Twitter version artwork
Version 36.0 was first released on April 4th 2023. It is the second major update of 2023. Several sub-updates were released in between.
This update adds the fourth added tower into BTD6 and third tower new to the BTD6 Generation, the Beast Handler, as well as the Intermediate Map Polyphemus. It also introduces Quests, which plays out like BTD5 Special Missions.
Version 36.3[]
Minor bug fixes. Ninja Kiwi states that there are only minor bug fixes, such as fixes to crashes on iOS versions of BTD6.
Version 36.2[]
Version 36.2 patch notes on r/btd6
- Ninja Kiwi patch notes
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- General Changes
- Achievement “What did it cost? - everything” now excludes the Beast Handler
[undocumented] Beast Handler can now be sacrificed to Sun Temples, True Sun God, and Adora.
- Resolved an issue with the co-op daily challenges. These will be returning to their regular time slots once the update is live everywhere
- Resolved an issue when selecting remote save when a save conflict occurs
- Resolved an issue causing a softlock when logging in with an Apple ID account
- Resolved an issue when loading a quest save
- Resolved an issue when loading into a co-op game that would sometimes crash the game
- Resolved an issue when Patch would pulse to indicate there was new information but there was not
- Resolved an issue with starting cash distribution in co-op games
Version 36.1[]
Version 36.1 patch notes on r/btd6 (shared with 36.0 patch notes).
- Ninja Kiwi patch notes
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- General Changes
- Resolved an issue where retry last round in the challenge editor was deducting monkey money
“ | We are working to identify all cases where players lost Monkey Money due to this bug and reimburse it. We will update this post with more info as it becomes available! | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
- Resolved an issue where playing the Biker Bones race quest would delete your daily challenge save
- Resolved an issue where Adora was dealing no damage at level 1
- Resolved an issue where co-op lobbies could be started with only 1 player
- Resolved a crash that could occur when the game host places a 040 beast handler then quits
- Resolved a crash that could occur purchasing tier 3 Beast Handler upgrades with a tower that has 2 contributors
- Resolved an issue where xx1 Beast Handler Beasts would continue attacking on 0 lives
- Resolved an issue where the Description for 3xx Great White was being used for the title in Danish
- Resolved an issue where 3xx Great White thrash rate was occurring too frequently if the beast was unable to consume the target & causing merges to not work correctly
- Resolved a crash that could occur when moving through quest dialogue too quickly
- Resolved an issue with the rendering height of butterflies on The Cabin
- Quincy no longer shows a notification pip for his quest being 'available' before the player is actually high enough rank
- Resolved an issue where an Invalid ‘get all’ button was appearing in hero UI
- Resolved an issue where towers with upgrades on 2 paths were no longer showing ‘Path Locked’ text on the 3rd path
- Resolved an issue where selecting only 1 tower for an odyssey would center it in the UI incorrectly
- Resolved a case where Quest Patch on the Main Menu screen was showing a pulse when there was nothing to check
- Resolved an issue where Beast Handler was causing some monkeys in the monkeys menu to not show their current XP earned
- Resolved an issue where tower selection in custom Odysseys was cut off at the bottom and able to be dragged up
- Resolved an issue where the background panel was missing for boss leaderboards when accessed on the in game victory screen
- Resolved an issue with Beast Handler showing incorrect line of sight limitations when moving beasts
Version 36.0[]
Version 36.0 patch notes on r/btd6.
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The update button has been pressed! These updates can take some time to be rolled out to every region due to how the storefronts are set up. Please restart your storefront or be patient if it does not appear for you right away. While you wait, you can check out the [update video here.](https://youtu.be/_Nq4f9n2vdU)
Tack Shooter
Glue Gunner
Heli Pilot
Super Monkey
Pat Fusty
Admiral Brickell
Current Sharp Shooter niches appear to struggle with some tight placement due to their high range opening up a ranged niche but being extremely tight on that range, given this is actually 'the range path' it feels fair to help this with a little further increased range.
