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Version 20.1[]

Link to patch notes.

Bug Fixes
  • Resolved a crash that could occur when selling Etienne after a level up
  • Resolved a crash from selling Etienne with Drone Swarm active then immediately placing him again
  • Resolved an issue where placing then selling and placing Etienne again would not display his Drone Swarm in the ability bar
  • Loading a save on Mesa after removing 1 rock should now correctly load that they are removed
  • Resolved some Placement issues on Mesa
  • Resolved an issue causing Odyssey progress to become stuck after using certain powers
  • Resolved issues with Robo Monkey's left arm not acquiring the correct targets
  • Resolved some multipliers adding together incorrectly for Bloontrap's Cash generation
  • Resolved an issue with the Mauling MOABs skin not cycling through damage states
  • Resolved some crashes related to loading specific save games from 19.2
  • Resolved an issue where the Banana Farmers removing corn on Cornfield would scale to random sizes
  • Resolved an issue causing Admiral Brickell to have no highlight outline when selected

Version 20.0[]

Link to patch notes.

New Awesome[]

New air-based drone hero, Etienne!

  • Etienne controls an army of drones to take out the Bloons from above & behind cover, watch out for his abilities which supercharge his drones temporarily & unleash a barrage of Bloon doom from above
  • New Advanced Map, Mesa
  • New Admiral Brickell Skin, Dread Pirate Brickell

Expanded Odyssey Events system[]

  • Extreme Mode added! When set to Extreme mode once your monkeys are placed they are used up! Be careful how many you use on early islands!
  • Do note that Heroes will always fight by your side and will not be consumed in Extreme mode.
  • Odysseys now display a stats summary at the end with a number of interesting details including total time taken
  • Finalized all the map statues for Odyssey, this now allows us to make any map available during the event. Which maps would you like to see next?
  • Added Clear All Monkeys / Powers options for crew selection
  • Added a number of new Odyssey related achievements!
  • Odyssey crew panels now show their category coloring
  • Odyssey events now offer a replay option after being completed, but note that this does not increase the rewards earned. The thinking behind this to try different builds and create personal challenges for friends and community.

New Trophy Store items[]

  • New Player Icons for Adora, Engineer, Brickell & Benjamin
  • New Hero items Obyn Ghost Wolf, Ezili Frog & Striker Jones Paradrop placement
  • New Bloon Modifiers Top Hats, Mo' Monkeys pop fx, Sci Fi BFB & Steampunk ZOMG
  • New Co-op emotes Let's Go!, OK, Crickets, & Sparkling Hearts
  • New Music Track Sunset - Silent Night

Key Features[]

  • Co-op players may now change their hero in the co-op lobby
  • Races will now display a popup showing how much faster/slower you are doing compared to your best time every 5 rounds
  • Fortification Bands have been added to skinned versions of MOABs
  • In-game update notes can now be viewed from the options page on the main menu

Big Changes / Additions[]

  • A larger overall behind the scenes change splitting up our assets and the way they load/download. This won't have too noticeable an impact on this update but in the future should allow us to have more flexibility in cutting down the size of updates.This should also help with memory, and help us find memory leaks
  • BUFF There were some good requests for help in something other than a Quincy start, so we have tweaked the Expert Infernal map slightly to allow for some more varied starting strategies
  • Prevented a crash or game quit upon the last seconds of a final round from failing to award a completion medal
  • Lots of changes related to the way the game saves & loads, should improve load times and load certain other things in a more natural state
  • Change Purchasing any trophy items should correctly trigger an immediate backup to the server
  • Instamonkeys in combinations of 110/101/011 and 220/202/022 should correctly be able to appear in their respective drop pools for all cases of randomised Tier 1 & 2 Instamonkeys
  • Change Incorrect or 'Unknown Powers' will no longer be stored in account save files. This should prevent 'infinite notifications' on the power screen when the player can never view them.

