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V43 artwork

Version 43.0 artwork

Version 43.0 was released on May 29th 2024. It is the third major update of 2024. Several sub-updates were released in between.

The new jetpack hero, Rosalia, is the key highlight of the update. Boss Rush, an additional event, is released as a co-operative team-based game mode that centres around beating as many boss tiers from various Boss Bloons as possible. Promo Codes are an additional feature that grants special rewards upon entering special codes. Alongside these additions are various balance changes that centre on improving early-game variety on CHIMPS, plus reduced dependency on Geraldo synergies. Income generation methods have been severely nerfed in this update too, with a hefty nerf to early Monkeyopolis, delaying Benjamin's Skimming, increased cumulative costs to discounted Bloon Trap, reducing snowball potential of Geraldo's Rare Quincy Action Figure, and reducing raw income bonus of Geraldo's Fertilizer.

Version 43.3[]

Version 43.3 was released but no official patch notes were provided.

Version 43.2[]

Version 43.2 patch notes.

Bloons TD 6 v43.2 - Patch Notes!
Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.2 - Patch Notes!
Changes & Fixes


  • Rosalia at Lv7 no longer needs to begin her “Jump” animation by landing and taking back off first. This should make movement more responsive once she unlocks hovering
  • Added some extra animation polish which couldn’t initially make the cut for 43.0
  • Resolved an issue where outside of sandbox, placing Rosalia’s workshop so she spawned on a different height level to it would sometimes clip her through terrain
  • Rosalia’s ‘weapon swap’ hotkey now works both ways to and from laser or grenades
  • Kinetic Charge should no longer become invisible when the MOAB it is applied to degrades into a non MOAB-Class
  • Rosalia has been made available for selection in the quests: Intense Bloon Rounds, Cheap CHIMPS, Phayze One & Protect The Yacht
  • Resolved most cases of Rosalia failing to correctly aim at Bloons before firing

Boss Rush

  • Added ‘replay’ functionality to previous islands of Boss Rush. Any island can be replayed as much as desired for practice & fun, these have normal entry cost but will not contribute any further to the team score
  • Added an in-game alert for the current milestone being defeated by a team member
  • Improved the visuals around making improvements to scores after filling submissions
  • Added a loading spinner when scores are ‘being submitted’ to resolve some visual missing score issues
  • The timeout countdown for new players in a team to participate in Boss Rush after joining should now count down the exact minutes
  • Resolved a broken victory screen issue that would occur when attempting to submit scores after an event has ended
  • Resolved an issue where the events screen would fail to display a countdown for next event start, in cases where the event in question had not previously been run
  • Revised Team Store info panel with detail for Boss Rush
  • Resolved an issue where defeating a boss then switching teams and defeating that boss again would fail to play the defeat animation (rewards still won’t double up)


  • Added new random team name prefixes Corvus' & Rosalia's along with the suffix Legion
  • Resolved a crash that would occur when creating a paragon with language set to Arabic
  • Challenge Editor tower restrictions UI should no longer be cut off on some resolutions
  • Editing the name for custom challenges should no longer invalidate submission
  • Super Maelstrom deals the correct amount of damage again
  • Resolved some minor UI layering issues with quest rewards
  • Resolved a crash with the ‘Select Hero’ hotkey (‘u’ by default)
  • Resolved a number of localization issues
  • Resolved a number of crashes
Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.1 - Patch Notes!
Changes & Fixes
  • Fixed some idle animation loop issues with Rosalia so she no longer visually freezes
  • Rosalia should now play sound on target priority arrows (first, last, close, strong)
  • Extended the Resolution Selection UI as the last option was not visible on all resolutions
  • Resolved a crash that could occur using the "Restrict" button in Edit Odyssey menu
  • Players are no longer unable to view the team page for teams they have applied to
  • Standard game hints will no longer display during Boss Rush even when enabled
  • Team Message Board has been updated with better descriptions for ‘Improved Scores’
  • Relics on the Boss Rush Milestone Complete screen can now display their description
  • Paragons are now correctly localized in the Challenge Editor Tower Restrictions UI
  • Corrected an issue causing a large number of ‘things’ to not work as normally expected
    • The main note here is for 'changed CHIMPs starts' on many expert maps. This occurred in 43.0 due to work in the background of the game rebuilding older more rigid parts to be more flexible and moddable, one improvement also caused a number of strange issues including collision detection to be checked slightly less frequently and wasn't noticeable in most cases aside from the very precise requirements of high end chimps maps.


Full update notes can be found here:

Changes & Fixes


  • BUFF Rosalia at Lv7 no longer needs to begin her “Jump” animation by landing and taking back off first. This should make movement more responsive once she unlocks hovering
  • Added some extra animation polish which couldn’t initially make the cut for 43.0
  • Resolved an issue where outside of sandbox, placing Rosalia’s workshop so she spawned on a different height level to it would sometimes clip her through terrain
  • Rosalia’s ‘weapon swap’ hotkey now works both ways to and from laser or grenades
  • Kinetic Charge should no longer become invisible when the MOAB it is applied to degrades into a non MOAB-Class
  • Rosalia has been made available for selection in the quests: Intense Bloon Rounds, Cheap CHIMPS, Phayze One & Protect The Yacht
  • Resolved most cases of Rosalia failing to correctly aim at Bloons before firing

Boss Rush

  • Added ‘replay’ functionality to previous islands of Boss Rush. Any island can be replayed as much as desired for practice & fun, these have normal entry cost but will not contribute any further to the team score
  • Added an in-game alert for the current milestone being defeated by a team member
  • Improved the visuals around making improvements to scores after filling submissions
  • Added a loading spinner when scores are ‘being submitted’ to resolve some visual missing score issues
  • The timeout countdown for new players in a team to participate in Boss Rush after joining should now count down the exact minutes
  • Resolved a broken victory screen issue that would occur when attempting to submit scores after an event has ended
  • Resolved an issue where the events screen would fail to display a countdown for next event start, in cases where the event in question had not previously been run
  • Revised Team Store info panel with detail for Boss Rush
  • Resolved an issue where defeating a boss then switching teams and defeating that boss again would fail to play the defeat animation (rewards still won’t double up)


  • Added new random team name prefixes Corvus' & Rosalia's along with the suffix Legion
  • Resolved a crash that would occur when creating a paragon with language set to Arabic
  • Challenge Editor tower restrictions UI should no longer be cut off on some resolutions
  • Editing the name for custom challenges should no longer invalidate submission
  • NERF Super Maelstrom ability now (correctly) deals 2 damage instead of 3
  • Resolved some minor UI layering issues with quest rewards
  • Resolved a crash with the ‘Select Hero’ hotkey (‘u’ by default)
  • Resolved a number of localization issues
  • Resolved a number of crashes

Version 43.1[]

Version 43.1 patch notes.

Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.1 - Update Notes!

Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.1 - Update Notes!

  • Fixed some idle animation loop issues with Rosalia so she no longer visually freezes
  • Rosalia should now play sound on target priority arrows (first, last, close, strong)
  • Extended the Resolution Selection UI as the last option was not visible on all resolutions
  • Resolved a crash that could occur using the "Restrict" button in Edit Odyssey menu
  • Players are no longer unable to view the team page for teams they have applied to
  • Standard game hints will no longer display during Boss Rush even when enabled
  • Team Message Board has been updated with better descriptions for ‘Improved Scores’
  • Relics on the Boss Rush Milestone Complete screen can now display their description
  • Paragons are now correctly localized in the Challenge Editor Tower Restrictions UI
  • Corrected an issue causing a large number of ‘things’ to not work as normally expected
    • The main note here is for 'changed CHIMPS starts' on many expert maps. This occurred in 43.0 due to work in the background of the game rebuilding older more rigid parts to be more flexible and moddable, one improvement also caused a number of strange issues including collision detection to be checked slightly less frequently and wasn't noticeable in most cases aside from the very precise requirements of high end chimps maps.
    • We are now looking into incorporating some of these 'precise CHIMPS starts' into automated testing to catch strange niche situations like this earlier in the future


Full list of changes for update 43.0 can be found here:

  • Fixed some idle animation loop issues with Rosalia so she no longer visually freezes
  • Rosalia should now play sound on target priority arrows (first, last, close, strong)
  • Extended the Resolution Selection UI as the last option was not visible on all resolutions
  • Resolved a crash that could occur using the "Restrict" button in Edit Odyssey menu
  • Players are no longer unable to view the team page for teams they have applied to
  • Standard game hints will no longer display during Boss Rush even when enabled
  • Team Message Board has been updated with better descriptions for ‘Improved Scores’
  • Relics on the Boss Rush Milestone Complete screen can now display their description
  • Paragons are now correctly localized in the Challenge Editor Tower Restrictions UI
  • Corrected an issue causing a large number of ‘things’ to not work as normally expected
    • The main note here is for 'changed CHIMPS starts' on many expert maps. This occurred in 43.0 due to work in the background of the game rebuilding older more rigid parts to be more flexible and moddable, one improvement also caused a number of strange issues including collision detection to be checked slightly less frequently and wasn't noticeable in most cases aside from the very precise requirements of high end chimps maps.
    • We are now looking into incorporating some of these 'precise CHIMPS starts' into automated testing to catch strange niche situations like this earlier in the future

Version 43.0[]

Version 43.0 patch notes.

Patch notes
Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.0 - Update Notes!

Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.0 - Update Notes!

Available now for most platforms please restart your storefront or be patient if it does not appear for you, these updates can take some time to be rolled out to every region due to how the storefronts are set up.