Boomerang’s Ricochet buildup into T4 feels rough compared to many other options that exist nowadays, ignoring obstacles worked out as a strong fix for the T4 so we want to bring that down to the T3 as well along with some other general tweaks to bridge this gap. Glaive lord is too expensive for so low a single target tower so this is going down. We wanted to include a take on the Boomerang paragon’s range buff improving so much to apply to other primaries along with the buff synergy in the last update, but time didn’t quite allow for it.
Tack Shooter lacks any significant crosspathing choice due to the overwhelmingly large rate increase from top path making it almost always too good an option, we are reducing this crosspath rate benefit but moving that amount back up to the T3.
Arctic wind felt extremely overbuffed with the slowing field going from 40 to 50%, but we like seeing the use on it go up so we want to meet halfway on that & keep the higher slow at T5. While we like the added pierce value on x2x crosspathing, the drop of pierce on xx3 feels too large now on a tower that already had quite good crosspath balance, so we want to try out removing the pierce downgrade entirely here.
Our Glue rework last update wasn't quite ready soon enough to go through in depth balancing of how the new mechanics felt before release, but we still wanted to just get them out and see what people thought anyway, so this is mostly just a bit of catch up on that with fixes to crosspathing value.
Sniper is feeling really good, but Elite Defender gaining further increased MOAB Damage locked behind the 205 crosspath feels unnecessary now given how much current crosspath balance has started leaning towards favoring 205 anyway.
We wanted to do a little general lower tier balancing of costs, as things work a bit better at higher tiers but on the lower end with T1-2 upgrades cost for power doesn’t compare well. We’ve realized that the 130 crosspath just hasn’t even been working for cannons, so we wanted to correct this so that people get all that they pay for with that crosspath, however middle path buccaneer at higher tiers has been overperforming significantly so in addition to this attack speed buff we have also balanced back out that difference in the opposite direction with a damage reduction.
For how powerful downdraft is in comparison to other blowback effects, it didn’t feel right that it wasn’t blowing off status effects as should be normal there. Redeploy feels like it has no business having so long a cooldown, maybe it could see more realistic use cases for this main mechanic if it was able to be utilized more frequently.
Dragon’s Breath will still be great, just a little less excessively so
Higher tiers on the bottom path have struggled to compare to clusters of T3s for a while now. To help with this we thematically really liked the idea of bottom path gaining a ricochet effect, possibly gaining teleport mechanic value repositioning for better ricochet angles, and a big improvement to the tower's camo path identity as higher tiers becomes far more effective at handling DDTs
Ironing out Caltrop inconsistency & power a little on top and bottom T5s, but also as frequently unused caltrops clutter up the screen and cause extra lag we want to balance out their lifespan to reduce the number always on screen and make them no longer last longer than the base Spike Factory. Ninja currently appears to be the least competitive paragon, & as it is also very similar in cost to the Navarch we feel that lowering Ninja into its own price range will fill a bit of a cost-gap and increase the effective value it has for the cost.
Slightly shifting price down from T4 into T3 midpath, and increasing the base cash amount gained from the ability as it currently needs quite a lot of initial investment to really get going at all compared to other farming options
Spiked Balls provides incredibly powerful cleanup in all stages of gameplay, and we like the use here but for a cheap T3 it doesn't drop off enough lategame with the lower pierce requirements there. Permaspike, while admittedly not often utilized to its max potential, has sat in a dominant high end position for a long time so we are shifting it away from such high pierce into more damage per pierce.
