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Bloons Card Storm is an upcoming spinoff game inspired by the Bloons TD series. It is confirmed to be a card game, but it is not known exactly what type of card game. Ninja Kiwi stated they will release beta in early 2024, with an expected full release in mid-2024. The First Look Test for the game was playable on 04 June 2024, and although multiplayer for the first look would only be enabled for a little over two days, the singleplayer is playable at any point in time. It will be free to play. The Full Playable Test is playable from 21 August 2024 to 30 August, introducing another hero, more cards, progression, and deckbuilding.


Ninja Kiwi has confirmed it is a competitive card game available for Steam and mobile devices.

The developers have expressed how Bloons Card storm will not feel like BTD Battles 1 Card Battles. "BCS plays very differently from Card Battles in Battles 1 - this is a completely separate idea, approach, look, and feel."[1]

Bloons Card Storm First Look gameplay

A multiplayer match in progress during the First Look test.

Bloons Card Storm is a PVP game where each player controls one of two sides of a map. The objective of the game is to send offensive Bloons to damage the opponent's side and causing them to lose lives while placing defensive Monkeys to pop Bloons and protect your own side from losing lives. The first side to reach 0 lives loses.

The game is confirmed to be turn-based. On each turn, both players play Bloon, Monkey, and/or Power cards. Bloon cards are exclusively offensive, whereas Monkey cards are exclusively defensive. Power cards are cards that have "special properties like buffing Monkeys and Bloons, healing, messing with your opponent’s plays, and more."[1] As players play bloons, they build up Bloontonium, which is used for passive and active abilities for their hero. After a few rounds, a storm will appear that will start spawning bloons on each side.

At the start of each match, players are given four cards in their hand (five on Workshop). The player has a total of three rerolls between their cards before they begin. Each hero has 500 HP to start with and 3 abilities: two active ones and a passive one.


Bloons Card Storm has 3 playable heroes, all originating from Bloons TD 6. Each Hero has the same amount of health, but different abilities: two actives and one passive. The two active abilities can be used at any time if the player has enough Bloontonium, while the passive ones provide the benefit as long as the Hero has that much Bloontonium. Each hero also has unique cards only they can use.

Image Name Abilities Unique Cards
HeroIconQuincy Quincy (3): Does 30 damage to target Bloon
(6): Deals 10 damage to every enemy Bloon played
(9): Deals 50 damage to all enemy Bloons.
Storm Of Arrows
HeroIconGwendolin Gwendolin (5): Set target Bloon on Fire. Burning Bloons take 30 damage per round
(10): Increase damage of your monkeys by 5
(20): Sets all Bloons on Fire. Bloons already on Fire take 200 damage instead
HeroIconObynGreenFoot Obyn Greenfoot (5): Summon A Wolf
(8): Start of Turn: Obyn gains 10 Shield
(13): Deal 100 damage to a Bloon and gain 2 Gold
Wall Of Trees
Powerful Slowing Totem
Wolf (through abilities)


Cards have the following aspects...

  1. Gold Cost- The amount of gold it costs to use a card.
  2. Charges Count- The number of times a card may be used per game.
  3. Bloontonium Amount- A buff that increases the player's hero damage by a certain amount.
  4. Time Delay- The amount of turns that must end before the card is automatically activated.
  5. Ammo (Exclusive to Monkey Cards)- The amount of attacks a Monkey can execute onto Bloons.
  6. Reload (Exclusive to Monkey Cards)- The amount of turns it takes for a Monkey Card to restore ammo.
  7. Damage- The amount of damage a card deals either to the opponent or to their Bloons.[1]

Each card has a given rarity.