Bug Fixes & General Changes[]

  • Playing a new game over the top of an old save should no longer double stack the stats summary at the end
  • Added some effects limitation to help improve performance
  • Map: In The Loop now allows for collision with the trees for Juggernaut projectiles
  • Co-op improvements made to 'game start disconnects'
  • Co-op double tapping join button should no longer cause an occasional crash
  • Co-op improvements to 'Local Lobby' system including a refresh button on the page
  • Co-op: cleaned up how the game handles disconnecting and reconnecting in lobbies
  • Daily Challenges now have a modifier icon to display when a challenge does not allow for a round 100 Instamonkey reward to be claimed
  • Corrected some visual issues with the water on Adora's Temple
  • The tutorial should no longer count as a game played in player stats
  • Double tapping events menu will not load it twice anymore
  • Some localization formatting & translation fixes
  • Resolved an issue where playing custom challenges would reroll collection event bonus maps
  • Chromebook touchpads should function like steam touchpads now.
  • Behind the scenes components cleanup to MOAB-class assets & damage states
  • Performance improvements for all cash-related modifiers applied to Bloons
  • Resolved a number of height issues related to redeploying towers
  • Receiving a conflict popup while another menu is open in game should no longer cause the game to lock up
  • All hero placement related animations & voice lines should work correctly now even if the hero starts above level 1
  • Resolved an issue causing some models on the main menu to t-pose occasionally
Race specific
  • Exiting from viewing a player profile from a leaderboard should no longer throw you down the list
  • Viewing a Profile created on a future version will no longer cause a crash
  • Race timer should now immediately stop when the last Bloon is popped
  • Races once again correctly display your own rank
  • Display of the race leaderboard will update less frequently for players with scores outside of the top 100
Dart Monkey
  • NERF Master Double Cross no longer allows you to use 1 Crossbow Master in Daily Challenges where this tower is prohibited
Ice Monkey
  • BUFF 000 Base Ice Monkey attack hitbox should allow it to hit Bloons from below the track now
  • Change 4xx Embrittlement description updated to mention camo & property removal
Monkey Sub
  • 2xx Sub portrait has been corrected to fit the model better
  • x5x Pre-Emptive Strike description reworded as the effect is very different to 'MOAB Assassin'
Monkey Buccaneer
  • 5xx Carrier Flagship should no longer inflate summary screen stats when save is loaded
Monkey Ace
  • Should no longer cause a crash on Geared when map is turning
  • x4x Ground Zero description updated to include base Bombs being upgraded
Heli Pilot
  • Should no longer cause a crash on Geared when map is turning
  • Resolved a crash related to 2 chinook helis targeting the same tower
  • Co-op no longer allows towers to be upgraded while redeploying
Mortar Monkey
  • 5xx The Biggest One description updated as it deals much more damage now
  • x5x Artillery Battery description updated as 'triple pain' doesn't describe 4x attack speed very well
Wizard Monkey
  • x4x Phoenix summons should no longer be consumed when moving off an ice platform
  • xx5 Prince of Darkness should no longer display buff icon when placing towers that cannot receive its buff
Super Monkey
  • 5xx Resolved a number of art issues on gained temple powers
  • BUFF 3xx Lower tier brews should no longer cancel out higher tiers from upgrading the tower's buff when they target the same tower at the same time
  • xx3 Druid of Wrath description updated to "attacking Bloons" not "popping"
  • xx4 Poplust description updated to mention 'pierce' not just attack speed
Banana Farm
  • xx2 Banana Salvage now gives the correct amount of cash
Monkey Village
  • xx4 Monkey City description updated to include increased cash production in radius
  • xx5 Monkeyopolis no longer takes buffs from Alchemist
  • NERF 5xx Sentry Paragon should no longer cause a secondary explosion when manually sold
  • xx4 Bloontrap, resolved collection sometimes displaying less cash than it should
Striker Jones
  • Fixed Co-op icon emote for Octojones
Obyn Greenfoot
  • Resolved an issue where reloading with level 20 Obyn reduced Wall of Trees to level 10
  • NERF Resolved an issue with reloading a CHIMPS save file giving the wrong cash value from Wall of Trees
  • Resolved a sequence of cash multipliers with Syphon Funding that could cause Bloons to give negative cash upon pop
Admiral Brickell
  • BUFF Resolved an issue where reloading with level 20 Brickell reduced Mega Mine to level 10
Energising Totem
  • Some UI issues cleaned up

