Version 19.2[]
- Badges should again display & award correctly on Race leaderboards
- Co-op cash earnings after round 80 should be correct again
- Robo-Quincy performance issues with Fireworks placement animation resolved
Spiked Balls now correctly gets buffed by Alchemists.
4-x-x Spiked Mines and 5-x-x Super Mines should no longer reduce their bonus damage values
- Glaive Lord and MOAB Domination both use their correct DoT animations again (shredding for Glaive Lord and burning for MOAB Domination)
- MK point 'Very Shreddy' should work as intended again
- MK pre-game prep once again works with 'just 1 more' MK
- Other changes
Spiked Balls now correctly gets buffed by Alchemists.
Version 19.1[]
- Little Kiwi Bird has migrated back to Bloody Puddles!
Updated Odyssey rewards screen to support more than 2 rewards at a time
- Tapping an empty hero slot in Odyssey crew selection now swaps to the hero page
- During tutorial Quincy no longer shows Hero Booster as it cannot be purchased yet
- Resolved some visual issues with viewing an Odyssey as internet disconnects
- Reworked some Odyssey handling when receiving rewards after event has ended
- Resolved a possible crash that occurs upon selling Engineers
- Resolved a crash for low-end devices when purchasing a trophy store item then selecting a different item before the purchase finishes processing
- Odyssey Monkey was sent back to boot camp and now correctly lifts his sword when the boat is in motion
- In Odyssey after clearing at least 1 island losing lives then returning to menu without winning or losing your next will no longer set the current lives in that save game to your new 'max lives' if you lose or restart that game
- Improved performance of setting a new name for a monkey
- Resolved some issues with ranking display & top 50 medal in races
Resolved a bug with application of the freeplay scale that begins on round 81, this was causing a number of weird issues to occur after round 80 & in sandbox (including reduced cash)
- Resolved purchases of Red Hot Spikes only giving 1 pile (Should give 5 per 50mm)
- Fixed Wizard's xx2 Monkey Sense upgrade translation for Portuguese
- Fixed Druid's xx5 Avatar of Wrath upgrade translation for Portuguese
- Issues NK is aware of
- The incorrect DoT asset being used on MOAB Domination
- Race leaderboards & profiles not correctly displaying owned badges from past races
- Spike Factory 3-x-x and 4-x-x issues with crosspathing
- Some performance issues with Cyber Quincy
Version 19.0[]
New Awesomer[]
- Odyssey Mode is here! Join Modysseus on an epic adventure each week!
- Earn Trophies by completing Easy, Medium, or Hard Odysseys
- Choose the Hero, Monkeys, and Powers that will allow you to win each map in that Odyssey
- Uniquely themed Odyssey challenges each week
- Odyssey badge to show off total Odyssey stars collected (find it in your Main Menu Profile)
- Trophy Store with a ton of monkeytastic cosmetic items including:
- Hero Pets & special Hero placement animations
- Crazy Bloon Skins and decals
- Awesome new Co-op Emotes of all varieties, even audio (apologies in advance!)
- Brand new Jukebox remix tracks never heard before!
- Signature Profile Avatars, with their own unique styles
- Named Monkeys for Custom Tower Names & stat tracking
- New Octojones skin for Striker Jones
- In keeping with Odyssey, the Lotus Island beginner map, sporting some new interactive tech
Key Notes and Other New Features[]
Double Cash mode will now apply in co-op mode for players who own it!
- Odyssey Notes:
- Odyssey has been a long time coming - we wanted to make it as variable and customizable as possible at launch, with extensible systems that allow it to evolve update to update; thanks, awesomer community, for your requests and patience!
- Trophy rewards do not stack from difficulty to difficulty - the 50 Trophies from Hard difficulty is the maximum, so if you play Easy and win 15, then play Medium which has a 25 Trophy base reward, you will only get the 10 Trophy delta between those two reward levels
- Badge stars also do not stack - the 5 stars from Hard is the maximum per Odyssey; we made both of these design calls so players do not feel compelled to play all 3 Odysseys to maximize rewards or bragging rights - play all 3 only if you'll have fun doing that!
- Powers can be purchased in-game up to the value that you put into your Crew loadout; for instance, you don't have to have 5 Supermonkey Storms to allocate 5 to your Crew loadout and doing that gives you the option to buy up to that Crew allocated number if you find that you need them
- A few things that work differently for Odyssey - no freeplay, no replays of completed maps or difficulties, and no co-op; our goal was to keep Odyssey purely focused on challenging, multi-map, single-player adventures - then evolve from there
- Trophy Store Notes:
- Trophy Store has also been a long time coming, ever since we introduced Trophies in Races - some of you knew they'd be good for something!
- Races and Odysseys are the only way to obtain Trophies in the game
- We started with a wide range of Store items so that any stockpiled Trophies could be put to good use, but for all but the top Racers there should be plenty of items to go after
- Intent is to offer a smaller set of new Trophy Store items with most Updates
- We look forward to your feedback about which items you'd like to see more of!
- Remember you can mute co-op emotes if you are tired of seeing (and hearing!) them
- The Bloon skins currently only apply to the base blimps and don't affect any fortified versions.