Update Video:

Key New Features
  • New Event, Boss Rush!
    • We are so psyched to release this event! We have heard the many requests for more Team activities, and after testing some functionality in Quests, we are so happy to release a very different way to play as a Team. Thank you for your feedback and patience, and we truly hope you enjoy!
    • Band together with allies to defend against the powerful Boss Rush threatening your Team. With multiple Boss threats looming on the horizon, you and your Team must work together to defend nearby islands from a variety of invaders!
    • To assist in pushing back the threat players are outfitted with Relic Knowledge to leverage and a number of Revive Shields that will recover you from 0 lives! But be careful, Revives are limited and each time one is triggered the Boss will rush closer to the exit.
    • These Bosses cannot be destroyed alone, so when defending any island your goal is to deal as much damage as you possibly can before they make it past. When your Team reaches enough combined total damage the island is successfully defended and you can progress to the next island, with a new Boss to defend against!
    • Between islands some monkey types must stay behind to defend, but additional Relic Knowledge will be acquired to assist in the next challenge.
    • Defend 5 islands, each with a fast paced Boss challenge against different Bosses out of the initial 3 available: Bloonarius, Dreadbloon & Phayze. (Vortex & Lych to be coming at a later date!).
    • Immediately after defending an island, all Team members can claim the island rewards!
    • For launch we are releasing with a pure Team focus without competitive leaderboards. This allows us to review balance and get feedback from players before making changes in future updates. Boss Rush has evolved to be much bigger than the minigame-like concept it was initially planned to be and we look forward to seeing all of your Teams defend their islands together!
    • The Event Timer shows when the next Boss Rush will start - less than a day after launch.
  • New Code Redemption System
    • This new system will allow us to create gift packs that can be redeemed by anyone with the code for free in-game rewards, so keep an eye out for any codes we may share (or hide…) in future!
    • Due to privacy requirements, certain platforms won’t be able to enter the codes directly in the game. Instead, you will need to visit a Ninja Kiwi website where you can log in to your LiNK account and redeem the code.
New Awesome
  • New Hero Rosalia! (responds to Lia for short!)
    • Jetpack Monkey joins the team! Try out Rosalia right away in her new trial quest! Rosalia is built to be a strong ‘set and forget’ hero who also happens to work well with a techbot. The ability to swap weapon to handle her own weaknesses exists for people who wish to play her as their sole DPS, but the power of both her weapons is balanced to scale up together at a fair rate so there's no reason not to pick a preferred weapon forever, and build the rest of your towers to cover any weakness left.
    • Rosalia freely jumps around her large workshop area, attacking faster the more Bloons are nearby while swapping between a powerful single target laser & bouncing cluster grenades to deal with different threats!
    • Enhanced special attacks for the 10th shot fired on either weapon, showering Bloons in a fog of explosions, or Shocking and pushing them back with powerful Plasma blasts
    • Reduce all upgrade costs for Monkey Ace & Heli Pilot, plus one other friend!
    • Lv3 Scatter Missile ability, to clean up Bloons with a barrage of powerful stuns
    • Lv7 Hover ANYWHERE and gain the Flight Boost ability to temporarily pursue Bloons everywhere around the track and temporarily boost the flight speed of Aces & Helis
    • Lv10 Kinetic Charge ability, which sticks MOAB-class Bloons with a charge that explodes after a short duration and amplifies this explosion based on the amount of damage that hits the target before the charge explodes. Focus fire!
    • You could try this code: ROSALIAROCKS
  • New Beginner Map Tinkerton
    • Explore Rosalia’s workshop and help defend it against Bloon incursion! Who knew orange juice had so many uses?
  • New Quests
    • Tinkerer’s Tutorial: discover Rosalia’s strengths and weaknesses
    • A Strange Bloonomaly: Dr. Monkey wants your help investigating some unusual Bloons
  • New Trophy Store Items
    • Heroes: Obyn Wolf Dance placement animation for Standard Obyn
    • Monkeys: Boomer ‘Roo pet for the Boomerang Monkey
    • Bloons: BAD Scarab skin
    • Game & UI: Boomer and ‘Roo profile banner, Distinguished Gentlemonkey avatar
  • Limited Time Trophy Store Item
    • Druid of the Rainbow avatar
  • New CT Team Store items
    • Icons: Battle Monkey Icon
    • Frames: Boss Rush Clouds Frame
Game Changes / Additions
  • Map Editor Beach items
    • It may be getting colder in New Zealand, but we know it’s getting back to beach weather for most of you!
    • Beach water path x1
    • Areas x2
    • Stamps x3
    • Props x22
  • Map Editor ‘full path’ settings to modify how entire paths work
    • Set paths to be alternating, sequential, or a specific pattern
  • Map Editor ‘path node’ settings to modify small sections within a path
    • Invulnerable MOABs: MOABs will not be targetable until the next node
    • Invulnerable Bloons: Bloons will not be targetable until the next node
    • All Bloon Speed: Speed modified by a set multiplier until the next node
    • Scale Bloon: Bloons will increase in visual size until the next node
    • Scale MOAB: MOABs will increase in visual size until the next node
  • FPS is no longer capped by default, instead a 60 FPS limit can be enabled from the screen resolution menu
Bug Fixes & General Changes
  • Endurance Roundset used in the Phayze One quest has been extended from 100 to 205 rounds, and now has naturally spawning Camo Bloons added
  • David Vs Goliath achievement now works in Boss Challenge
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when logging out
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when exiting out of the received accolades menu too quickly after entering
  • Resolved a case in which ‘login required’ could incorrectly display on arcade builds
  • Unlocking a new hero should always select that new hero
  • Resolved some UI overlap issues within Map Editor
  • Resolved some minor visual issues with quests forcing hero level ups
  • Map Editor vfx should no longer sometimes become locked to the player’s selection and block interaction / clicking on other items
  • Resolved an issue that could sometimes fail to load the ‘My Teams’ button
  • Resolved an issue where tower outlines would incorrectly misalign from the tower
  • Improved resolution of the default App icon
  • Restarting a game in the Content Browser should no longer render that run invalid for the ‘first winner’ slot
  • The ‘messages’ page is now loaded by default when interacting with the My Team button
  • Income modifiers used in challenge rules should correctly apply to all sources of income
Event bug fixes
  • Team island props should once again animate when interacted with
  • Game should no longer crash when in the Odyssey scene as the event ends
Map Specific Fixes
  • Protect the Yacht quest map’s Boss Spawn Point art has been corrected
  • Protect the Yacht quest map should no longer use the #ouch odyssey statue
Tower Specific Fixes
Tack Shooter
  • 5xx Inferno Ring’s fire aura is now visually disabled when VFX slider is set to 0%
Ice Monkey
  • x3x Arctic Wind ice aura is now visually disabled when VFX slider is set to 0%
Glue Gunner
  • x4x Glue Gunner can no longer debuff Dreadbloon in Primary Immune phase
Monkey Sub
  • x5x Pre-Emptive Strike now works on Castle’s Revenge
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when building a sub paragon as Vortex spawns.
  • 3xx+ Monkey Sub aura no longer shrinks with the VFX slider, but is disabled at 0%
Monkey Buccaneer
  • 4xx Aircraft Carrier planes now have camo restored when Polyphemus Eye is opened
  • xx4 Favored Trades no longer increases the sell value of towers in CHIMPS above $0
Heli Pilot
  • Swapping to Lock in Place while moving should no longer visually jam the rotation
Super Monkey
  • Resolved a hypersonic automatic blink teleport attacks issue that never happened in a live build but is kinda fun to talk about, and honestly less hype than i’m making it out to sound anyway.
Hero Specific Fixes
  • Lv4 Gwendolin's Heat It Up buff no longer fails to apply if the attack runs out of pierce
  • Resolved a buggy visual that could occur when Heat It Up attacks too fast
  • Etienne should no longer consume the ‘Box of Monkey’ Relic Knowledge
  • Resolved a rare crash that could occur when using hotkeys
  • Resolved an issue where Geraldo’s skin displayed the wrong portrait when viewing the full upgrades page
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when sold at Lv2
Platform Specific fixes
  • [Vision Pro] Gentlemonkey Geraldo skin should now show on the Monkey Tray
Balance Changes

The combination of towers you are able to pass round 1 with can change quite a lot in any overall strategy, especially for more restrictive game modes, so for this update we have made an effort to open up new starter combinations with improvements to a number of initial placement towers.

Tower Balance
Dart Monkey

While we have been working to increase this niche with many new maps, Juggernaut’s functions sub-optimally for the majority of current maps in the game as the knockback doesn’t scale well without good rebound opportunities; to help with this we’re increasing their knockback force slightly with even more emphasis on the less-favored crosspath. We are slightly reducing the cost of Super Monkey Fan Club to overall improve the value of taking multiple to maintain higher uptime

  • 4xx Juggernaut Knockback duration increased 0.1s > 0.15
  • 402 Juggernaut Knockback to heavy targets 1.5 > 2.25
  • 402 Juggernaut Knockback to light targets 3 > 4.5
  • x4x Super Monkey Fan Club price reduced $8000 > 7500
Boomerang Monkey

Boomerang base price is being slightly reduced, already a decent start in many cases though this seemed enough to make slight game start changes and price it differently to other towers. The main attack for MOAB Domination has been scaled up as overall it is a good upgrade but the pierce on this main attack was previously unchanged from the T3. Glaive Lord’s main thrown attacks will now be able to bounce back again and hit the same target multiple times, this can be a very powerful effect so there is a cooldown on how frequently any single Bloon can be re-targeted.

  • Boomerang Monkey price reduced $325 > 315
  • xx5 Moab Domination Main projectile pierce increased 18 > 54
  • 205 Moab Domination Main projectile pierce increased 27 > 81
  • 5xx Glaive Lord main attack can bounce back to the same target: cooldown 0.6s
Bomb Shooter

Bloon Crush does its job locking down all movement in an area, but we feel it could see more damage to reduce the stall time without the balance really changing much. Bomb Blitz was recently refitted to a cheaper price range while proportionally keeping a similar power level for the cost, however seeing it now in this spot we feel keeping higher damage will give it the edge it needs to feel more impactful than spamming Recursives.

