Bloons Wiki
Bloons Wiki

Bonus Value is an "attack" behavior characterized by increasing in value, often profitable value. It is part of the damage types family. All "attacks" with Bonus Value are almost certainly Passive Passive Type (no attack) type. Methods of gaining bonus value was introduced in Bloons TD 5, with the Monkey Bank, which stores money that gains interest over rounds and later collected as a lump sum of cash.

Bonus Value is represented on Bloons Wiki as Generates Bonus Value, the upgrade artwork for Monkey Bank in Bloons TD 6, a Banana Farm upgrade that stores money and increases it over time. Bonus Value is primarily to do with increasing value of a currency, often one related to cash or lives. Stockpiling does have a connection with increasing value, but stockpiling offensive weapons does not really have implications to Bonus Value, which is mostly associated as a Passive Passive Type (no attack) type "attack". Most forms of Bonus Value depend on Per-Round Basis Per-Round Basis (unspecified variants and style of per-round basis) to increase value.

Monkey Banks are examples of those with Bonus Value, demonstrating this through gaining interest in the bank per round. Rare Quincy Action Figure also does this by increasing value of itself.

All "attacks" require an upgrade to Bonus Value.