- Named Monkeys Notes:
- This Trophy Store item allows players to name the first monkey of each tower type
- Once named you can see certain related stats for that particular monkey
- The named monkey is always the first monkey of that tower type placed in a game and will continue to track lifetime stats even if you change the name
- Heroes cannot be named and subsequent monkeys of a given tower type cannot be named
- Monkeys cannot be named with inappropriate or offensive words
- In relation to both Odyssey reward values and player feedback on Race rewards, we have increased the top Race Trophy rewards and included a new Top 50 category for more granularity between the Top 1% and the Top 3
- The Hero Booster in-app purchase (used to be $1.99 USD for an instant Level 20) has been removed, and instead has been replaced with an option to boost your current hero up to level 10 for a Monkey Money cost (
50 per level for base heroes, more for higher level heroes). The price of this item will be reduced if you already have levels on your hero, and is not available after level 10.
- Towers should now record separate Damage and Cash counters & many will display both of these values in the UI now and we'll look into adding trickier cash counting cases in future updates
Bug Fixes & General Changes[]
- Lifetime Trophies stat now records in player stats
- Resolved an issue where users could create a bugged co-op lobby
- Resolved a co-op issue where interactable objects would cause a desync
- Various localization fixes including rules button on pause menu
- Resolved some issues with Hero placement animations when starting at level 3 from monkey knowledge.
- Heroes also speak their placement voicelines again.
- Apopalypse now has new UI
- New "danger" menu when starting the game
- Immediately starts the game upon pressing "play" (i.e. bloons will immediately spawn upon pressing "play")
- Some general spell-checking of our descriptions...
- In player stats Co-op Pops & Cash Gifted should no longer have the same display value
- Resolved an issue where selling towers could cause their pops to be displayed on another tower
- Events time rounding will no longer cause them to sometimes display 'ending 2 day'
- Achievements related to completing games with one monkey type are fixed
- Single player stats should no longer be reset between loading saves
- Local co-op lobbies will no longer disappear from your list while players are still in the lobby if the host leaves
- DDT Camo now applies correctly in all game modes
- Spillway track will no longer crash upon loading
- Tack Shooter
- Inferno Ring no longer has 'close' targeting
- Monkey Sub
Ballistic Missile's splash should no longer hit Camo without Camo Detection
- Monkey Buccaneer
4-2-0 Buccaneer no longer gains camo detection after loading from a save
MOAB Takedown abilities from 2 separate buccaneer should no longer sometimes target the same target when activated at the same time
- Monkey Ace
- Monkey Ace shouldn't cause as many desyncs on Geared
- Heli Pilot
- Heli will no longer lock rotation sometimes when locked in place
- Super Monkey
Laser Blasts no longer shoots through some obstacles
- Dark Champion and Legend of the Night should no longer link with a techbot
- Alchemist
Sniper Monkeys no longer have infinite range when transformed by Total Transformation
- Spike Factory
- x-4-0 Spike Storm no longer gains a pointless targeting option
- Monkey Farmer
- Once again has a 'banana' symbol instead of damage.
- Non-functional 'i' button was removed
- Pre-Game Prep
Road Spikes from Pre-Game Prep should correctly gain +1 spike from the 'Just One More' knowledge
Balance Changes[]
- Boomerang Monkey
MOAB Press price increased ($1,800 -> $2,000)
MOAB Domination can now target but not stun or knockback BADs
MOAB Domination's secondary boomerang will now explode and ignite instead of returning
- Impact damage of 100
- Radius of 50 increased to 75 with 205 Glaives
- Pierce of 20 increased to 30 with 205 Glaives
- Burn application of 50 damage per second for 4 seconds
- Sniper Monkey
2-2-0 Large Calibre increases Shrapnel Shot fragment damage (1 -> 2)
3-2-0 Deadly Precision increases Shrapnel Shot fragment damage (2 -> 4)
4-2-0 Maim MOAB increases Shrapnel Shot fragment damage (3 -> 6)
5-2-0 Cripple MOAB increases Shrapnel Shot fragment damage (5 -> 12)
- Monkey Sub
Ballistic Missile range reduced (60 -> 50, only +8 range)
0-3-1 Ballistic Missile crosspath's fire rate reduced (1.275s -> 1.3125s)
0-3-2 Ballistic Missile crosspath's fire rate reduced (0.75s -> 0.984375s)
- Heli Pilot
Comanche Defense price reduced ($10,000 -> $8,500)
- Wizard Monkey
Arcane Spike price increased ($10,000 -> $10,900)
- Druid - (Missing from Version 18.0 patch notes by NK)
x2x Heart of Oak now allows the Lightning, Whirlwind & Ball Lightning attacks to remove the regrow property from any Bloons they hit
- Banana Farm
[undocumented] Monkey Bank with EZ Collect (or Banana Salvage) will now glow upon detecting full once it adds another pocket of cash, rather than just after the round it becomes full.
- Spike Factory
Spiked Balls now deals +1 damage (2 damage to normal bloons, 3 damage to Fortified MOAB-class, 5 damage to Ceramics, 6 damage to Fortified Ceramics)
- Pat Fusty
Level 3-13 Rallying Roar buff duration reduced (7s -> 5s)
Level 14+ Rallying Roar buff duration reduced (12s -> 10s)
Level 3+ Rallying Roar cooldown increased (40s -> 45s)
- Brickell
Level 10 Mega Mine now properly has a lifespan
Level 10 Mega Mine can now be supported by a Techbot
- Monkey Knowledge
Bank Deposits: Deposits do not gain income until 1 round after being deposited