  • 5xx Bloon Crush damage increased 12 > 24
  • 502 Bloon Crush Frags damage increased 12 > 24
  • 502 Bloon Crush Frags bonus damage to ceramic 12 > 0
  • xx5 Bomb Blitz damage increased 3 > 5
Tack Shooter

Tack is a very powerful base tower technically, but it is unable to achieve high uptime of that potential power in many early rounds, so some base cost is moving into the cheaper xx1 and xx2 upgrades to make it easier for other towers to start alongside the tack. Additionally, while we’ve held out on this change as there are strong use cases in prior upgrades, Blade Maelstrom lacks the single target punch to last late in Modern Bloons. While it is designed as a high pierce cleanup of low tier Bloons we want to try shifting some pierce to single target damage to feel good for longer.

  • Tack shooter price reduced $280 > 260
  • xx1 More Tacks price increased $100 > 110
  • xx2 Even More Tacks price increased $100 > 110
  • x4x Blade Maelstrom damage increased 1 > 2
  • x4x Blade Maelstrom pierce reduced from 200 > 100
  • x5x Super Maelstrom damage unchanged
  • x5x Super Maelstrom pierce reduced 500 > 300
Glue Gunner

Increased duration has limited use on upgrades that completely destroy targets anyway, so a better crosspath benefit is being added onto 401 glue puddles. Bloon Solver’s pierce is being reduced as it is over-overkill for how many Bloons you realistically see at once, but this reduction should not be noticed for most players. Glue Splatter stands out as weirdly expensive for T2, and is rarely even needed so we’re significantly cutting its price to bring it down to a more affordable range with less pierce, we hope this should make it more worth considering for splatter coverage over piercing. Now that Glue Storm is extremely good for damage type & debuff support we’re removing the bonus speed reduction that should otherwise require xx2 crosspath and lowering the duration of the Glue Storm. New Relentless Glue finally offers something quite powerful so cost is slightly increasing.

  • 401 Stickier Glue allows track puddles to last +1 round
  • 5xx The Bloon Solver pierce reduced 5 > 4
  • x2x Glue Splatter price reduced $1450 > 970
  • x2x Glue Splatter pierce buff reduced 3 > 2
  • x5x Glue Storm ability ‘storm’ duration reduced 20s > 15
  • x5x Glue Storm ability glue slow 75% > 50%
  • 052 Glue Storm ability glue slow 90% > 75%
  • xx4 Relentless Glue price increased 3000 > 3400
Sniper Monkey

Lower tier Shrapnel crosspathing balance doesn’t feel great currently, so the damage crosspath benefits at T1 & T2 are improving. Even with the high damage per shot, Cripple MOAB still has low value outside of debuff capability, we feel that these shots pack enough of a punch now that they should do a little collateral damage - so lets do it! (we’ve also increased shrapnel pierce at this tier to not tip crosspath balance too far to one side).

  • 120 Shrapnel Shot damage increased from 1 > 2
  • 220 Shrapnel Shot damage increased from 2 > 3
  • 320 Shrapnel Shot damage unchanged (4)
  • 520 Cripple MOAB’s Shrapnel Shot pierce increased from 2 > 3
  • 5xx Cripple MOAB now damages Bloons around the main target
    • Radius 8
    • Pierce 10
    • Damage 28
Monkey Sub

Bloontonium Reactor’s unsubmerged damage is increasing to encourage unsubmerged possibilities. The bonus to Lead on Reactor currently doesn't apply to T5, so this bonus is being carried up and improved along with a small price reduction to Energizer as strategies using it have fallen somewhat in viability. Nautic Siege Core’s hero buff is being improved as currently this is an under-utilized part of the tower.

  • 4xx Bloontonium Reactor dart & airburst damage 1 > 2
  • 520 Energizer gains bonus damage to Lead +5 when submerged
  • 502 Energizer price reduced $32,000 > 31,000
  • Paragon Hero attack cooldown increase reduced 1.5x > 1.3
  • Paragon Hero damage multiplier increased 4x > 5x
Monkey Buccaneer

While buccaneer is technically already a very good starter tower for maps that happen to have ideal spots allowing it to attack in both directions we feel this situation isn’t common enough that the tower should be priced around that expectation - this reduced cost is added back to top and bottom T3 upgrades as they do not need the buff. As the paragon has exceptionally powerful scaling mechanics as well as being a paragon that continues to produce cash the XP Unlock requirement is increasing, this increase will not affect players who have already unlocked it.

  • Buccaneer price reduced $500 > 400
  • 300 Destroyer price increased 2950 > 3050
  • 003 Merchantman price increased 2300 > 2400
  • Navarch unlock XP increased 500,000 > 750,000
Monkey Ace

Minor catchup changes to some parts have fallen out of line slightly due to balance changes for other parts of the Ace.

  • x1x Exploding Pineapple attack cooldown reduced 1.7s > 1.6s
  • xx5 Flying Fortress radial dart damage increased from 3 > 6

Ace - Goliath Doomship

A lot of stats shuffled around here; this should keep the power level roughly similar overall but with proportionally more of that power coming from the seeking attacks, and less from micro aiming the faster firing frontal gun.

  • Seeking Radials projectile count increased 4 > 8
  • Seeking Radials damage increased 200 > 300
  • Seeking Radials boss bonus increased 200 > 300
  • Non-seeking Radials projectile count reduced 16 > 12
  • Non-seeking Radials damage increased 200 > 300
  • Non-seeking Radials boss bonus increased 200 > 300
  • Frontal Gun damage reduced 300 > 150
  • Frontal Gun boss bonus reduced 300 > 150
Heli Pilot

Overall Comanche cleanup and stats shuffle; with the goal of improving baseline non-buffed performance and making it less demanding of Geraldo’s Pickle for high damage.

  • x5x Special Poperations Marine can now be sold in CHIMPS
  • xx4 Comanche Defense mini's attack rate 0.151848 > 0.228
  • xx5 Comanche Commander mini heli dart damage increased 2 > 3
  • xx4 Comanche Defense mini's missile damage 1 > 4
  • xx4 Comanche Defense mini's missile pierce 80 > 60
  • xx4 Comanche Defense mini's missile ceramic bonus increased 1 > 2
  • xx4 Comanche Defense mini's missile moab bonus removed 2 > 0
  • xx5 Comanche Commander mini's missile ceramic bonus increased 1 > 10
  • xx5 Comanche Commander mini's missile moab bonus removed 8 > 0
Mortar Monkey

Artillery Battery use has really exploded (!) and over the past few updates it has been sitting fairly steady in a great spot, the current power level feels good but we don’t want to create too big of a gap from the T3 yet so only a very slight cost increase. Blooncineration’s 025 crosspath currently works so much better with external buffs so we're tweaking the 205 crosspath to feel better in some situations.

  • x4x Artillery Battery price increased $5500 > 5900
  • 105 Blooncineration walls of fire pierce increased 25 > 36
  • 205 Blooncineration walls of fire damage increased 2 > 3
Wizard Monkey

Wizard has a weaker base tower so the base cost is going down in exchange for a small price increase to the cost to value ratio for the effective Arcane Mastery. As Fireball becomes very forgotten at higher tiers and is hard to even see at Dragon’s Breath, we’re improving the crosspath and adding even more projectiles at T3 for wider explosive coverage. As Shimmer is the slowest de-camo in the game it is important that it not miss when it does trigger, so pierce is greatly increased. Wizard Lord Phoenix’s Wall of Fire hasn’t had any meaningful upgrade progression, so its damage is being increased. Magus is one of the more in-depth Paragons to use effectively so having it as one of the cheapest to unlock didn't feel right, the unlock XP requirements for this and Ninja are being swapped around.

  • Wizard price reduced $375 > 325
  • 3xx Arcane Mastery price increased $1300 > 1400
  • xx3 Shimmer pierce increased 200 > 500
  • 210 Fireball crosspathed damage increased 1 > 2
  • x3x Dragon's Breath fireball projectile count increased 1 > 3
  • x3x Dragon's Breath fireball damage reduced 9 > 3
  • x3x Dragon's Breath pierce reduced 4 > 3
  • x5x Wizard Lord Phoenix wall of fire attack damage 3 > 5
  • x5x Dragon's Breath fireball damage reduced from 27 > 9
  • Wizard Paragon unlock cost increased from 500,000 > 1,000,000
Super Monkey

Super Monkey projectiles already travel most the map length so that total distance is being reduced and adding back via the range-focused middle crosspath. The recent Robo/Tech Terror nerfs had a larger impact on the Anti-Bloon, so it is seeing a larger compensatory price reduction. Legend of the Night’s special passive ability is being failsafe limited to 2 activations per round, per tower.

  • Supermonkey projectile speed reduced 280 > 200
  • x2x Epic Range projectile speed bonus 25% > 75% (remains 350)
  • x5x The Anti-Bloon upgrade cost reduced from $80,000 > 70,000
  • xx5 Legend of the Night ability max uses per round: 2
Ninja Monkey

While a great early game option, Ninja generally struggles with dominant crosspathing choices and also has relatively poor base tower value. Without going into every single change, T3s onward remain relatively unchanged with a lot of prices below T3 being moved around from less favorable crosspaths into better/higher tier upgrades. Ninja Paragon is very simple to use so unlock XP requirements for this and Wizard Paragon are swapping around so Ninja is the faster unlock. This increase will not affect players who have already unlocked it.

  • Ninja Monkey price reduced $500 > 400
  • Ninja Monkey attack cooldown reduced from 0.7 > 0.62
  • 1xx Ninja Monkey attack cooldown reduced 38% > 30 (all attacks)
  • xx2 Caltrops attack cooldown reduced 4.4 > 3.9
  • xx4 Sticky Bomb attack cooldown reduced 5 > 4.5
  • 1xx Ninja Discipline price increased $300 > 350
  • 3xx Double Shot price increased $850 > 900
  • x1x Distraction price reduced $350 > 250
  • x2x Counter Espionage price reduced $500 > 400
  • x3x Shinobi Tactics price increased $900 > 1200
  • xx1 Seeking Shuriken price increased $250 > 300
  • xx2 Caltrops price increased $400 > 450
  • Ninja Paragon unlock cost reduced 1,000,000 > 500,000

Passive life generation is being removed in favor of the active ability being the only source of life generation, this allows druid-focus strategies to no longer ‘accidentally’ heal their Vengeance buffs away. Heart of Vengeance itself has been allowed to remain overpowered for a long time since life loss is not always an option in different challenges/modes, but with newer competitive modes being added over time that do allow for this mechanic to be, overindulged, shall we say, it feels due for substantial rebalance.

