Cheap 'Rangs is an upgrade in the Primary Monkey Knowledge tree, released since initial release of the game. It decreases cost of the Boomerang Monkey by $50 regardless of game mode. It requires Increased Lifespan.
An extra saving for budgeting Boomerang Monkeys, which can benefit early-game use for Boomerang Monkeys as well as make going for the group-popping Glaive Ricochet that bit cheaper.
This MK is rather small of a discount, but it makes a big difference on Race Events where Boomerang Monkeys are available.
Version History[]
Initial release
Cheap 'Rangs in the MK menu ready to be unlocked
Cheap 'Rangs is the only money-reducing Primary Monkey MK that applies to all of a base tower type. The free tower MK, that being Bonus Monkey! and Bonus Glue Gunner, are only available for the first tower of their respective types.