Balance Changes[]

Dart Monkey
Dart Monkey at its core is an early game focus tower, so we added some projectile speed options to try and help with its tendency to miss faster Bloons. Spike-o-pult's rate was also increased and damage type changed to shatter to be more versatile of a stepping stone in niche setups saving for Juggernaut
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF xx2 Enhanced Eyesight projectile speed increased 300 → 330
  • BUFF Crossbow projectile speed increased from 300 → 360
  • BUFF Sharp Shooter projectile speed increased from 300 → 400. Crossbow Master remains at 450 speed
  • BUFF Spike-o-pult can now damage frozen Bloons. Type changed Sharp → Shatter
  • BUFF Spike-o-pult rate increased from 1.25s → 1.15s. Does not affect Juggernaut.
Bomb Shooter
We're really excited about the recent rise in Bomb fame, and we want to encourage this by buffing some of the detracting parts of Bomb Shooters. But larger groups of basic T3 Maulers are now performing far too well against everything when they are intended to be more of a MOAB Specialist. This change means little in the early game, but should pull these groups back a little in more higher round gameplay.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 3xx Really Big Bombs damage increased 2 → 3. Does not affect Bloon Impact.
  • NERF x3x MOAB Mauler Ceramic bonus reduced from +5 → +4
  • BUFF x4x MOAB Assassin MOAB bonus increased from +18 → +25
  • BUFF x5x MOAB Eliminator MOAB bonus increased from +79 → +99
Tack Shooter
Inferno Ring has felt very outclassed for a long time, and more recently the tack shooter was reworked to give pierce on x2x which made the old 402 pierce crosspath not make as much sense anymore. We wanted to start work on both these issues together by reworking how Ring of Fire and Inferno Ring interact with crosspaths
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF 4-0-1 Ring of Fire & Inferno Ring no longer gain +10 pierce
  • NERF 4-0-2 Ring of Fire & Inferno Ring no longer gain +10 pierce
  • BUFF 4-1-0 Ring of Fire & Inferno Ring now increase total pierce by +10
  • BUFF 4-2-0 Ring of Fire & Inferno Ring now increase total pierce by +10
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Ring of Fire now increases base damage from 3 → 4
  • BUFF 5-0-2 Inferno Ring now increases base damage from 4 → 5
Glue Gunner
Many people seem to agree 5xx Glue is 'good', but simply outclassed (mainly by 5xx mortar at a similar price). This won't completely fix that, we hope to work on making the earlier stepping stone tiers a little easier to use and provide the 520 crosspath with a better niche by making Bloon Solver benefit from all pierce twice as much (which x2x provides).
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Bloon Dissolver cost decreased ($3,300 → $2,700)
  • BUFF Bloon Liquifier cost decreased ($7,000 → $6,500
  • BUFF The Bloon Solver now fires 2 projectiles per attack
  • NERF 5-0-x The Bloon Solver total pierce per projectile reduced from 12 → 6
  • NERF 5-1-0 The Bloon Solver total pierce per projectile reduced from 13 → 7
  • NERF 5-2-0 The Bloon Solver total pierce per projectile reduced from 16 → 11
Sniper Monkey
This tower felt like it's [sic] strength too heavily required the xx2 upgrade, and that this harmed crosspath choices. So we increased the base attack rate while nerfing the increase from these upgrades. This is a slight overall buff
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Base Sniper Monkey fire rate increased from 2s → 1.59s
  • NERF Fast Firing rate bonus reduced from +54% → +42% (0.65x → 0.70x)
  • NERF Even Faster Firing rate bonus reduced from +66% → +42% (0.60x → 0.70x)
  • BUFF Cripple MOAB duration rates for stun/debuff increased
    • MOAB 6s → 7s
    • BFB 3s → 6s
    • ZOMG 1.5s → 3s
    • DDT 1.5s → 4s
    • BAD 0.25s → 0.75s
Monkey Sub
The cost efficiency of Sub Commander's +5 pierce favored low tiers more than we'd like. Fortunately other paths of sub don't care so much about pierce, so as xx4 AP Darts gives its own large pierce increase we hope lowering the amount of this buff slightly will make driving to T4 more meaningful.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Sub Commander pierce buff reduced from +5 → +4
Heli Pilot
Pursuit Downdraft has felt like an overperformer for a very long time, but instead of outright nerfing it we increased crosspath potential for those who manually take control over their heli micro. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Pursuit Razor Rotors has underperformed due to distancing itself far too much, so we increased the range of this attack slightly.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Razor Rotors rotor radius increased from 33 to 35
  • NERF x-3-0 blow rate reduced from 0.125s → 0.15s
  • BUFF 0-3-2 blow rate increased from 0.125s → 0.12s
  • BUFF Comanche Defense duration increased 10s → 12s
Wizard Monkey
Second and third path upgrades get some fine tuning for more internal consistency. We want to make slow tweaks here to bring them into better balance
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 0-3-1 Dragon's Breath crosspath now gains +2 pierce
  • BUFF Summon Phoenix and Wizard Lord Phoenix Ability summon states should now save between games
  • BUFF Shimmer price reduced from $1800 → $1700