  • Common (brown, one dart)
  • Uncommon (silver, two darts)
  • Rare (gold, three darts)
  • Super Rare (blue, one dart with a star)
  • Ultra Rare (purple, three dots with stars)

Players can have up to 3 copies of a card in their deck, except for Ultra Rares, which can only have 1. A card can be crafted using Crafting Tokens. There are 11 different types: Primary Monkey, Military Monkey, Magic Monkey, Support Monkey, Basic Bloon, Advanced Bloon, Large Bloon, Basic Power, Advanced Bloon, Exotic Power, and a Universal Token that can be used to craft any card. In the Full Playable build, the amounts of Tokens needed to craft each rarity are 300 for Commons, 800 for Uncommons, 1500 for Rares, 3500 for Super Rares, and 15000 for Ultra Rares.[2]

The Card Collection menu is where all of the player's cards are shown, and where they can craft new ones. Cards can be viewed by type (Monkey, Bloon, or Power), or sorted by traits: Default, Name, Type, Gold Cost, Attack, Health, Keywords, and Rarity. Decks can also be made, with 40 cards required for each deck.


Image Name Description Cost Damage Ammo Reload Rarity
DartMonkeyIllustration Dart Monkey N/A 1 20 1 1 Common
MortarMonkey CardArt Mortar Monkey Does not attack normally
On Turn End: Randomly attacks an enemy Bloon
2 45 1 1 Common
TackShooter CardArt Tack Shooter Defender +10 (Full Playable)
Will automatically target attacking Bloons (First Look)
2 25 2 2 Common
BoomerangMonkey Boomerang On Attack: Deal 15 damage to the next Bloon 3 15 1 (Full Playable)
2 (First Look)
1 Uncommon
SniperMonkey CardArt Sniper Monkey N/A 3 70 (Full Playable)
50 (First Look)
1 2 Common
TripleShot CardArt Triple Shot On Attack: Deal 20 damage to Bloons adjacent to Target 3 20 1 1 Uncommon
BananaFarm CardArt Banana Farm Can't Attack
Generates 2 Gold at the start of the turn (Full Playable)
Can't manually target Bloons
Generates 2 Gold at the start of the turn (First Look)
4 (Full Playable)
3 (First Look)
N/A (Full Playable)
0 (First Look)
N/A (Full Playable)
2 (First Look)
N/A (Full Playable)
1 (First Look)
BurnyStuff CardArt Burny Stuff Mortar Does not attack normally
On Turn End: Randomly attacks an enemy Bloon. Sets hit Bloon on fire
4 50 1 1 Uncommon
CrossbowMonkey CardArt Crossbow Monkey N/A 4 (Full Playable)
5 (First Look)
35 (Full Playable)
30 (First Look)
2 2 Uncommon
MonkeyApprentice CardArt Wizard Monkey On Turn Start: Gain +5 Attack Power 4 15 1 1 Uncommon
SupplyDropSniper CardArt Cash Drop Sniper On Reload: Gain 3 Gold 5 65 1 2 Uncommon
SpikeOPult CardArt Spike-o-Pult On Pop: Gains 20 Attack Power 5 20 1 2 Rare
BionicBoomerang CardArt Bionic Boomerang On Play: Gain 2 Ammo 6 40 2 1 Rare
Marketplace CardArt Marketplace Can't Attack
On Turn Start: Gain Gold equal to the number of friendly Monkeys
6 N/A N/A N/A Super Rare
MonkeyVillage CardArt Monkey Village Can't Attack
Adjacent Monkeys have +15 Attack Power
6 N/A N/A N/A Common
SuperMonkeyFanClub -11759 Super Monkey Fan Club During your Turn: All Dart Monkeys gain +10 Attack Power 6 30 1 1 Uncommon
CripplingSniper CardArt Crippling Sniper On Attack: Targeted Large Bloons have their Delay increased by 1 7 120 1 4 Ultra Rare
EliteDefender CardArt Elite Defender Defender +15 7 50 3 3 Common
Necromancer CardArt Necromancer Can't Attack
On Turn End: Summon an Undead Bloon. On Turn Start: Heals a random damaged ally Bloon for 25
7 N/A N/A N/A Rare
BouncingBullet CardArt Bouncing Bullet On Attack: Deal 30 Damage to a random other Bloon. Then repeat, then repeat 8 65 1 2 Super Rare
SuperMonkey Super Monkey N/A 8 75 (Full Playable)
60 (First Look)
3 3 (Full Playable)
4 (First Look)
SharpShooter CardArt Sharp Shooter Double Attack power while at full Ammo 9 40 3 2 Ultra Rare
PrinceOfDarkness CardArt Prince of Darkness Can't Attack
On Play: Summon an Undead MOAB. On Turn Start: Heals all of your Bloons for 30
10 N/A N/A N/A Super Rare
GlaiveRicochet CardArt Glaive Richochet On Attack: Deal 10 Damage to all next Bloons in line 12 30 3 1 Ultra Rare


The amount of Bloontonium a Bloon gives to the player is equal to its cost.

