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Version 8.1[]

See also for Reddit link.

Bug Fixes
  • Common lag/crash related to specific Android types has been fixed
  • Graphics issue with many Android versions has been fixed
  • Bloon Master Alchemist should no longer prematurely end a round after transforming MOAB-class bloons, even when affected by knockback effects.
Boomerang Monkey
  • BUFF The +1 damage to MOABs now (correctly) applies to all MOAB-class bloons
Glue Gunner
  • NERF Super Glue with Glue Splatter no longer permanently stuns MOAB-class bloons with its splashes.
Monkey Sub
  • BUFF First Strike Capability ability now destroys up to a ZOMG completely, with an additional 350 splash damage.
Heli Pilot
  • NERF Comanche Defense and Comanche Commander no longer gain double benefits from Permabrew (similar to 6.0 Heli-Alch nerf, but applies to Permabrew too now)
Mortar Monkey
  • BUFF On desktop versions, Mortar Monkey can now pick a new location upon pressing the "change targeting" hotkey (Tab by default)
Wizard Monkey
  • NERF Wall of Fire no longer pops Purple Bloons without support
  • NERF Wall of Fire now disappears upon impacting a Purple Bloon instead of simply allowing the Purple Bloon to pass by untouched.
  • BUFF Wall of Fire and Dragon's Breath now (correctly) can be deployed/shot further when the Wizard Monkey has increased range.
Obyn Greenfoot
  • BUFF Level 2+ pierce buff now (correctly) works on Levels 8+.
Striker Jones
  • NERF Level 9+ Striker Jones no longer causes numerous unintentional interactions with other tower upgrades (Druid of Jungle affecting MOAB-class, Shell Shock stunning MOAB-class, Bloon Master Alchemist and MOAB Domination special attacks targeting BADs, and normal Ice Monkeys and normal Glue Gunners attacking without status-affecting MOAB-class, among others)
Other Desktop Version Changes
  • BUFF Hotkeys can now be remapped to the user's liking
  • The 'ESC' hotkey will no longer exit back to the main menu from a 'Defeat' screen
  • Some changes to default hotkeys;
    • Number keys by default now activate abilities
    • <>? Keys now all upgrade your hero when it is selected
    • Bloon spawns in sandbox now use SHIFT + Number
    • CTRL + ~ (Tilde) key now spawns the Ghost bloon in sandbox
    • Powers outside of sandbox now use CTRL + Number
    • You can now send the next round in Races with SHIFT + Space
    • Double Cash can be correctly purchased
    • Language translation issues have been resolved, steam now has access to all languages
    • Comanche should no longer cause dialogs to appear randomly
    • 'Click and Hold' detail options in the UI have been changed to also appear on 'Hover'
    • Achievements should correctly count progress and complete

Version 8.0[]

See also for Reddit link.

New Changes
  • New Intermediate Map: Kartsndarts.
  • Change Reverse Mode spawning order of bloons has been reversed.
  • Change Added 3D MOAB-class bloons
  • New Churchill Sentai skin
  • BUFF Additional Instamonkeys are now rewarded every 100 rounds completed in Freeplay.
Bug Fixes
  • In-game patch notes menu should no longer be buggy
  • Game layout fixed for iPhone XS
  • Races should no longer crash in relation to the use/selling of Bomber Aces, or any other towers suffering from this same issue.
  • Layering issue when holding daily challenge icons for descriptions resolved
  • Some large issues with game time & speed have been resolved in many places
  • Heroes with special skins now use the correct voices in the main menu
  • Knockback effects on Bloons will no longer visually "cut them in half"
  • Spice Islands no longer permanently uses the holiday theme.
  • NERF Peninsula no longer allows water towers to be placed on land
  • Peninsula no longer stops some towers from functioning (Spirit of the Forest/ Bomber)
  • Fixed an issue with Ice and Glue monkey targeting that caused them to sometimes not target MOABs
  • Step 7 in the loading menu will load faster
  • Ice Monkey's Arctic Wind should now freeze water on Logs.
  • Ice Monkey descriptions updated
  • Monkey Sub's Advanced Intel should no longer fail to correctly home on the first shot fired each round
  • Monkey Sub x4x First Strike Capability will no longer lock up the game when hitting black bloons
  • Shattering Shells will now will add stripped fortifications to the damage counter
  • Mortar Monkey descriptions updated
  • Bloon Master Alchemist will no longer prematurely end a round, thus preventing unintentional leaked bloons when autoplay is turned off.
  • Resolved issue where Banana Farms do not always generate correct cash amounts in Race Events
  • Ezili descriptions updated
    • Most significantly, the infamous "HeartstopperAbility Ability, HeartstopperAbility Ability Description" description is fixed
  • Ezili's MOAB Hex will now correctly destroy MOAB-class when Big Bloon Sabotage knowledge is enabled
  • Ezili's Sacrificial Totem will no longer crash when attempting to view upgrades panel
  • Ezili's MOAB Hex now correctly adds to the damage counter.
  • NERF Exploit whereby pre-3.0 Round 101 saves can grant infinite Instamonkeys will no longer work.
General Balance Changes