  • x4x Jungle's Bounty now generates 1 life per ability cast
  • x4x Jungle's Bounty no longer passively generates 1 life per round
  • x5x Spirit of the Forest no longer passively generates lives per round
  • xx2 Heart of Vengeance lost lives maximum rate bonus reduced 100% > 50
Banana Farm

Monkey Wall Street’s cost is being increased, but in return its special bonuses have been improved with more life generation and much more range for Banana collection.

  • xx5 Monkey Wall Street price increased $60,000 > 70,000
  • xx5 Monkey Wall Street range increased 60 > 75
  • xx5 Monkey Wall Street lives per round increased 10 > 15
Spike Factory

Spike Storm is now exceptionally strong so the ability cooldown is increasing a small amount along with the T5 cost. This comes along with a crosspath rebalance granting more 042 lifespan. Long Life Spikes can start creating a nice buildup of spikes in advance but most of the time feels fairly meh as a stepping stone into Deadly Spikes, a little price here is being shifted up to improve standalone upgrade value.

  • x4x Spike Storm cooldown increased 45s > 50
  • x4x Spike Storm ability spikes minimum duration reduced 10s > 9
  • x4x Spike Storm ability spikes maximum duration reduced 13s > 11
  • 041 Spike Storm duration bonus for ability spikes increased 50% > 100%
  • x5x Spike Storm ability spikes duration remains at 18-22s
  • x5x Carpet of Spikes price increased $40,000 > 42,000
  • xx3 Long Life Spikes price reduced $1400 > 1300
  • xx4 Deadly Spikes price increased $3500 > 3600
Monkey Village

Primary Expertise’s own attack is unreliable due partly to low bounce distance, so this is being increased. Base level Monkeyopolis continues to over perform, so the baseline cash generation is reducing.

  • 5xx Primary Expertise bounce distance increased 50 > 90
  • xx5 Monkeyopolis base cash amount reduced $1250 > 1000

While better than many options, base Engineer still takes a lot of available starting cash so the cost is reduced slightly and being moved back up into Cleansing Foam & Bloontrap; also with a reduction to Double Gun’s price to reflect the lower value of the base tower. Sentry placements are slightly changing to improve their reliability, and will now spawn closer to the track depending on how much range the sentry has. Sentry Champion, while strong with them, is lacking without high buff support so we’re trying out an increase to the sentry damage on it.

  • Engineer price reduced $400 > 350
  • 1xx Sentries now spawn within 20% of their range to the track
  • 5xx Sentry Champagne damage increased from 2 > 3
  • x3x Cleansing Foam price increased $850 > 900
  • x4x Overclock foam pierce 10 > 15
  • xx3 Double Gun price reduced $500 > 450
  • xx4 Bloontrap price increased $3500 > 3600
Beast Handler

In going over our large list of price changes for Beast Handler’s lower tiers in 42 this change was received very positively, however we did not realize that in making this change we killed off all chance of dual-beast handlers being used as a round 1 starting option for under $650 in hard modes – So we gotta do that math all over again and convert it for difficulty, painful 😀 All T1 beast prices changed to allow 110 & 101 beast handler combos to be placed for under $650 in hard mode, all T2 & T3 prices shifted around to keep these same cost ratios.

  • 1xx Piranha price reduced 170 > 160
  • 2xx Barracutie price reduced 850 > 810
  • 3xx Great White price reduced 2075 > 2010
  • x1x Microraptor price reduced 195 > 175
  • x2x Adasaurus price reduced 890 > 830
  • x3x Velociraptor price reduced 2170 > 2065
  • xx1 Gyrfalcon price reduced 210 > 190
  • xx2 Horned Owl price reduced 940 > 860
  • xx3 Golden Eagle price reduced 3150 > 2120

Orca is very strong currently but Great White doesn’t do so much outside of max merge MOAB Takedowns, so damage is increasing to improve these non-maxed situations.

  • 3xx Great White damage increased from 8 > 12
  • 3xx Great White damage range increased from 16 > 24

Similar to Sentries, Beast spawn placement will now scale closer to the track based on how much range the beast has.

  • 1xx Piranha now spawn within 20% of their range to the track
  • x1x Microraptor now spawn within 30% of their range to the track

Golden Eagle has stood out more than Condor against MOABs which has felt very wrong, last update it was nerfed against MOABs and now we are playing with the pierce & penalties to improve Golden Eagle further against non-MOAB-Class targets and for Condor more help with lower MOABs.

  • xx3 Golden Eagle pierce increased from 15 > 30
  • xx3 Golden Eagle pierce range increased from 30 > 60
  • xx3 Golden Eagle MOAB pierce penalty increased from 44 > 1089
  • xx3 Golden Eagle attack cooldown range from 0.28679625 > 0.28
  • xx4 Condor Unchanged by any above changes
  • xx4 Giant Condor ceramic penalty reduced from 1 > 0
  • xx4 Giant Condor BFB penalty reduced from 44 > 29

We’re slightly reducing beast reposition cooldown as the tiny range leaves movement very tight, which is especially painful for Microraptor path given the low range.

  • Beast Handler move cooldown reduced from 3s > 2
Hero Balance

Quincy’s Rapid Shot starts with an extremely short duration that slowly increases over levels, the difference between min and max is huge but it doesn’t feel too impactfully increased at any point through the leveling up process, so we are increasing the base duration and instead moving the buff up to max duration all into his Lv13 which currently doesn’t do much.

  • Quincy no longer gains 0.5s Rapid Shot duration per level
  • Lv3 Rapid Shot duration increased 3.5s > 8
  • Lv13 now also increases Rapid Shot duration 8.5s > 12

Gwendolin’s Heat it Up was recently reworked to allow for much more frequent triggering from attacks, however the 4.5s internal cooldown still limits it from being scaled up far so that internal cooldown is now also being reduced. Additionally, Heat it Up’s bonus buff to damage against Lead targets has been improved slightly so we can get more out of that niche.

  • Lv4 Heat it Up minimum delay reduced from 4.5s > 1.5s
  • Lv17 Heat it Up buff to Lead type increased from +1 > 2
Obyn Greenfoot

Obyn isn’t necessarily the best support for every type of Druid to reach its highest DPS, but with his more easy reliable design it feels appropriate for him to solve Druid’s biggest weaknesses in a more laid back approach with:

  • Lv8 ‘Nature’s Wrath’ additionally grants camo detection to Druids in radius

Benjamin’s Cyber Security and Skimming levels have been swapped around so that the early game skimming cash snowball doesn’t come quite so soon, and Cyber Security can come in earlier where it will make a bigger impact proportionally to the lives being lost.

  • Swap the levels for Lv6 Cyber Security and Lv4 skimming
Admiral Brickell

We’ll probably regret this, but the nerf made people very sad, and that is not a life goal 😢

  • Lv18 Mega Mine cooldown 45s > 40

Etienne's drones are prone to missing due to very low projectile speed, this speed is increasing a fair amount to help with this as drones already have an inability to directionally aim well.

  • Lv1 Faster projectile speed for all drones 150 > 250

Purple Popping is underwhelming with how late it comes online, so this is swapping around with level 11’s slightly faster pop speed.

  • Lv11 (Faster Popping) & Lv13 (Purple Popping) swapped

Geraldo has been far too powerful for a while and all-round nerfs are coming to many outstanding aspects, however in return a little quality of life is coming with some more forgiving stock capacities and much more flexible Fertilizer; with the % benefit being reduced in return for improved replenish rate, maximum stock and the ability to now work on all Banana Farm types.

  • Lv2 Action Figure price reduced $700 > 650
  • Lv6 Worn Cape restock rate reduced 5 > 7
  • Lv6 Worn Cape cape max stock increased 2 > 3
  • Lv7 Blade Trap max stock increased 3 > 4
  • Lv9 Fertilizer cash bonus reduced 25% > 20
  • Lv9 Fertilizer max stock increased 2 > 4
  • Lv9 Fertilizer rounds to replenish reduced 5 > 3
  • Lv9 Fertilizer will now work on all Banana Farms
  • Lv13 Shooty Turret v2 damage reduced 7 > 6
  • Lv8 Gerry’s Fire duration reduced 10r > 5
  • Lv16 Gerry’s Fire v2 duration remains 10r
  • Lv11 Jar of Pickles bonus to fortified removed 1 > 0
  • Lv16 Jar of Pickles bonus to fortified reduced 2 > 1

As Corvus’s power is still considerably top-heavy the mid game performance is being improved with buffs to underused spells, but also top-end power of his 2 most powerful level 20 spells is being reduced to lessen the pressure to ‘need’ to get this far.

  • Lv1 Spear pierce increased from 3 > 4
  • Lv3 Soul harvest cooldown 35s > 40s
  • Lv5 Aggression initial mana cost 80 > 50
  • Lv7 Malevolence tick rate 0.5s > 0.3s
  • Lv14 Malevolence damage 3 > 5
  • Lv20 Might damage 400 > 300
  • Lv20 Overload damage 4000 > 3000

Minor tweaks to Heartless which feels it has no competitive edge over most other Relics & Monkey Boost which overperforms on all available tiles.

  • Heartless now ‘disables’ Regrow Bloons: Regrow rate increased 150% > 10,050%
  • Monkey Boost granted uses of the Monkey Boost power reduced 3 > 2

Some Relics required more functional changes. As more range is situational and sometimes detrimental Going the Distance has been merged with Durable Shots to also grant increased Lifespan, Durable Shots now instead increases the pierce of all towers. As ‘Popping White Bloons’ is also far too situational Deep Heat now also grants Frozen Bloon popping and improves the duration of Freezes.