Prince of Darkness was planned to gain more balance changes, but there was more to do than could be achieved for this update.

Super Monkey
We were finally able to properly implement a popular suggestion for the Robo Monkey, and will be keeping an eye on it's performance more closely in this update. In addition to this, Dark Knight's reliance on Alchemist/Obyn to reach a reasonable pierce value made it too difficult to enjoy teleporting around using Dark Knight's new ability so we tried to cut out that dependency with a sizable pierce increase.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Robo Monkey is now able to independently set its arms to different target priorities instead of using the alternating First-Last, Close-Strong priorities.
  • BUFF Dark Knight base pierce increased from 3 -> 5. Does not affect Dark Champion.
Alchemist is already widely used, but we thought of an interesting way to add some more crosspath value and wanted to take the chance to perform a small rebalance at the same time.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF 3-0-x Berserker Brew buff shots per brew reduced from 30 → 25
  • BUFF 3-2-0 Berserker Brew buff shots per brew increased from 25 → 35
  • NERF 4-0-x Stronger Stimulant buff shots per brew reduced from 50 → 40. 4-2-0 remains at 50.
  • BUFF 3-2-0 Berserker Brew duration increased from 5s → 6s
  • BUFF 3-2-0 Berserker Brew re-application cooldown reduced from 5s → 4s
  • BUFF 4-2-0 Stronger Stimulant duration increased from 12s → 13s
  • BUFF 4-2-0 Stronger Stimulant re-application cooldown reduced from 5s → 4s
Spike Factory
Bigger balance shifts including Super Mines were not feasible for this update, but we did make a meaningful price reduction.
~ Ninja Kiwi

Ninja Kiwi listed the Carpet of Spikes buff as a bug fix, but because of how significant it was to gameplay, it is now listed in "balance changes" instead.

  • BUFF Super Mines price reduced from $175,000 → $162,500
  • BUFF Carpet of Spikes now correctly gains +2 damage to all, not just +1
Continuing our efforts to make crosspaths meaningful and fit the style of each path more solidly, a number of crosspath and base level balance shifts were made.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 1-1-0 Larger Service Area now applies 1/5th the range (+4) to any sentries produced
  • BUFF 1-0-1 Oversize Nails allows sentries produced by this tower to pop frozen Bloons
  • BUFF 1-0-1 Oversize Nails now increases sentry pierce by +1
  • BUFF Faster Engineering sentry deployment rate increased further from 7s → 6s
  • BUFF Sentry Expert base range of all sentries increased from 45 → 50
  • BUFF Sentry Paragon explosion radius now scales with sentry radius
  • BUFF Engineer Overclock ability active buff state will now be included in save files
  • BUFF Ultraboost will now apply 'perma' stacks upon ability activation rather than expiration
Admiral Brickell
While Brickell setups have a very specific select group of interactions, it is clear her abilities in this interaction are over performing so we want to try take a slow approach toning these back while we continue to review all Heroes each update.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Level 3-13 Naval Tactics Duration reduced 10s → 9s
  • NERF Level 14+ Naval Tactics Duration reduced 15s → 12s
  • NERF Level 10-19 Mega Mine damage reduced from 5000 → 4000


