Glue can fully stun D.D.T.s and Fortified D.D.T.s but not B.F.B.s or Z.O.M.G.s, making D.D.T.s seem as weak as M.O.A.B.s in this interaction.
  • Unstable Concoction requires additional pierce for D.D.T.s to be coated in explosive chemicals when compared to M.O.A.B.s. The requirements for D.D.T.s are just as much as is required for B.F.B.s, making D.D.T.s seem as strong as B.F.B.s.
  • Maim MOAB and Cripple MOAB will stun D.D.T.s for 1.5 seconds and 4.0 seconds, respectively. Cripple MOAB's stuns last longer compared to Z.O.M.G.s, at 3.0 seconds instead.
  • Blooncineration can decamo and defortify DDTs without support, but it cannot defortify ZOMGs at all, making DDTs appear weaker than ZOMGs when interacting with Blooncineration.
  • Benjamin's Syphon Funding ability cannot affect D.D.T.s regardless of upgrades, while his Bloon Trojan attacks cannot affect D.D.T.s or B.F.B.s until Level 18. On the opposite side, Z.O.M.G.s cannot be at all targeted by Bloon Trojan.


  • MOAB Shove will slow down D.D.T.s (with camo detection) but not push back like M.O.A.B.s or fully stall like B.F.B.s, making D.D.T.s "stronger" than B.F.B.s and M.O.A.B.s, and just as strong as Z.O.M.G.s.
  • Shattering Shells can remove the fortified property from M.O.A.B.s and B.F.B.s but not from D.D.T.s, Z.O.M.G.s, or B.A.D.s, making D.D.T.s appear as strong as Z.O.M.G.s in the case of interacting with Shattering Shells.
  • Sun Temple max magic sacrifices can blow back M.O.A.B.s but not B.F.B.s, D.D.T.s, Z.O.M.G.s, or B.A.D.s.

Regardless of level, ZOMGs will always be affected by Benjamin's syphon funding. DDTs, on the other hand, remain unaffected by Syphon Funding regardless of levels.


  • Snowstorm, Absolute Zero, or Icicle Impale frozen statuses onto D.D.T.s slow them to a set slower speed, while frozen Z.O.M.G.s become only 50% slower. In most occasions, a ZOMG is stronger, as a DDT becomes much slower when affected by frozen status.


Via super monkey spam, it is doable to defeat ZOMGs without upgrading monkeys, but not with DDTs as no monkey can defeat them without upgrades due to their immunities.

Bloons Adventure time TD[]

WIP (Due to the variety, this will need much more research.)

Bloons TD Battles 2[]