  • Going the Distance now also provides Lifespan +30%
  • Durable Shots no longer grants increased lifespan
  • Durable Shots now grants towers increased pierce +25%
  • Deep Heat now also allows all attacks to pop 'Frozen'
  • Deep Heat now also grants Freezes longer duration +10%
  • Deep Heat now also allows Freezes to last extra layers +1
Boss Bloons


This is really just for fun, bringing increased variety of Bleed Bloons from higher tier Bloonarius

  • Elite Tier 4: Bleed Bloons from 12 MOABs > 8 MOABs + 2 BFBs
  • Elite Tier 5: Bleed Bloons from 8 DDTs > 6 DDTs + 2 fort ZOMGs


Rock Bloons in the higher tiers of Normal Dreadbloon are very outscaled, and so their health values are being increased.

  • Normal Tier 4: Rock Bloon HP increased 5000 > 9000
  • Normal Tier 5: Rock Bloon HP increased 12000 > 22500


In Elite mode Phayze’s speed bonus while shielded is being reduced by 5% across the board as it felt just a little too quick.

  • Elite Tier 1 shielded speed bonus reduced from 50% > 45%
  • Elite Tier 2 shielded speed bonus reduced from 55% > 50%
  • Elite Tier 3 shielded speed bonus reduced from 60% > 55%
  • Elite Tier 4 shielded speed bonus reduced from 65% > 60%
  • Elite Tier 5 shielded speed bonus reduced from 70% > 65%

Update: Bloons TD 6 v43.0 - Update Notes!

Available now for most platforms please restart your storefront or be patient if it does not appear for you, these updates can take some time to be rolled out to every region due to how the storefronts are set up.

Update Video:

Key New Features
  • New Event, Boss Rush!
    • We are so psyched to release this event! We have heard the many requests for more Team activities, and after testing some functionality in Quests, we are so happy to release a very different way to play as a Team. Thank you for your feedback and patience, and we truly hope you enjoy!
    • Band together with allies to defend against the powerful Boss Rush threatening your Team. With multiple Boss threats looming on the horizon, you and your Team must work together to defend nearby islands from a variety of invaders!
    • To assist in pushing back the threat players are outfitted with Relic Knowledge to leverage and a number of Revive Shields that will recover you from 0 lives! But be careful, Revives are limited and each time one is triggered the Boss will rush closer to the exit.
    • These Bosses cannot be destroyed alone, so when defending any island your goal is to deal as much damage as you possibly can before they make it past. When your Team reaches enough combined total damage the island is successfully defended and you can progress to the next island, with a new Boss to defend against!
    • Between islands some monkey types must stay behind to defend, but additional Relic Knowledge will be acquired to assist in the next challenge.
    • Defend 5 islands, each with a fast paced Boss challenge against different Bosses out of the initial 3 available: Bloonarius, Dreadbloon & Phayze. (Vortex & Lych to be coming at a later date!).
    • Immediately after defending an island, all Team members can claim the island rewards!
    • For launch we are releasing with a pure Team focus without competitive leaderboards. This allows us to review balance and get feedback from players before making changes in future updates. Boss Rush has evolved to be much bigger than the minigame-like concept it was initially planned to be and we look forward to seeing all of your Teams defend their islands together!
    • The Event Timer shows when the next Boss Rush will start - less than a day after launch.
  • New Code Redemption System
    • This new system will allow us to create gift packs that can be redeemed by anyone with the code for free in-game rewards, so keep an eye out for any codes we may share (or hide…) in future!
    • Due to privacy requirements, certain platforms won’t be able to enter the codes directly in the game. Instead, you will need to visit a Ninja Kiwi website where you can log in to your LiNK account and redeem the code.
New Awesome
  • New Hero Rosalia! (responds to Lia for short!)
    • Jetpack Monkey joins the team! Try out Rosalia right away in her new trial quest! Rosalia is built to be a strong ‘set and forget’ hero who also happens to work well with a techbot. The ability to swap weapon to handle her own weaknesses exists for people who wish to play her as their sole DPS, but the power of both her weapons is balanced to scale up together at a fair rate so there's no reason not to pick a preferred weapon forever, and build the rest of your towers to cover any weakness left.
    • Rosalia freely jumps around her large workshop area, attacking faster the more Bloons are nearby while swapping between a powerful single target laser & bouncing cluster grenades to deal with different threats!
    • Enhanced special attacks for the 10th shot fired on either weapon, showering Bloons in a fog of explosions, or Shocking and pushing them back with powerful Plasma blasts
    • Reduce all upgrade costs for Monkey Ace & Heli Pilot, plus one other friend!
    • Lv3 Scatter Missile ability, to clean up Bloons with a barrage of powerful stuns
    • Lv7 Hover ANYWHERE and gain the Flight Boost ability to temporarily pursue Bloons everywhere around the track and temporarily boost the flight speed of Aces & Helis
    • Lv10 Kinetic Charge ability, which sticks MOAB-class Bloons with a charge that explodes after a short duration and amplifies this explosion based on the amount of damage that hits the target before the charge explodes. Focus fire!
    • You could try this code: ROSALIAROCKS
  • New Beginner Map Tinkerton
    • Explore Rosalia’s workshop and help defend it against Bloon incursion! Who knew orange juice had so many uses?
  • New Quests
    • Tinkerer’s Tutorial: discover Rosalia’s strengths and weaknesses
    • A Strange Bloonomaly: Dr. Monkey wants your help investigating some unusual Bloons
  • New Trophy Store Items
    • Heroes: Obyn Wolf Dance placement animation for Standard Obyn
    • Monkeys: Boomer ‘Roo pet for the Boomerang Monkey
    • Bloons: BAD Scarab skin
    • Game & UI: Boomer and ‘Roo profile banner, Distinguished Gentlemonkey avatar
  • Limited Time Trophy Store Item
    • Druid of the Rainbow avatar
  • New CT Team Store items
    • Icons: Battle Monkey Icon
    • Frames: Boss Rush Clouds Frame
Game Changes / Additions
  • Map Editor Beach items
    • It may be getting colder in New Zealand, but we know it’s getting back to beach weather for most of you!
    • Beach water path x1
    • Areas x2
    • Stamps x3
    • Props x22
  • Map Editor ‘full path’ settings to modify how entire paths work
    • Set paths to be alternating, sequential, or a specific pattern
  • Map Editor ‘path node’ settings to modify small sections within a path
    • Invulnerable MOABs: MOABs will not be targetable until the next node
    • Invulnerable Bloons: Bloons will not be targetable until the next node
    • All Bloon Speed: Speed modified by a set multiplier until the next node
    • Scale Bloon: Bloons will increase in visual size until the next node
    • Scale MOAB: MOABs will increase in visual size until the next node
  • FPS is no longer capped by default, instead a 60 FPS limit can be enabled from the screen resolution menu
Bug Fixes & General Changes
  • Endurance Roundset used in the Phayze One quest has been extended from 100 to 205 rounds, and now has naturally spawning Camo Bloons added
  • David Vs Goliath achievement now works in Boss Challenge
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when logging out
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when exiting out of the received accolades menu too quickly after entering
  • Resolved a case in which ‘login required’ could incorrectly display on arcade builds
  • Unlocking a new hero should always select that new hero
  • Resolved some UI overlap issues within Map Editor
  • Resolved some minor visual issues with quests forcing hero level ups
  • Map Editor vfx should no longer sometimes become locked to the player’s selection and block interaction / clicking on other items
  • Resolved an issue that could sometimes fail to load the ‘My Teams’ button
  • Resolved an issue where tower outlines would incorrectly misalign from the tower
  • Improved resolution of the default App icon
  • Restarting a game in the Content Browser should no longer render that run invalid for the ‘first winner’ slot
  • The ‘messages’ page is now loaded by default when interacting with the My Team button
  • Income modifiers used in challenge rules should correctly apply to all sources of income
  • BUFF [undocumented] Increased rewards for Contested Territory
    • Added bonus ordinary Trophies onto all Global Player leaderboard rewards
    • Local Player rewards increased
      • Top 1: BloonjaminsIcon500 → BloonjaminsIcon700
      • Top 2: BloonjaminsIcon400 → BloonjaminsIcon550, TeamTrophyIconSmall500 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 900
      • Top 3: BloonjaminsIcon300 → BloonjaminsIcon450, TeamTrophyIconSmall250 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 750
      • Top 10: BloonjaminsIcon200 → BloonjaminsIcon300, TeamTrophyIconSmall150 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 600
      • Top 20: BloonjaminsIcon100 → BloonjaminsIcon200, TeamTrophyIconSmall75 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 300
      • Top 40: BloonjaminsIcon75 → BloonjaminsIcon100, TeamTrophyIconSmall50 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 150
      • Top 60: TeamTrophyIconSmall50 → TeamTrophyIconSmall 75
Event bug fixes
  • Team island props should once again animate when interacted with
  • Game should no longer crash when in the Odyssey scene as the event ends
Map Specific Fixes
  • Protect the Yacht quest map’s Boss Spawn Point art has been corrected
  • Protect the Yacht quest map should no longer use the #ouch odyssey statue
Tower Specific Fixes
Tack Shooter
  • 5xx Inferno Ring’s fire aura is now visually disabled when VFX slider is set to 0%
Ice Monkey
  • x3x Arctic Wind ice aura is now visually disabled when VFX slider is set to 0%
Glue Gunner
  • NERF x4x Glue Gunner can no longer debuff Dreadbloon in Primary Immune phase
Monkey Sub
  • BUFF x5x Pre-Emptive Strike now works on Castle’s Revenge
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when building a sub paragon as Vortex spawns.
  • 3xx+ Monkey Sub aura no longer shrinks with the VFX slider, but is disabled at 0%
Monkey Buccaneer
  • BUFF 4xx Aircraft Carrier planes now have camo restored when Polyphemus Eye is opened
  • NERF xx4 Favored Trades no longer increases the sell value of towers in CHIMPS above $0
Heli Pilot
  • Swapping to Lock in Place while moving should no longer visually jam the rotation
Super Monkey
  • Resolved a hypersonic automatic blink teleport attacks issue that never happened in a live build but is kinda fun to talk about, and honestly less hype than i’m making it out to sound anyway.
Hero Specific Fixes
  • BUFF Lv4 Gwendolin's Heat It Up buff no longer fails to apply if the attack runs out of pierce
  • Resolved a buggy visual that could occur when Heat It Up attacks too fast
  • BUFF Etienne should no longer consume the ‘Box of Monkey’ Relic Knowledge
  • Resolved a rare crash that could occur when using hotkeys
  • Resolved an issue where Geraldo’s skin displayed the wrong portrait when viewing the full upgrades page
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when sold at Lv2
Platform Specific fixes
  • [Vision Pro] Gentlemonkey Geraldo skin should now show on the Monkey Tray
Balance Changes
The combination of towers you are able to pass round 1 with can change quite a lot in any overall strategy, especially for more restrictive game modes, so for this update we have made an effort to open up new starter combinations with improvements to a number of initial placement towers.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Tower Balance
Dart Monkey
While we have been working to increase this niche with many new maps, Juggernaut’s functions sub-optimally for the majority of current maps in the game as the knockback doesn’t scale well without good rebound opportunities; to help with this we’re increasing their knockback force slightly with even more emphasis on the less-favored crosspath. We are slightly reducing the cost of Super Monkey Fan Club to overall improve the value of taking multiple to maintain higher uptime
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Juggernaut knockback duration increased from 0.1s to 0.15s
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Juggernaut knockback speed quantity to heavy targets increased from 1.5x to 2.25x
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Juggernaut knockback speed quantity to light targets increased from 3x to 4.5x
  • BUFF Super Monkey Fan Club price reduced from $8000 to $7500
Boomerang Monkey
Boomerang base price is being slightly reduced, already a decent start in many cases though this seemed enough to make slight game start changes and price it differently to other towers. The main attack for MOAB Domination has been scaled up as overall it is a good upgrade but the pierce on this main attack was previously unchanged from the T3. Glaive Lord’s main thrown attacks will now be able to bounce back again and hit the same target multiple times, this can be a very powerful effect so there is a cooldown on how frequently any single Bloon can be re-targeted.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Boomerang Monkey base cost reduced from $325 to $315
  • BUFF 0-x-5 MOAB Domination main projectile pierce increased from 18 to 54
  • BUFF 2-0-5 MOAB Domination main projectile pierce increased from 27 to 81
  • BUFF Glaive Lord main attack can now bounce back to the same target, with a cooldown of 0.6s.
Bomb Shooter
Bloon Crush does its job locking down all movement in an area, but we feel it could see more damage to reduce the stall time without the balance really changing much. Bomb Blitz was recently refitted to a cheaper price range while proportionally keeping a similar power level for the cost, however seeing it now in this spot we feel keeping higher damage will give it the edge it needs to feel more impactful than spamming Recursives.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Bloon Crush damage increased from 12 to 24
  • BUFF 5-0-2 Bloon Crush Frags damage increased from 12 to 24
  • NERF 5-0-2 Bloon Crush Frags no longer deals +12 Ceramic damage
  • BUFF Bomb Blitz damage increased from 3 to 5
Tack Shooter
Tack is a very powerful base tower technically, but it is unable to achieve high uptime of that potential power in many early rounds, so some base cost is moving into the cheaper xx1 and xx2 upgrades to make it easier for other towers to start alongside the tack. Additionally, while we’ve held out on this change as there are strong use cases in prior upgrades, Blade Maelstrom lacks the single target punch to last late in Modern Bloons. While it is designed as a high pierce cleanup of low tier Bloons we want to try shifting some pierce to single target damage to feel good for longer.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Tack Shooter price reduced from $280 to $260
  • NERF More Tacks price increased from $100 to $110
  • NERF Even More Tacks price increased from $100 to $110
  • BUFF Blade Maelstrom damage from ability increased from 1 to 2. Does not affect Blade Maelstrom main attack blades (1).
