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Version 15.1[]

See this Reddit link. This is a small patch that fixes the following:

  • MK arrow has been added from Empowered Heroes to Weak Point (Was already a requirement)
  • Wingmonkey translations fixed
  • Co-op daily challenge private match codes should work again
  • Come on Everybody! knowledge has a second buff icon for T3 & T4
  • BUFF Reloading a save with Permaspike should load the correct spike piles
  • Big Bloon Blueprints should correctly cost 500mm instead of 1000

Version 15.0[]

See this Reddit link.

Happy New Year![]

Bloons TD 6 had a fantastic 2019 and we'll be working our tails off to make sure that 2020 is even bigger and better! Pretty high bar because 2019 saw 11 Maps, 3D MOABs, updated Collection Events, Challenge Editor, Co-Op, Co-Op Stats and Callouts, Emotes, Pat Fusty, Adora, 5 hero skins, Engineer Monkey, and a whole bunch of secrets and specials like hidden achievements, big Bloon and tiny Bloon modes, and dark Adora. Whew, we've got our work cut out for us. Hmm, what could we do? Maybe... Odyssey Mode, Trophy Store with customization for visuals and music, Boss Bloons, Power Pros, more Challenge Editor functions, new Knowledge, new Heroes, new Monkey Towers, some top secret surprises, and at every step making the game run better, look better, and be more fun and challenging to play solo and with friends. Hope that sounds like a good 2020 ahead!

Awesome New Stuff[]

  • New expert map Infernal, a lavaish and truly magmananimous map that makes gameplay flow easily.
  • New Quincy 'Wolfpack' skin joins pack Quincy
  • New 'Collection View' toggle in the Insta Monkeys
  • Once you've unlocked a new Insta Monkey, it will remain unlocked to view in your collection even after using it in-game.

Monkey Knowledge Changes[]

  • BUFF Maximum player rank cap increased to 155
  • BUFF Knowledge tree has been reworked along with 5 new Knowledge types
  • New Knowledges:
    • Come On Everybody! - Co-ordinated boosts to all Primary towers
    • Wingmonkey - Monkey Aces group together for advanced strikes
    • Tiny Tornadoes - Druids are even Blowier Awayier
    • Healthy Bananas - Marketplaces stock fresher bananas with no added DDT
    • Weak Point - Heroes make more vital strikes against stronger targets
  • NERF Addition of Monkey Money thresholds - rows 4 and below on any of the trees will now have Monkey Money requirements alongside the Knowledge Point required, and that kind of change deserves some explanation and context
    • How it works: if you've already spent your points, there is no change; you don't have to pay "back" any Monkey Money. Any unspent points applied to rows 4 and below will have a Monkey Money requirement, so by all means get the Knowledge on update 14 before updating to 15. If you've spent Monkey Money on a Knowledge and respec, you get the point back but the Monkey Money remains invested - you don't have to pay Monkey Money for that particular knowledge again.
    • Why Ninja Kiwi changed it: they have always intended Monkey Knowledge to grow, so that means more cumulative power, and some strong new Knowledges. The current one point per Knowledge with light sequential requirements and nothing else to do with Knowledge Points doesn't do a good enough job of governing or guiding the varying strength of the Knowledge trees. The Monkey Money requirement provides both, asking players to make a considered choice by using a resource that has value in many other places in the game. As Ninja Kiwi adds tougher modes and Bloons, they can add more and better Knowledge, and this gives the team a better way to indicate and to govern that power according to that value.

Bug Fixes & General Changes[]

  • Resolved an issue when loading save or co-op resync that would not save any cash gains from the very last attack in each round
  • Round hints should display again if enabled
  • Resolved some minor Localization issues
  • Added a download confirmation to the game launch when an update needs to apply, for player clarity and for platform requirements
  • Stylus should work correctly again for all mobile versions, hope Note players are happy again!
  • The top of the Windmill on Town Center should no longer block placement under it
  • BUFF Tapping too quickly on losing in a race should no longer pay twice for one 'Try again'
  • Empowered Heroes Knowledge should no longer make that level 3 ability disappear in that incredibly frustrating way that it did
  • All For One And One For One achievement should be awarded correctly again
  • Added sound to Monkey Knowledge arrow buttons
  • Added sound to Insta Monkey tower screen
  • Resolved a co-op desync that could cause some players to never see the defeat screen or be able to continue playing
  • Resolved a co-op desync that could kick every other player from the match
  • Resolved a co-op issue causing some lower end devices to crash when viewing options
  • Player zones in non-FFA co-op should no longer shuffle when a desync occurs
Boomerang Monkey
  • BUFF 250 Perma Charge should (correctly) no longer lose its bonus +1 damage to MOABs
Monkey Sub
  • Optimized art for all submerged versions
Mortar Monkey
  • The mortar's projectiles should no longer visually drop back down the barrel
Wizard Monkey
  • xx5 Prince of Darkness should now only show buff icons to other Necromancers
  • xx5 Prince of Darkness description has been updated to include its buff
Super Monkey
  • 5xx Temple has had some fixes to issues incorrectly displaying its buff icon
  • 2xx Acidic Mixture Dip will now only show a buff icon when dip is applied
  • x5x Spirit of the Forest description updated to reflect previous changes to life generation
Banana Farm
  • x3x Bank description has had a minor update to clarify confusion in functionality
  • xx2 Description has had a minor update to mention 032 crosspath changes
  • Resolved issues with Monkey Knowledge not applying correctly

Desktop Version[]

  • Changing the resolution should no longer require a game restart every time
  • In-game UI & Buttons should be more user-friendly on larger game resolutions

Balance Changes[]

Boomerang Monkey
  • BUFF 052 Red Hot Rangs bonus to Permacharge increased from +1 to +4. This increases the base 052 Boomerang damage from 5 to 8.
Bomb Shooter
  • BUFF Base MOAB Mauler range increased from 44 to 49
  • BUFF Base MOAB Assassin range increased from 44 to 54
Monkey Sub
  • BUFF Pre-Emptive Strike price reduced from $35,000 to $32,000
  • BUFF Pre-Emptive Strike ability cooldown reduced from 60s to 45s
  • BUFF [undocumented] Pre-Emptive Strike initial cooldown reduced from 20s to 5s
Monkey Buccaneer
  • BUFFx4x Monkey Pirates cooldown reduced from 60 to 50
  • BUFF x4x Monkey Pirates bomb attack damage increased from 1 to 2
Heli Pilot
  • BUFF xx4 Comanche Defense maximum activations per round increased (1 -> 2) (Still has an internal cooldown of 25 sec)
  • BUFF 1xx Standard Sentry pierce increased from 1 to 2
  • BUFF4xx Sentry Expert price reduced from $2800 to $2500
  • BUFF5xx Paragon Sentry pierce increased from 3 to 5
Pat Fusty
  • Pat Fusty at level 1 was unintentionally worse than the level 2
    • BUFF Pat Fusty Level 1 main hit damage increased 2 -> 3
    • BUFF Pat Fusty Level 1 AoE hit damage increased 1 -> 2
  • Pat Fusty's main hit at level 11 was unintentionally dealing too little damage
    • BUFF Pat Fusty Level 11 main hit damage increased 4 -> 5