Image Name Description Cost Charges Count Damage Delay Rarity
RedBloon CardArt Red Bloon N/A 0 2 40 1 Common
SwarmRedBloon CardArt Swarm Red Bloon N/A 0 3 20 1 Uncommon
BlueBloon CardArt Blue Bloon N/A 1 2 60 1 Common
NestedBlue CardArt Nested Blue On Popped: Spawns a Red Bloon 1 1 60 1 Rare
SwarmBloonBlue CardArt Swarm Blue Bloon N/A 1 4 50 1 Uncommon
DoubleRedBloon CardArt Double Red Bloon Double Attack 2 2 30 1 Uncommon
GoldenBloon CardArt Golden Bloon On Damaged: Gives 1 gold (Full Playable)
On Popped: Gives 3 gold (gold is given to the player who played the Bloon and is not given if the Bloon disappears after attacking) (First Look)
2 2 70 2 Rare
GreenBloon CardArt Green Bloon N/A 2 2 100 1 Common
NestedGreen CardArt Nested Green On Popped: Spawns a Nested Blue 2 1 90 1 Rare
SwarmGreenBloon CardArt Swarm Green Bloon N/A 2 3 80 1 Uncommon
AuraOfStrength CardArt Aura of Strength Bloon On Turn Start: Increase delay by 1. Give another random friendly Bloon +50 HP 3 2 100 4 Rare
DoubleBlueBloon CardArt Double Blue Bloon Double Attack 3 2 45 1 Uncommon
NestedYellow CardArt Nested Yellow On Popped: Spawns a Nested Green 3 1 130 1 Rare
SteadyGrowthBloon CardArt Steady Growth Bloon On Turn Start: Gains +50 Health 3 2 100 3 Rare
SwarmYellowBloon CardArt Swarm Yellow Bloon N/A 3 3 120 1 Uncommon
YellowBloon CardArt Yellow Bloon N/A 3 2 145 1 Common
DoubleGreenBloon CardArt Double Green Bloon Double Attack 4 2 90 1 Uncommon
PinkBloon CardArt Pink Bloon N/A 4 1 100 0 Rare
BlackBloon CardArt Black Bloon On Destroyed: draw a card 5 2 130 1 Rare
CeramicBloon CardArt Ceramic Bloon N/A 5 3 250 2 Uncommon
DoubleYellowBloon CardArt Double Yellow Bloon Double Attack 5 2 140 1 Uncommon
WhiteBloon CardArt White Bloon On Play: Draw a card 5 2 100 1 Rare
HasteningBloon CardArt Hastening Bloon On Play: Reduce the delay of a random friendly Bloon by 1 6 1 150 2 Rare
MOAB CardArt MOAB N/A 6 1 450 4 Rare
BFB CardArt BFB N/A (Full Playable)
The Brutal Flying Behemoth. (First Look)
7 1 550 4 Super Rare
DoubleCeramicBloon CardArt Double Ceramic Bloon Double Attack 7 2 250 2 Uncommon
RainbowBloon CardArt Rainbow Bloon N/A 8 2 400 3 Uncommon
ZebraBloon CardArt Zebra Bloon On Play: Draw a card
On Destroyed: Draw a card
8 2 150 2 Uncommon
DoubleRainbowBloon CardArt Double Rainbow Bloon Double Attack 10 2 350 3 Ultra Rare
EmboldenedBloon CardArt Emboldened Bloon Costs 1 less Gold per Bloon you control 10 2 200 3 Rare
ZOMG CardArt ZOMG N/A 10 1 700 5 Rare