  • BUFF Super Maelstrom damage from ability increased from 2 to 3. Does not affect Super Maelstrom main attack blades (2).
  • NERF Blade Maelstrom ability pierce reduced from 200 to 100
  • NERF Super Maelstrom ability pierce reduced from 500 to 300
Glue Gunner
Increased duration has limited use on upgrades that completely destroy targets anyway, so a better crosspath benefit is being added onto 401 glue puddles. Bloon Solver’s pierce is being reduced as it is over-overkill for how many Bloons you realistically see at once, but this reduction should not be noticed for most players. Glue Splatter stands out as weirdly expensive for T2, and is rarely even needed so we’re significantly cutting its price to bring it down to a more affordable range with less pierce, we hope this should make it more worth considering for splatter coverage over piercing. Now that Glue Storm is extremely good for damage type & debuff support we’re removing the bonus speed reduction that should otherwise require xx2 crosspath and lowering the duration of the Glue Storm. New Relentless Glue finally offers something quite powerful so cost is slightly increasing.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 4-0-1 Bloon Liquefier allows track puddles to last +1 round. Also affects The Bloon Solver.
  • NERF 5-0-x The Bloon Solver main projectile splatter pierce reduced from 5 to 4
  • NERF 5-1-0 The Bloon Solver main projectile splatter pierce reduced from 6 to 5
  • NERF 5-2-0 The Bloon Solver main projectile splatter pierce reduced from 10 to 8
  • BUFF Glue Splatter price reduced from $1450 to $970
  • NERF Glue Splatter splatter pierce reduced from 5 to 4, total glued bloons per shot reduced from 6 to 5 when including the first target hit.
  • NERF 0-2-4 Relentless Glue stunwave pierce decreased from 10 to 9
  • NERF 0-2-5 Super Glue stunwave pierce decreased from 14 to 13
  • NERF Glue Storm ability storming duration reduced from 20s to 15s
  • NERF x-5-0 Glue Storm ability glue slowdown amount reduced from 75% to 50%
  • NERF 0-5-2 Glue Storm ability glue slowdown amount reduced from 90% to 75%
  • NERF Relentless Glue cost increased from $3000 to $3400
Sniper Monkey
Lower tier Shrapnel crosspathing balance doesn’t feel great currently, so the damage crosspath benefits at T1 & T2 are improving. Even with the high damage per shot, Cripple MOAB still has low value outside of debuff capability, we feel that these shots pack enough of a punch now that they should do a little collateral damage - so lets do it! (we’ve also increased shrapnel pierce at this tier to not tip crosspath balance too far to one side).
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 1-2-0 Shrapnel Shot shrapnel damage increased from 1 to 2
  • BUFF 2-2-0 Shrapnel Shot shrapnel damage increased from 2 to 3. Does not affect 3-2-0 Shrapnel Shot shrapnel (4).
  • BUFF 5-2-0 Cripple MOAB’s Shrapnel Shot pierce increased from 2 to 3
  • BUFF Cripple MOAB now damages Bloons around the main target
    • Radius: 8
    • Pierce: 10
    • Damage: 28
Monkey Sub
Bloontonium Reactor’s unsubmerged damage is increasing to encourage unsubmerged possibilities. The bonus to Lead on Reactor currently doesn't apply to T5, so this bonus is being carried up and improved along with a small price reduction to Energizer as strategies using it have fallen somewhat in viability. Nautic Siege Core’s hero buff is being improved as currently this is an under-utilized part of the tower.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Bloontonium Reactor dart and airburst damage increased from 1 to 2. Does not affect Energizer dart (5).
  • BUFF 5-2-0 Energizer now gains +5 bonus damage to Lead when submerged
  • BUFF Energizer cost reduced from $32,000 to $31,000
  • BUFF Nautic Siege Core's Hero attack cooldown penalty reduced from 1.5x to 1.3x
  • BUFF Nautic Siege Core's Hero damage multiplier increased from 5x to 6x
    • Note: Ninja Kiwi stated that the Hero damage multiplier increased from 4x to 5x. This is false; what is correct, however, is that the bonus percentage damage is raised from +400% to +500%.
Monkey Buccaneer
While buccaneer is technically already a very good starter tower for maps that happen to have ideal spots allowing it to attack in both directions we feel this situation isn’t common enough that the tower should be priced around that expectation - this reduced cost is added back to top and bottom T3 upgrades as they do not need the buff. As the paragon has exceptionally powerful scaling mechanics as well as being a paragon that continues to produce cash the XP Unlock requirement is increasing, this increase will not affect players who have already unlocked it.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Monkey Buccaneer base cost reduced from $500 to $400
  • NERF Destroyer cost increased from $2,950 to $3,050
  • NERF Merchantman cost increased from $2,300 to $2,400
  • NERF Navarch of the Seas unlock XP increased from 500,000 XP to 750,000 XP
Monkey Ace
Minor catchup changes to some parts have fallen out of line slightly due to balance changes for other parts of the Ace.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Exploding Pineapple base attack cooldown reduced from 1.7s to 1.6s. Also affects Bomber Ace.
  • BUFF 1-1-0 Exploding Pineapple attack cooldown reduced from 1.275s to 1.2s. Also affects Bomber Ace.
  • BUFF Flying Fortress radial dart damage increased from 3 to 6
Ace - Goliath Doomship
A lot of stats shuffled around here; this should keep the power level roughly similar overall but with proportionally more of that power coming from the seeking attacks, and less from micro aiming the faster firing frontal gun.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Goliath Doomship's Seeking Radials projectile count increased from 4 to 8
  • BUFF Goliath Doomship's Seeking Radials damage increased from 200 to 300
  • BUFF Goliath Doomship's Seeking Radials boss bonus increased from +200 to +300
  • NERF Goliath Doomship's Non-seeking Radials projectile count reduced from 16 to 12
  • BUFF Goliath Doomship's Non-seeking Radials damage increased from 200 to 300
  • BUFF Goliath Doomship's Non-seeking Radials boss bonus increased from +200 to +300
  • NERF Goliath Doomship's Frontal Gun damage reduced from 300 to 150
  • NERF Goliath Doomship's Frontal Gun boss bonus reduced from +300 to +150
Heli Pilot
Overall Comanche cleanup and stats shuffle; with the goal of improving baseline non-buffed performance and making it less demanding of Geraldo’s Pickle for high damage.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Special Poperations Marine can now be sold in CHIMPS
  • NERF Comanche Defense mini's attack cooldown increased from 0.151848s to 0.228s. Also affects Comanche Commander.
  • BUFF Comanche Commander mini heli dart damage increased from 2 to 3
  • BUFF Comanche Defense mini's missile damage from 1 to 4. Does not affect Comanche Commander (15).
  • NERF Comanche Defense mini's missile pierce from 80 to 60. Also affects Comanche Commander.
  • Change Comanche Defense mini's missile ceramic bonus not changed from +1 to +2, because the original ceramic bonus is +2. (Ninja Kiwi wrongly stating that it is +1)
  • NERF Comanche Defense mini's missile no longer gains +2 MOAB-class damage
  • BUFF Comanche Commander mini's missile ceramic bonus increased from +2 to +10
  • NERF Comanche Commander mini's missile no longer gains +8 MOAB-class damage
Mortar Monkey
Artillery Battery use has really exploded (!) and over the past few updates it has been sitting fairly steady in a great spot, the current power level feels good but we don’t want to create too big of a gap from the T3 yet so only a very slight cost increase. Blooncineration’s 025 crosspath currently works so much better with external buffs so we're tweaking the 205 crosspath to feel better in some situations.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Artillery Battery cost increased from $5500 to $5900
  • BUFF 1-0-5 Blooncineration "Wall of Fire" blaze pierce increased from 25 to 36
  • BUFF 2-0-5 Blooncineration "Wall of Fire" blaze damage increased from 2 to 3
Wizard Monkey
Wizard has a weaker base tower so the base cost is going down in exchange for a small price increase to the cost to value ratio for the effective Arcane Mastery. As Fireball becomes very forgotten at higher tiers and is hard to even see at Dragon’s Breath, we’re improving the crosspath and adding even more projectiles at T3 for wider explosive coverage. As Shimmer is the slowest de-camo in the game it is important that it not miss when it does trigger, so pierce is greatly increased. Wizard Lord Phoenix’s Wall of Fire hasn’t had any meaningful upgrade progression, so its damage is being increased. Magus is one of the more in-depth Paragons to use effectively so having it as one of the cheapest to unlock didn't feel right, the unlock XP requirements for this and Ninja are being swapped around.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Wizard Monkey base cost reduced from $375 to $325
  • NERF Arcane Mastery cost increased from $1300 to $1400
  • BUFF Shimmer decamo pierce increased from 200 to 500. Also affects Archmage's Shimmer decamo.
  • BUFF 2-1-0 Fireball damage increased from 1 to 2. Also affects Dragon's Breath's fireball with +1 damage.
  • BUFF Dragon's Breath fireball projectile count increased from 1 to 3. Also affects 5-1-0 Archmage's fireballs.
  • NERF Dragon's Breath fireball damage reduced from 9 to 3. Does not affect 5-1-0 Archmage's fireball (9).
  • NERF Dragon's Breath breath pierce reduced from 4 to 3. Also affects Archmage's Dragon's Breath. Does not affect Summon Phoenix's breath pierce (3).
  • BUFF Wizard Lord Phoenix Wall of Fire attack damage from 3 to 5
  • NERF Wizard Lord Phoenix's fireball damage reduced from 27 to 9
  • NERF [undocumented] Prince of Darkness buff no longer gives +50% all undead bloons lifespan to itself or other Necromancers. Does not affect Undead MOABs or Undead BFBs.
  • NERF Magus Perfectus unlock cost increased from 500,000 XP to 1,000,000 XP
Super Monkey
Super Monkey projectiles already travel most the map length so that total distance is being reduced and adding back via the range-focused middle crosspath. The recent Robo/Tech Terror nerfs had a larger impact on the Anti-Bloon, so it is seeing a larger compensatory price reduction. Legend of the Night’s special passive ability is being failsafe limited to 2 activations per round, per tower.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Super Monkey base projectile speed reduced from 280 to 200
  • BUFF Epic Range projectile speed bonus increased from +25% to +75%. Projectile speed remains 350.
  • BUFF The Anti-Bloon upgrade cost reduced from $80,000 to $70,000
  • NERF Legend of the Night's passive ability now has 2 max uses per round for every Legend of the Night on screen.
Ninja Monkey
While a great early game option, Ninja generally struggles with dominant crosspathing choices and also has relatively poor base tower value. Without going into every single change, T3s onward remain relatively unchanged with a lot of prices below T3 being moved around from less favorable crosspaths into better/higher tier upgrades. Ninja Paragon is very simple to use so unlock XP requirements for this and Wizard Paragon are swapping around so Ninja is the faster unlock. This increase will not affect players who have already unlocked it.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Ninja Monkey base cost reduced from $500 to $400
  • BUFF Ninja Monkey attack cooldown reduced from 0.7s to 0.62s
  • NERF Ninja Discipline attack cooldown multiplier for all attacks changed from 0.62x to 0.70x. Shuriken attack cooldown remains 0.434s.
  • BUFF Caltrops base attack cooldown reduced from 4.4s to 3.9s
  • NERF 1-0-2 Caltrops attack cooldown increased from 2.728s to 2.73s
  • BUFF Sticky Bomb base attack cooldown reduced from 5s to 4.5s. Also affects Master Bomber.
  • NERF 1-0-4 Sticky Bomb base attack cooldown reduced from 3.1s to 3.15s. Also affects Master Bomber.
  • NERF Ninja Discipline cost increased from $300 to $350
  • NERF Double Shot cost increased from $850 to $900
  • BUFF Distraction cost reduced from $350 to $250
  • BUFF Counter Espionage cost reduced from $500 to $400
  • NERF Shinobi Tactics cost increased from $900 to $1200
  • NERF Seeking Shuriken cost increased from $250 to $300
  • NERF Caltrops cost increased from $400 to $450
  • BUFF Ascended Shadow unlock cost decreased from 1,000,000 XP to 500,000 XP
Passive life generation is being removed in favor of the active ability being the only source of life generation, this allows druid-focus strategies to no longer ‘accidentally’ heal their Vengeance buffs away. Heart of Vengeance itself has been allowed to remain overpowered for a long time since life loss is not always an option in different challenges/modes, but with newer competitive modes being added over time that do allow for this mechanic to be, overindulged, shall we say, it feels due for substantial rebalance.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Jungle's Bounty now generates 1 life per ability activated instead of passively generating 1 life per round.
  • NERF Spirit of the Forest no longer passively generates 1 life per round
  • NERF Heart of Vengeance lost lives maximum rate bonus reduced from 100% to 50%
Banana Farm
Monkey Wall Street’s cost is being increased, but in return its special bonuses have been improved with more life generation and much more range for Banana collection.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Monkey Wall Street cost increased from $60,000 to $70,000
  • BUFF Monkey Wall Street range increased from 60 to 75
  • BUFF Monkey Wall Street lives per round increased from 10 to 15
Spike Factory