NERF All income-based abilities (Supply Drop, Elite Sniper, Jungle's Bounty, Spirit of the Forest, IMF Loan, Monkey-Nomics, Support Chinook Crate Ability, Special Poperations Crate Ability, possibly other abilities too but unsure) now are required to undergo full initial cooldown before first use.

Dart Monkey
  • BUFF Crossbow Master critical shot frequency increased (per 10 shots --> 8)
Boomerang Monkey
  • BUFF Bionic Boomerang damage to MOAB-class increased by +1
Tack Shooter
  • BUFF Tack Shooter base attack cooldown decreased (1.6s --> 1.4s). Overall attack speed boost stacks with additional attack speed upgrades (e.g. all Tack Shooter attack speed upgrades: Faster Shooting, Even Faster Shooting, Inferno Ring, Overdrive, The Tack Zone, and any other external boosts)
  • BUFF Inferno Ring now adds a new special attack: Launches a homing meteor set on Strong (cooldown of 7s, damage of 700, projectile speed of 100, pierce of 1, infinite range)
Glue Gunner
  • BUFF The Bloon Solver deals more damage to Ceramics and MOAB-class (2 --> 3; essentially 3x faster than Bloon Liquefier's damage rate)
  • BUFF Bloons caught in the Glue Storm storm will now take an additional +1 damage while glued. Applies on bloons glued by Glue Storm in any method.
  • BUFF Glue Storm ability can now affect MOAB-class bloons regardless of crosspaths.
  • BUFF Super Glue costs less ($40k --> $35k)
  • NERF Super Glue slowdown percentage on MOAB-class decreased (100% --> 90%)
  • Change Super Glue deals damage on MOAB-class upon impact (0 --> 50). Will harm infinite stalling but will increase normal damage.
Wizard Monkey
  • BUFF Wall of Fire costs less ($1300 --> $900)
  • NERF Wall of Fire now deals half the damage per frame.
  • BUFF Dragon's Breath Wall of Fire fire rate increased (5.5s --> 4.5s)
  • BUFF Summon Phoenix damage increased (1 --> 2)
Ninja Monkey
  • BUFF Sticky Bomb detonation timer decreased (4s --> 3s)
  • BUFF Master Bomber's Sticky Bomb attack now stuns MOAB-class Bloons for 1 second upon impact.
  • BUFF Master Bomber Flash Bomb now stuns MOAB-class bloons for 0.5 seconds.
  • BUFF Master Bomber's Flash Bomb damage increased (1 --> 5)
  • BUFF Permabrew Acidic Mixture Dips now last indefinitely.
  • BUFF Acidic Mixture Dip now allows Ice Monkeys to pop lead
  • BUFF Total Transformation cooldown reduced (60s --> 40s)
  • BUFF [undocumented] Total Transformation no longer has an initial cooldown
Sniper Monkey
  • BUFF Cripple MOAB price reduced ($50k --> $40k)
Monkey Sub
  • BUFF Ballistic Missile fire rate increased (per 2s --> 1.5s)
  • BUFF Pre-Emptive Missile fire rate increased (per 2s --> 0.5s)
  • BUFF Sub Commander now also buffs itself.
  • BUFF Sub Commander now has 2x attack speed.
Monkey Ace
  • BUFF Neva-Miss Targeting projectile lifespan increased by 50%
  • BUFF Neva-Miss Targeting projectile speed increased by 50%
  • BUFF Neva-Miss Targeting has increased homing tightness
  • BUFF Sky Shredder damage from radial darts increased (2 --> 3)
  • NERF Spectre cost increased ($18k --> $24k)
  • BUFF Spectre dart damage increased (1 --> 2)