Last update included a change to the x2x Banana Farm which allowed Banks to finally receive external cash production buffs (previously none of these applied to bank path). This didn’t affect base level unbuffed farm balance, but some players noticed slight reductions in how effective buffs were when applied to other farms (320 and 023 crosspaths) due to this change, overall we’re positive about what the change means but to push back past that nerf to endgame farm synergy we balanced it out with a stronger synergy buff from villages
XXXL Trap 205 crosspath hasn’t actually ‘been working’ due to the base attack rate being faster than minimum deployment delay so we have slowed the base rate to make 205 crosspath actually matter. Along with this, since the fortification bonus aspect of x2x hasn’t ever done anything for Bloontraps, 024 will now ignore the fortification of Bloons that it eats
Adora skyrocketed in value with her fortification changes and this has been great, but the initial fort bonus she gains doesn't feel like it needs to immediately start at +2 given her base damage of only 1
Geraldo has a lot of items that are still undervalued compared to others while Pickles appears to stand far above the rest as the downside for the power increase isn’t quite enough. We’re pulling more of these lower & higher items closer in to the middle
The Spike Traps on Dark Dungeons weren’t intended to have a stun element and having this has scaled them through the game more effectively than intended, this has caused some balance implications so we are reducing the duration of the stun significantly. We also wanted to try out a few tweaks to the secret statue, allowing v2 to 1shot super ceramics, and v3 to 1shot fortified super ceramics along with a slight projectile speed increase on each upgrade.
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- Bloons TD 6 v36.0 - Update Notes!
Ninja Kiwi's update video for 36.0.
- Key New Features
- New Tower - The Beast Handler
- chomp, rawr, kakaw!
- So much to say about this tower, but mainly we so hope you enjoy it!
- The first never before seen tower to join the BTD universe since the Druid and Alchemist at launch almost 5 years ago.
- This tower plays and gains power in a completely unique way, and there are intentional tradeoffs along the way - you need to choose the right time to Merge beasts or just like any other tower whether more separate and lower-power beasts are situationally better.
- This is a Support class tower, so seeing how it works with your favorite builds is part of the fun.
- BTW making cool-looking giant beasts pop Bloons has been pretty awesome, even though it took us twice as long as expected. Thanks for your patience!!!
- Quests! Quests are self-contained challenges with their own special rules, difficulty, and unlock requirements. Patch joins the main menu and acts as the entry point for the Quest system. The intent along with fun gameplay is to sprinkle more story into the game, teaching certain strategies, introducing game modes, trying out items before unlocking them, as well as being a place for us to experiment with new mechanics. Did someone say special missions? No we didn’t say that for 36, but definitely downstream.
- With the launch of the Quests system we have 3 beginner Quests aimed towards newer players. In future updates we will expand this with mid-rank, high rank, and expert level Quests that will introduce higher level ideas and challenges.
- Beast Handler Quest - The Dartling Gunner unlocks via a basic pop target objective, but this was a simple system and had nothing to do with the tower itself. To unlock the Beast Handler with this update, rank 40+ players will take on a short adventure using the lower tiers of this tower.
- Race Introduction - When Races unlock at rank 20, they can be quite an intimidating system to start learning. Now rank 20+ players will be able to access their first persistent race, available from the Quest menu. This is a short introduction aimed at new players, or players new to Races. More challenging Race Quests will be added in the future.
- Quincy’s Trial - All players start the game with Quincy available, and now from the Quest menu or from Quincy's profile on the Hero menu players will be able to engage in a short mission showcasing his strengths
- New Awesome
- New Map - Polyphemus
- No, Lotus Island was never going to be the only stop on that epic journey
- Your next adventure is Polyphemus, whose one great eye closes over any towers in its site. Never fear, unlike Monkdyseus, your crew is not dead, just out of play until you can open the eye again.
- Another one made with challenges in mind, and yes, we’ll look for other uses for this mechanic in the future.