Spike Storm is now exceptionally strong so the ability cooldown is increasing a small amount along with the T5 cost. This comes along with a crosspath rebalance granting more 042 lifespan. Long Life Spikes can start creating a nice buildup of spikes in advance but most of the time feels fairly meh as a stepping stone into Deadly Spikes, a little price here is being shifted up to improve standalone upgrade value.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Spike Storm cooldown increased from 45s to 50s. Also affects Carpet of Spikes.
  • NERF Spike Storm ability spikes duration reduced from 10s-13s to 9s-11s. Carpet of Spikes remains at 18s-22s.
  • BUFF 0-4-1 Spike Storm duration bonus for ability spikes increased from 50% to 100%. Spike duration increased from 15s-19.5s to 18s-22s.
  • BUFF 0-5-1 Carpet of Spikes duration bonus for ability spikes increased from 50% to 100%. Spike duration increased from 27s-33s to 36s-44s.
  • NERF Carpet of Spikes cost increased from $40,000 to $42,000
  • BUFF Long Life Spikes cost reduced from $1400 to $1300
  • NERF Deadly Spikes cost increased from $3500 to $3600
Monkey Village
Primary Expertise’s own attack is unreliable due partly to low bounce distance, so this is being increased. Base level Monkeyopolis continues to over perform, so the baseline cash generation is reducing.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Primary Expertise max bounce distance increased from 50 to 90
  • NERF Monkeyopolis base cash amount reduced from $1250 to $1000, minimum cash amount reduced from $1450 to $1200.
Engineer Monkey
While better than many options, base Engineer still takes a lot of available starting cash so the cost is reduced slightly and being moved back up into Cleansing Foam & Bloontrap; also with a reduction to Double Gun’s price to reflect the lower value of the base tower. Sentry placements are slightly changing to improve their reliability, and will now spawn closer to the track depending on how much range the sentry has. Sentry Champion, while strong with them, is lacking without high buff support so we’re trying out an increase to the sentry damage on it.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Engineer Monkey base cost reduced from $400 to $350
  • Change Sentries now spawn within 20% of their range to the track
  • BUFF Sentry Champion sentry plasma damage increased from 2 to 3
  • NERF Cleansing Foam cost increased from $850 to $900
  • BUFF Overclock's foam pierce increased from 10 to 15. Does not affect Ultraboost's foam pierce (30).
  • BUFF Double Gun cost reduced from $500 to $450
  • NERF Bloon Trap cost increased from $3500 to $3600
Beast Handler
In going over our large list of price changes for Beast Handler’s lower tiers in 42 this change was received very positively, however we did not realize that in making this change we killed off all chance of dual-beast handlers being used as a round 1 starting option for under $650 in hard modes – So we gotta do that math all over again and convert it for difficulty, painful 😀 All T1 beast prices changed to allow 110 & 101 beast handler combos to be placed for under $650 in hard mode, all T2 & T3 prices shifted around to keep these same cost ratios.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Piranha cost reduced from $170 to $160
  • BUFF Barracuda cost reduced from $850 to $810
  • BUFF Great White cost reduced from $2075 to $2010
  • BUFF Microraptor cost reduced from $195 to $175
  • BUFF Adasaurus cost reduced from $890 to $830
  • BUFF Velociraptor cost reduced from $2170 to $2065
  • BUFF Gyrfalcon cost reduced from $210 to $190
  • BUFF Horned Owl cost reduced from $940 to $860
  • BUFF Golden Eagle cost reduced from $3150 to $2120
Orca is very strong currently but Great White doesn’t do so much outside of max merge MOAB Takedowns, so damage is increasing to improve these non-maxed situations.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Great White damage increased from 8 to 12, max power damage increased from 24 to 36, and bonus damage from merges increased from 16 to 24. Does not affect Orca (30, 90, 60).
Similar to Sentries, Beast spawn placement will now scale closer to the track based on how much range the beast has.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Piranha now spawns within 20% of their range to the track
  • Change Microraptor now spawns within 30% of their range to the track
Golden Eagle has stood out more than Condor against MOABs which has felt very wrong, last update it was nerfed against MOABs and now we are playing with the pierce & penalties to improve Golden Eagle further against non-MOAB-Class targets and for Condor more help with lower MOABs.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Golden Eagle min power pierce increased from 15 to 30, max power pierce increased from 45 to 90, and bonus pierce from merges increased from 30 to 60. Does not affect Giant Condor, which remains identical to the new Golden Eagle.
  • NERF Golden Eagle pierce penalty versus MOABs increased from +44 to an arbitrarily high number (+1089), to prevent ever picking more than one MOAB at a time. Does not affect Giant Condor (+14).
  • NERF Golden Eagle attack cooldown reduction from merges reduced from 0.28679625s to 0.28s. Max power attack cooldown increased from 0.3132s to 0.32s. Also affects Giant Condor and Pouakai.
  • NERF [undocumented] Horned Owl attack cooldown reduction from merges reduced from from 0.28679625s to 0.28s. Max power attack cooldown increased from 0.4132s to 0.42s.
  • BUFF Giant Condor no longer has +1 pierce penalty versus Ceramics
  • BUFF Giant Condor pierce penalty versus BFBs reduced from +44 to +29. Also affects Pouakai.
  • NERF [undocumented] Giant Condor pierce penalty versus DDTs increased from +49 to +59.
  • NERF [undocumented] Pouakai pierce penalty versus ZOMGs and DDTs increased from +49 to +59.
We’re slightly reducing beast reposition cooldown as the tiny range leaves movement very tight, which is especially painful for Microraptor path given the low range.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Beast Handler reposition cooldown reduced from 3s to 2s
Hero Balance
Quincy’s Rapid Shot starts with an extremely short duration that slowly increases over levels, the difference between min and max is huge but it doesn’t feel too impactfully increased at any point through the leveling up process, so we are increasing the base duration and instead moving the buff up to max duration all into his Lv13 which currently doesn’t do much.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Quincy's Rapid Shot no longer gains 0.5s duration per level
  • BUFF Quincy's Level 3-12 Rapid Shot duration increased from 3.5s to 8s, equal to the old Level 12 duration.
  • BUFF Quincy's Level 13+ now also increases Rapid Shot duration from 8.5s to 12s, equal to the old Level 20 duration.
Gwendolin’s Heat it Up was recently reworked to allow for much more frequent triggering from attacks, however the 4.5s internal cooldown still limits it from being scaled up far so that internal cooldown is now also being reduced. Additionally, Heat it Up’s bonus buff to damage against Lead targets has been improved slightly so we can get more out of that niche.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Level 4+ Gwendolin's Heat it Up minimum delay reduced from 4.5s to 1.5s
  • BUFF Level 17+ Gwendolin's Heat it Up buff to Lead properties increased from +1 to +2
Obyn Greenfoot
Obyn isn’t necessarily the best support for every type of Druid to reach its highest DPS, but with his more easy reliable design it feels appropriate for him to solve Druid’s biggest weaknesses in a more laid back approach with:
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Level 8+ Obyn Greenfoot's "Nature’s Wrath" buff now additionally grants camo detection to Druids in radius
Benjamin’s Cyber Security and Skimming levels have been swapped around so that the early game skimming cash snowball doesn’t come quite so soon, and Cyber Security can come in earlier where it will make a bigger impact proportionally to the lives being lost.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Level 6 (Cyber Security) is now swapped with Level 4 (Skimming)
    • NERF This is an overall nerf to Benjamin's income generation, although this makes his life regeneration come sooner to offset some of the reduced income generation.
Admiral Brickell
We’ll probably regret this, but the nerf made people very sad, and that is not a life goal 😢
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Level 18+ Mega Mine cooldown reduced from 45s to 40s
Etienne's drones are prone to missing due to very low projectile speed, this speed is increasing a fair amount to help with this as drones already have an inability to directionally aim well.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Etienne's drone darts now have increased projectile speed at all levels, projectile speed increased from 150 to 250
Purple Popping is underwhelming with how late it comes online, so this is swapping around with level 11’s slightly faster pop speed.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Psi's Level 11 (Faster Popping) and Level 13 (Purple Popping) are now swapped
Geraldo has been far too powerful for a while and all-round nerfs are coming to many outstanding aspects, however in return a little quality of life is coming with some more forgiving stock capacities and much more flexible Fertilizer; with the % benefit being reduced in return for improved replenish rate, maximum stock and the ability to now work on all Banana Farm types.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • Change Rare Quincy Action Figure cost reduced from $700 to $650
  • NERF Worn Hero's Cape restock rate reduced from 5 to 7
  • BUFF Worn Hero's Cape max stock increased from 2 to 3
  • BUFF Blade Trap max stock increased from 3 to 4
  • NERF Fertilizer cash bonus reduced from 25% to 20%
  • BUFF Fertilizer max stock increased from 2 to 4
  • BUFF Fertilizer rounds to replenish reduced from 5 to 3
  • BUFF Fertilizer will now work on all Banana Farms instead of excluding Banks and Marketplaces
  • NERF Level 13+ Shooty Turret (Variant 2) damage reduced from 7 to 6
  • NERF Level 8-15 Gerry’s Fire round duration reduced from 10 to 5. Level 16+ Gerry's Fire (Variant 2) round duration remains 10.
  • NERF Level 11-15 Jar of Pickles no longer gives +1 Fortified damage
  • NERF Level 16+ Jar of Pickles bonus damage to fortified reduced from +2 to +1
As Corvus’s power is still considerably top-heavy the mid game performance is being improved with buffs to underused spells, but also top-end power of his 2 most powerful level 20 spells is being reduced to lessen the pressure to ‘need’ to get this far.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Spear forking pierce increased from 3 to 4, max total lightning forks increased from 7 to 15
  • NERF Soul Harvest base cooldown increased from 35s to 40s
  • BUFF Aggression initial mana cost reduced from 80 to 50
  • BUFF Malevolence attack cooldown decreased from 0.5s to 0.3s
  • BUFF Level 14+ Malevolence damage increased from 3 to 5
  • NERF Level 20 Ancestral Might damage decreased from 400 to 300
  • NERF Level 20 Overload damage decreased from 4000 to 3000
Minor tweaks to Heartless which feels it has no competitive edge over most other Relics & Monkey Boost which overperforms on all available tiles.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Heartless now "disables" Regrow Bloons; Regrow regeneration cooldown percentage increased from 150% to 10,050%
  • NERF Monkey Boost granted uses of the Monkey Boost power reduced from 3 to 2
Some Relics required more functional changes. As more range is situational and sometimes detrimental Going the Distance has been merged with Durable Shots to also grant increased Lifespan, Durable Shots now instead increases the pierce of all towers. As ‘Popping White Bloons’ is also far too situational Deep Heat now also grants Frozen Bloon popping and improves the duration of Freezes.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Going the Distance now also provides +30% lifespan
  • NERF Durable Shots no longer grants increased lifespan
  • BUFF Durable Shots now grants towers +25% increased pierce
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also allows all attacks to pop Frozen properties
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also grants +10% duration to all Freeze status effects
  • BUFF Deep Heat now also allows Freeze status effects to last +1 extra layers
Boss Bloons
This is really just for fun, bringing increased variety of Bleed Bloons from higher tier Bloonarius
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF T4 Elite Bloonarius 'bleed' scattering minions changed: 12 MOABs → 8 MOABs + 2 BFBs
  • NERF T5 Elite Bloonarius 'bleed' scattering minions changed: 8 decamoed DDTs → 6 decamoed DDTs + 2 Fortified ZOMGs
Rock Bloons in the higher tiers of Normal Dreadbloon are very outscaled, and so their health values are being increased.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Normal Tier 4 Dreadbloon: Rock Bloon HP increased from 5000 to 9000
  • NERF Normal Tier 5 Dreadbloon: Rock Bloon HP increased from 12000 to 22500
In Elite mode Phayze’s speed bonus while shielded is being reduced by 5% across the board as it felt just a little too quick.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Elite Tier 1 Phayze shielded speed bonus reduced from 50% to 45%
  • BUFF Elite Tier 2 Phayze shielded speed bonus reduced from 55% to 50%
  • BUFF Elite Tier 3 Phayze shielded speed bonus reduced from 60% to 55%
  • BUFF Elite Tier 4 Phayze shielded speed bonus reduced from 65% to 60%
  • BUFF Elite Tier 5 Phayze shielded speed bonus reduced from 70% to 65%



Early Access Videos[]


  • Version 43.0 is not the only update to have pre-release footage from Bloons YouTubers. Version 22.0 and 42.0 did too.
  • The changes to initial spawn positions of Engineer's sentries and beasts were likely part of the development for balancing Rosalia's initial placement.
  • Rosalia's triple grenade on her 10th shot is likely part of the inspiration for the Dragon's Breath triple fireball.