  • BUFF Spectre bomb damage increased (2 --> 3)
  • BUFF Flying Fortress dart damage increased (2 --> 4)
  • BUFF Flying Fortress bomb damage increased (3 --> 5)
Heli Pilot
  • NERF Apache Dartship price increased ($15k --> $19,500)
  • BUFF Apache Dartship rocket damage increased (1 --> 2)
  • BUFF Apache Dartship machine gun fire rate increased by 25%
  • BUFF Apache Prime machine gun damage increased (3 --> 5)
  • BUFF Apache Prime rocket damage to MOAB-class increased (11 --> 16)
  • NERF Comanche Commander mini-helicopters will now use up Alchemist brews
Mortar Monkey
  • BUFF Bigger Blast blast radius increased slightly
  • BUFF The Big One cost reduced ($10k --> $8k)
  • BUFF The Big One blast radius increased
  • BUFF The Biggest One cost decreased ($30k --> $24k)
  • BUFF The Biggest One blast radius increased immensely
  • BUFF Heavy Shells now deals +1 damage to MOAB-class.
  • BUFF Blooncineration can now damage all bloon types. ("Wall of Blooncineration" only)
  • BUFF Blooncineration cost reduced ($55k --> $50k)
  • BUFF Blooncineration now creates a wall of fire at impact location. The wall of fire is similar to the Wizard Monkey's Wall of Fire upgrade.
  • BUFF Blooncineration will now (correctly) deal damage per 1.0 seconds instead of every 1.5 seconds (with or without MK).
  • BUFF The Big One will now (correctly) damage DDTs when given camo detection.
Spike Factory
  • BUFF Spiked Balls now deals more damage to Ceramics (3 --> 4; essentially +3 damage compared to against normal bloons)
  • BUFF Spiked Mines explosion damage increased (4 --> 5)
  • BUFF MOAB SHREDR damage to MOAB-class increased (4 --> 5)
  • BUFF Carpet of Spikes damage to MOAB-class increased (5 --> 6)
  • BUFF Permaspike with Bigger Stacks now has larger stacks (60 --> 70; effectively now up to 800 damage per spike pile for Permaspike with Bigger Stacks)
Monkey Village
  • BUFF Primary Expertise now increases pierce of Primary Monkeys even more (+1 --> +3)
  • BUFF Primary Expertise's ballista attack increased damage to MOAB-class (100 --> 200) and now deals more damage to Ceramics (10 --> 200)
  • BUFF Call to Arms price reduced ($24k --> $20k)
  • BUFF Homeland Defense duration increased (15s --> 20s)
  • BUFF Homeland Defense attack speed bonus from ability increased (+50% --> +100%)
  • BUFF Monkeyopolis no longer deducts the counter total in Daily Challenges
Obyn Greenfoot
  • BUFF Obyn base damage increased (1 --> 2)
  • BUFF Obyn Level 2 Magic Monkey pierce increased (1 --> 2)
  • BUFF Obyn Level 9 main attack has extra damage (+1 --> +2; deals total of 4 damage per wolf spirit)
  • BUFF Obyn Level 14 main attack has extra damage (+1 --> +2; deals total of 6 damage per wolf spirit)
  • BUFF Obyn Level 19 main attack has extra damage (+1 --> +2; deals total of 8 damage per wolf spirit)
Captain Churchill
  • BUFF XP requirements are reduced by 10%
  • NERF Ezili no longer strips properties from Purple Bloons
  • NERF Ezili's leveling up curve now progresses slower to an extent that barely prevents her from naturally reaching Level 20 before Round 100 without enhancements, even if placed on Round 1.