- New Achievements - a simple intro to quests with: Side Quest, World League Training
- New Trophy Store Items
- Monkeys: Tack Shooter Hedgehog pet
- Bloons: Lobster BFB skin
- Game & UI: Avatar73 - Necromancer, Avatar74 - Darts, Avatar75 - Gravelord Lych, Avatar76 - Sun Hat Adora
- Competition Winning items
- Banner29 - community banner by ratcrunch - Avatar of Darkness
- Limited Time only
- Alchemist Flower splash projectiles, Banner29 - Blossom Temple
- New CT Team Store items
- Base Props: Dino Spring Egg, Cake Baker Monkey
- Icons: Overclocked Icon, Choc Bunny icon
- Frames: Bloon From The Dead frame, Flower Burst frame
- Game Changes / Additions
- Reworked towers with secondary attack target options to use a smaller icon for this target that is no longer linked to the target priority display. We apologize to the players who were comfortable with the “buttonized” target priorities, but many players were confused by that implementation, so we’re hoping this is a better, clearer UI for all.
- Bug Fixes & General Changes
- Resolved an issue with damage bonuses to ‘stunned targets’ where the bonus was not always being applied correctly to targets that were stunned again before their previous stun expired
- Resolved a number of cases of UI not fitting correctly in some resolutions
- Resolved a softlock that could occur canceling request to join a team and reapplying to the same team
- Resolved an issue that could prevent some Teams from appearing when searched
- Resolved sparkle effect not playing on Instamonkey Black borders when viewed through the in game Powers menu
- Resolved an issue that could prevent players from accepting an invite to a team
- Resolved some issues with some textures loading with low resolutions
- Made a number of corrections to tower descriptions
- Resolved an issue with placement behind the water tower on Middle of the Road
- Resolved an issue where certain pets could move under raised terrain and become hidden
- Resolved a game crash that could occur when you select a tower and then quickly perform a tap-hold-drag action.
- Resolved an issue with UI breaking after attempting to create a team without enough monkey money
- Resolved an issue that could prevent paragons from sacrificing their T5 towers
- Added some tap feedback to buttons which did not give feedback
- Added an audio prompt when players join co-op lobbies
- A number of localization fixes
- Event bug fixes
- Resolved an issue with Boss Checkpoints not being offered if taking 20 rounds to lose to a boss
- Resolved an issue with Boss co-op lobbies not respecting main boss menu ranked checkbox option
- Resolved an issue that could allow guest accounts to load into co-op event lobbies
- Resolved an issue with Bosses scaling their health both from Boss & MOAB multipliers
- Added Retry Last Round functionality to co-op Boss events
- Resolved a number of Boss HP scaling inconsistencies
- Resolved an issue where T5 bosses would defeat the player earlier than intended
- Corrected the format of CT Time Attack score display
- Resolved an issue that could prevent claiming prime gaming rewards
- Resolved an issue where CT Team tickets may not refresh as often as they should
- Resolved an issue with Odyssey extreme overlay being cropped on wide devices
- Banned accounts will now restore their captured CT tiles to the previous owner
- Tower Specific Fixes
Tack Shooter
- 5xx Inferno Ring targeting priority inconsistency resolved
Glue Gunner
- 5xx Bloon Solver no longer incorrectly applies a pink asset below the green one
Heli Pilot
- Resolved a crash that could occur <nowiki→¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯</nowiki→
Super Monkey
- 050 The Anti-Bloon projectile color for main plasma attack corrected
- Hero Specific Fixes
- Resolved incorrect portrait levels for Galaxili
Pat Fusty
- Resolved an issue with Pat’s height not being set correctly after chinook movement
Admiral Brickell
- Resolved incorrect portrait levels for Dread Pirate Brickell
- Platform Specific fixes
- Android: Resolved an issue with slow first time map navigation performance
- Balance Changes
- Dart Monkey
“ | Current Sharp Shooter niches appear to struggle with some tight placement due to their high range opening up a ranged niche but being extremely tight on that range, given this is actually 'the range path' it feels fair to help this with a little further increased range. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Sharp Shooter range increased 56 → 60 (+25% over xx2)
Crossbow Master range increased 76 → 80 (+33% over T4)
Crossbow Master price reduced from $23500 → $21500
- Boomerang Monkey
“ | Boomerang’s Ricochet buildup into T4 feels rough compared to many other options that exist nowadays, ignoring obstacles worked out as a strong fix for the T4 so we want to bring that down to the T3 as well along with some other general tweaks to bridge this gap. Glaive lord is too expensive for so low a single target tower so this is going down. We wanted to include a take on the Boomerang paragon’s range buff improving so much to apply to other primaries along with the buff synergy in the last update, but time didn’t quite allow for it. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Glaive Ricochet projectiles now ignore Line of Sight
Glaive Ricochet price reduced from $1300 → $1200
Glaive Ricochet pierce increased from 50 → 60. M.O.A.R Glaives remains at 100 pierce.