Image Name Description Cost Rarity
BloontoniumCache CardArt Bloontonium Cache Gain 5 Bloontonium 0 Common
CashDrop CardArt Cash Drop Gain 2 Gold 0 Common
Whoops CardArt Whoops Target Monkey loses all ammo 1 Uncommon
Fortify CardArt Fortify Give a friendly Bloon +50 Health 2 Common
StormOfArrows CardArt Storm Of Arrows Deal 150 damage to 2 random opposing Bloons 2 Rare
Stunned CardArt Stunned Stun a Monkey 2 Common
SupplyDrop CardArt Supply Drop Draw 2 Cards 2 Common
BedTime CardArt Bed Time Removes Enemy Target Monkey with 30 or less Attack Power 3 Uncommon
BloonStrike CardArt Bloon Strike Deal 50 damage to enemy Hero 3 Common
Firestorm CardArt Firestorm Deal 70 damage to enemy Bloons 3 Rare
ImprovedFortification CardArt Improved Fortification Give target friendly Bloon +100 Health but increases delay by 1 3 Uncommon
QuickBreak CardArt Quick Break Heal Hero for 100 Health (cannot exceed maximum health) 3 Common
StickyBomb CardArt Sticky Bomb Does 300 Damage to a Large Bloon 3 Rare
WallOfTrees CardArt Wall Of Trees Gain a 100HP Shield. When it breaks, get 2 Gold 3 Rare
BloonEmbiggen CardArt Bloon Embiggen Grants all your Bloons +25 Health 4 Uncommon
QuickReady CardArt Quick Ready Reduces the delay on target Bloon by 1 4 (Full Playable)
3 (First Look)
Restock CardArt Restock Draw 3 cards 4 Common
Return2Sender Return 2 Sender Returns a Bloon or Monkey to the owner's hand 4 Rare
Shrink CardArt Shrink Turns target Monkey into a Baby Monkey 5 Rare
RedBloonStorm CardArt Red Bloon Storm Fills your board with Red Bloons (Full Playable)
Fill your board with Red Bloons (First Look)
6 Common
Ceasefire CardArt Ceasefire Enemy Monkeys lose all ammo 7 Uncommon
MoabStrike CardArt MOAB Strike Deal 100 damage to the enemy Hero 7 Rare
PowerfulSlowingTotem CardArt Powerful Slowing Totem Increases the delay of all Enemy Bloons by 1 7 Uncommon
ExpertNegotiator CardArt Expert Negotiator Target Monkey joins your team 8 Rare
SuperMonkeyStorm CardArt Super Monkey Storm Deal 150 damage to enemy Bloons 8 Rare


Bloons Card Storm First Look map selecting

Map selection

Four maps are available in the First Look test, with the map both players play on being chosen randomly. Each player can veto a map they do not like once per matchup. Each map besides Monkey Meadow has a gimmick that affects gameplay.

  • Dark Castle: Bloons gain +5 Health.
    • In the First Look test, this map's effect was "Monkey Cards cost 1 Gold extra to play."
  • High Finance: Players start with 2 additional Gold.
    • In the First Look test, this map's effect was "Players start with 3 additional Gold."
  • Monkey Meadow: Where adventure begins! No special rules.
  • Workshop: Players start with 1 extra card in their opening hand.

Two more maps were added in the Full Playable test.

  • Wasteland: At the start of each turn: Deal 10 damage to the other Hero.
  • Game Night: Monkeys have +5 Attack Power.


Starting from the Full Playable test, players are given quests they can complete for Monkey Money and random Tokens. Note that quests are currently bugged and give 0 rewards as of the Full Playable Test.