Glaive Ricochet jump distance increased from 62.5 → 90
MOAR Glaives jump distance reduced from 187.5 → 180
Glaive Lord price reduced from $32400 → $29400
Glaive Dominus now grants 0.90x cooldown multiplier to all Primary Monkeys on screen including paragons
- Tack Shooter
“ | Tack Shooter lacks any significant crosspathing choice due to the overwhelmingly large rate increase from top path making it almost always too good an option, we are reducing this crosspath rate benefit but moving that amount back up to the T3. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Even Faster Shooting attack cooldown bonus -40% → -25%. Does not affect Hot Shots, which gains attack cooldown bonus -20% (remains at 0.63s cooldown).
- Ice Monkey
“ | Arctic wind felt extremely overbuffed with the slowing field going from 40 to 50%, but we like seeing the use on it go up so we want to meet halfway on that & keep the higher slow at T5. While we like the added pierce value on x2x crosspathing, the drop of pierce on xx3 feels too large now on a tower that already had quite good crosspath balance, so we want to try out removing the pierce downgrade entirely here. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Arctic Wind and Snowstorm slow area reduced 60% → 50%. Absolute Zero remains at 60%.
Cryo Cannon pierce increased from 20 → 30 (just the same as base ice)
- Glue Gunner
“ | Our Glue rework last update wasn't quite ready soon enough to go through in depth balancing of how the new mechanics felt before release, but we still wanted to just get them out and see what people thought anyway, so this is mostly just a bit of catch up on that with fixes to crosspathing value. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Bloon Liquifier attack speed increased 1s → 0.75s. Does not affect The Bloon Solver.
Bloon Solver glue puddles duration increased 5s → 7.7s
5-0-2 Bloon Solver glue puddles duration increased 5s → 16.8s
Bloon Solver glue puddles pierce increased 1 → 3
5-1-0 Bloon Solver glue puddles pierce increased 1 → 4
Bloon Solver puddles no longer filter out glued targets
x-0-4 Relentless Glue on-pop stun pierce increased from 3 → 6
0-1-4 Relentless Glue on-pop stun pierce increased from 3 → 7
0-2-4 Relentless Glue on-pop stun pierce increased from 3 → 9
Relentless Glue on-pop stun duration increased from 0.5s → 1s
- Sniper Monkey
“ | Sniper is feeling really good, but Elite Defender gaining further increased MOAB Damage locked behind the 205 crosspath feels unnecessary now given how much current crosspath balance has started leaning towards favoring 205 anyway. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Elite Defender MOAB-class damage bonus on all crosspaths have been increased to +4 instead of just on the 2-0-5.
0-x-5 Elite Defender MOAB-class damage bonus increased +2 → +4
1-0-5 Elite Defender MOAB-class damage bonus increased +3 → +4
- Monkey Buccaneer
“ | We wanted to do a little general lower tier balancing of costs, as things work a bit better at higher tiers but on the lower end with T1-2 upgrades cost for power doesn’t compare well. We’ve realized that the 130 crosspath just hasn’t even been working for cannons, so we wanted to correct this so that people get all that they pay for with that crosspath, however middle path buccaneer at higher tiers has been overperforming significantly so in addition to this attack speed buff we have also balanced back out that difference in the opposite direction with a damage reduction. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Faster Shooting price reduced $350 → $275
Double Shot price reduced $550 → $425
Long Range price increased from $180 → $200
Crow's Nest price reduced from $400 → $350
Hot Shot burn DoT damage increased from 1 → 2
1-3-0 Cannon Ship now reduces attack cooldown of the cannon by a 0.75x cooldown multiplier
Monkey Pirates cannonball bonus to MOABs +6 → +3
Pirate Lord cannon-ball damage decreased 5 → 3
Pirate Lord cannon-ball MOAB bonus decreased +10 → +6
Pirate Lord cannon frags damage decreased 10 → 6
Pirate Lord cannon frags MOAB bonus decreased +5 → +4
[undocumented] Pirate Lord's bombs gain a further double attack speed, matching the doubled speed of grapes and darts.
- Heli Pilot
“ | For how powerful downdraft is in comparison to other blowback effects, it didn’t feel right that it wasn’t blowing off status effects as should be normal there. Redeploy feels like it has no business having so long a cooldown, maybe it could see more realistic use cases for this main mechanic if it was able to be utilized more frequently. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Downdraft's blowback now removes glue and ice status effects with blowback
In terms of nerfs, it makes late-game stalling harder to perform in combination with Ice, since Downdraft removes important benefits from the glue/ice status effects, as well as allowing Downdraft to more easily damage bloons.
In terms of buffs, it is now easier to forcefully reposition bloons and remove ice/glue properties at will.
Support Chinook redeploy ability cooldown reduced 60s → 45s
- Wizard Monkey
“ | Dragon’s Breath will still be great, just a little less excessively so | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Dragon's Breath flame attack cooldown 0.1s → 0.125s
Dragon's Breath flames no longer deal +1 damage to Ceramics
- Super Monkey
“ | Higher tiers on the bottom path have struggled to compare to clusters of T3s for a while now. To help with this we thematically really liked the idea of bottom path gaining a ricochet effect, possibly gaining teleport mechanic value repositioning for better ricochet angles, and a big improvement to the tower's camo path identity as higher tiers becomes far more effective at handling DDTs | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Dark Champion projectiles now ricochet in a similar way to Quincy, 0.1s delay per bounce
Dark Champion cost reduced $60,000 → $55,555
Dark Champion Camo damage bonus increased +1 → +2
Legend of the Night Camo damage bonus increased +1 → +4
Legend of the Night MOAB-class bonus increased +8 → +13
- Ninja Monkey
“ | Ironing out Caltrop inconsistency & power a little on top and bottom T5s, but also as frequently unused caltrops clutter up the screen and cause extra lag we want to balance out their lifespan to reduce the number always on screen and make them no longer last longer than the base Spike Factory. Ninja currently appears to be the least competitive paragon, & as it is also very similar in cost to the Navarch we feel that lowering Ninja into its own price range will fill a bit of a cost-gap and increase the effective value it has for the cost. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
5-0-2 Caltrops pierce increased from 5 → 6
Caltrops lifespan reduced from 70s → 35s
Master Bomber's Caltrops damage increased 1 → 5
Master Bomber's Caltrops gain +5 Ceramic damage on top
Ascended Shadow cost reduced from $600,000 → $500,000
- Druid
“ | Slightly shifting price down from T4 into T3 midpath, and increasing the base cash amount gained from the ability as it currently needs quite a lot of initial investment to really get going at all compared to other farming options | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Druid of the Jungle price increased from $950 → $1050