They are split between Daily and Weekly, with the Weekly ones giving more rewards. Players gets 30-35 Monkey Money and 100 random tokens for a daily Quest, and 150 Monkey Money for a Weekly one. Weeklies currently do not display any intended token rewards. The possible quests are as follows:

  • Win 3 Games
  • Complete 5 Games
  • Play 30 Bloon Cards
  • Play 20 Monkey Cards
  • Play 20 Power Cards
  • Play 6 Large Bloon Cards
  • Play 5 Primary Monkey Cards
  • Play 5 Magic Monkey Cards
  • Play 5 Support Monkey Cards
  • Play 5 Military Monkey Cards
  • Deal 1200 Damage to Opposing Heroes
  • Play 12 Basic Bloon Cards
  • Play 10 Advanced Bloon Cards
  • Play 5 Exotic Power Cards
  • Play 10 Basic Power Cards
  • Play 8 Advanced Power Cards
  • Pop 60 Bloons
  • Draw 250 Cards
  • Gain 2000 Gold
  • Pop 25 Bloons with Hero Abilities
  • Pop 50 Bloons with Magic Monkeys
  • Pop 50 Bloons with Military Monkeys
  • Pop 50 Bloons with Primary Monkeys
  • Use 1000 Bloontonium
  • Win 5 Games with Gwendolin
  • Win 5 Games with Quincy
  • Win 15 Games


As of the Full Playable test, the game has eight songs on the soundtrack. They were released on Tim Haywood's auto-generated channel on August 15th, 2024.

  1. "Bloons Card Storm Title Music"
  2. "Clásico"
  3. "Bloontonium Bossa Nova"
  4. "Doubloons"
  5. "A Bloons Tango"
  6. "Shimmering Decks"
  7. "Build Play Win"
  8. "High Bloon"



First image of Bloons Card Storm teaser

Bloons Card Storm First Look main menu

The main menu during the First Look test.

Bloons Card Storm was first revealed as a Discord server announcement on Ninja Kiwi's Discord server on September 20th 2023. Ninja Kiwi posted on their official Discord server about the announcement of Bloons Card Storm, alongside opening up the channel for Bloons Card Storm on the same day. Alongside this, they announced it on 22nd September 2023 blog on r/NinjaKiwiOfficial. A pinned post on r/bloonscardstorm was also added to show the base FAQ of the recently publicized subreddit, opened on September 20th 2023.

The first Bloons Card Storm Developer Update arrived in December 2023 on December 13th 2023, as "Bloons Card Storm Developer Update - December 2023".

Revealed so far as of that date:

  • It is a competitive card game that will be available for Mobile and Steam.
  • Quincy and Gwen are confirmed heroes
Boomerang bcs

On March 14th, 2024, Ninja Kiwi posted a developer update revealing official art for various game assets and gave a basic explanation of the gameplay; Ninja Kiwi posted on r/bloonscardstorm, Bloons Card Storm Developer Diary - March 2024", and posted details of how to play Bloons Card Storm and some of the general designs for the game. Among these are the how-to-play guide, a sample of cards, some hero artwork, and an example of a map that card battles are held.

Pod bcs

On r/bloonscardstorm, on April 2nd 2024 at 10:48am NZDT, an announcement named "Bloons Card Storm Questions!!!" was released for readers to ask more about Bloons Card Storm information to post their next Dev Diary. Ninja Kiwi made a followup post "Thank you for all your questions!" to thank the feedback coming up for the next blog. Many questions were queued up, but not until the next official Ninja Kiwi post was the selected questions revealed.

Crossbow bcs

For the next Developer Diary, "Bloons Card Storm Developer Diary - April 2024", Ninja Kiwi finally answered a bunch of questions that the readers written down. In general, they've stated the intended free-to-play, balanced nature of the game, alongside answering questions about some further information about the gameplay of the game and the beta testing stages.

Dart monkey bcs may 2024
Hey everyone!

We know a lot of you have been asking and wondering when you might hear more about seeing or playing Bloons Card Storm. Great news: We have an update!

Our team will run a Firstlook test on June 5, 2024 - June 7, 2024! This Firstlook will be a closed, early-access game test with restricted features and set decklists. It won’t be the full game but this first public test will allow us to get your first impressions and feedback while it can still influence development.

The test will be WINDOWS STEAM ONLY. Please do not apply if you won’t be able to play on that platform during that test timeframe.

As when we did the FightEngine test, we will accept applications via Google Forms and select people from there. Please note that for successful applicants, we will retain the submitted Google Form information provided for six months, solely for the purposes of future tests. We want to be able to reach back out to you in the near future when we are ready for further testing!