Jungle's Bounty price reduced from $5000 → $4900
Jungle’s Bounty ability cash generation base amount increased $240 → $320
- Spike Factory
“ | Spiked Balls provides incredibly powerful cleanup in all stages of gameplay, and we like the use here but for a cheap T3 it doesn't drop off enough lategame with the lower pierce requirements there. Permaspike, while admittedly not often utilized to its max potential, has sat in a dominant high end position for a long time so we are shifting it away from such high pierce into more damage per pierce. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Spiked Balls pierce reduced from 14 → 12
0-x-5 Permaspike pierce reduced 50 → 25
1-0-5 Permaspike pierce reduced 90 → 45
Permaspike damage increased 10 → 15
- Monkey Village
“ | Last update included a change to the x2x Banana Farm which allowed Banks to finally receive external cash production buffs (previously none of these applied to bank path). This didn’t affect base level unbuffed farm balance, but some players noticed slight reductions in how effective buffs were when applied to other farms (320 and 023 crosspaths) due to this change, overall we’re positive about what the change means but to push back past that nerf to endgame farm synergy we balanced it out with a stronger synergy buff from villages | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Monkey City's income buff to cash producers increased from +15% → +20%
- Engineer Monkey
“ | XXXL Trap 205 crosspath hasn’t actually ‘been working’ due to the base attack rate being faster than minimum deployment delay so we have slowed the base rate to make 205 crosspath actually matter. Along with this, since the fortification bonus aspect of x2x hasn’t ever done anything for Bloontraps, 024 will now ignore the fortification of Bloons that it eats | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
0-2-4 Bloon Trap's RBE consumption now ignores Fortified properties.
0-2-5 XXXL Trap trap RBE consumption now ignores Fortified properties.
0-x-5 XXXL Trap deploy rate reduced from 2.8s → 5.8s
2-0-5 XXXL Trap deploy rate reduced from 2.8s → 3.48s (now actually increases deploy rate by 0.60x)
- Adora
“ | Adora skyrocketed in value with her fortification changes and this has been great, but the initial fort bonus she gains doesn't feel like it needs to immediately start at +2 given her base damage of only 1 | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Level 9-12 Adora main attack bonus damage to fortified Bloons reduced from +2 → +1
Level 13-18 Adora main attack bonus damage to Fortified Bloons reduced from +3 → +2
Level 19+ Adora main attack bonus damage to Fortified Bloons reduced from +4 → +3
- Geraldo
“ | Geraldo has a lot of items that are still undervalued compared to others while Pickles appears to stand far above the rest as the downside for the power increase isn’t quite enough. We’re pulling more of these lower & higher items closer in to the middle | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Jar of Pickles rate reduction increased from 1.25x → 1.33x
Stack of Nails rounds to replenish 5 → 1
Stack of Nails amount replenished 2 → 1
Level 16+ Nail Mine pierce increased 14 → 24
Level 16+ Nail Mine damage type Sharp → Normal
Fertilizer duration reduced from 5 → 4 rounds
Rabbit pierce increased 10 → 15
Rabbit max damage boosts increased +30 → +40
Rabbit boost threshold requirement reduced 3000 RBE → 2,250 RBE
Level 17+ Tube of Amaz-o-Glue MOAB-class extra pierce taken reduced:
- MOAB +9 → +4
- BFB +19 → +9
- ZOMG +49 → +24
- DDT +19 → +9
- Dark Dungeons
“ | The Spike Traps on Dark Dungeons weren’t intended to have a stun element and having this has scaled them through the game more effectively than intended, this has caused some balance implications so we are reducing the duration of the stun significantly. We also wanted to try out a few tweaks to the secret statue, allowing v2 to 1shot super ceramics, and v3 to 1shot fortified super ceramics along with a slight projectile speed increase on each upgrade. | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi |
Spike Traps stun duration reduced 6s → 1s
Dungeon Statue ball v2 projectile speed 24 → 30
Dungeon Statue ball v2 damage 50 → 100
Dungeon Statue ball v2 moab bonus 200 → 150
Dungeon Statue ball v2 cost $150,000 → $100,000
Dungeon Statue ball v3 projectile speed 24 → 36
Dungeon Statue ball v2 damage 100 → 150
Dungeon Statue ball v3 moab bonus 400 → 350
Dungeon Statue ball v3 cost $300,000 → $200,000