As for the Firstlook itself, this will be similar to the FightEngine test in that we will have some focused play windows, but unlike that test, we won’t be limiting play times to ONLY those windows. The test will launch on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 9:00 AM and run for three days, ending Friday, June 7, 2024. During these days, you’ll be able to play the game in either single-player mode or online multiplayer. We will also have a few dedicated gameplay windows where the development team will be online and around to talk on Discord or match up against in-game - timings on those windows will be posted soon! Additionally, we will host a full AMA via Discord text on the final day, which will be posted to the BCS Reddit afterward.

Applications close at the end of next week and keys will be sent out shortly before the test commences.

Sign up here now!

~ Ninja Kiwi Discord, 24th May 2024 on 9:08am, NZST

On 24th May 2024, Ninja Kiwi posted on their Ninja Kiwi Discord server about a new beta of Bloons Card Storm, called the First Look Test. Applications via Google Forms are used for registration, and Ninja Kiwi selects a bunch of people who will be dedicated to playtest the game. Ninja Kiwi says the results of the playtests will be posted in another post in r/bloonscardstorm.

On 4th June 2024, 9:00 AM NZST, the first footage of the game is uploaded publicly, with the youtubers HBomb, Tewity, Dabloon, ISAB, Boltrix, Alukian, and Ryan Mehalic uploaded videos showcasing the game around the same time, a day before the game's planned testing date. SJB also uploaded a video about the game a few hours afterwards.

Later during 4th June 2024, around 9:00 PM NZST, test codes were sent 12 hours ahead of Multiplayer being enabled. As the Singleplayer can be played whenever, this allows testers to play through it 12 hours before multiplayer is enabled. 12 hours later, on 5th June 2024, multiplayer would be enabled for the test. Multiplayer ran for two days and seven hours, and would close on 7th June 2024, at 4:00 PM NZST.

On 20th June 2024, Ninja Kiwi posted the First Look AMA on Reddit. After finding no other solution for the character limit of Reddit, the post was split, with a second post being released. The post answered questions asked in the First Look tester channel during the AMA on 7th June 2024, and also compiled any previous developer answers from the channel.

Ninja Kiwi has since made weekly updates on new content for Bloons Card Storm, including (until the Full Playable Test):

On 6th August 2024, Ninja Kiwi posted a Developer Diary confirming that the next test, now called the Full Playable Test, is accepting new applicants, and will be playable on 21 August 2024 for both previous and new testers.

On 20th August 2024, Pocket Gamer released an article previewing the game. In this article, an updated Monkey Meadow, deckbuilding screen, and the reveal of Obyn as a card back for a deck, implying he is a playable hero, can be seen.[3]

On 21st August 2024, at 11:30 AM NZST, the Bloons Card Storm test received an update providing new features. Players who successfully registered for the Full Playable Test will receive a steam code of the Bloons Card Storm Beta. It includes the following new content:

  • New Hero - Obyn Greenfoot
  • New Features
    • Daily/Weekly Quests
    • Card Collection tab
      • Cards can be crafted with currency, with costs ranging anywhere between 300 to 3,500 tokens per card in the beta. The max amount of Ultra Rare Cards in the Full Playable test are given for free, so they cannot be crafted, even though their intended cost is 15,000.
      • Players can make their own decks instead of relying on a few preset decks.
    • Experience System, with each level awarding tokens of a predetermined type. Token reward per level starts at 300 and increase every 10 levels. Experience is earned by completing matches and can either be against the AI or against real players.
    • Two new maps: Wasteland and Game Night.
  • Balance Changes
    • Change "Defender" was added as a trait, also being used by the Elite Defender, so the Tack Shooter's description changed from "Will automatically target attacking Bloons" to "Defender +10".
    • NERF Boomerang now has 1 ammo instead of 2.
    • BUFF Sniper Monkey now deals 70 damage instead of 50.
    • NERF Banana Farm now costs 4 Gold instead of 3. Additionally, its stats were removed, although they are functionally the same.
    • BUFF Crossbow Monkey now costs 4 Gold and has 35 damage instead of costing 5 Gold and having 30 damage.
    • BUFF Super Monkey now has 75 damage and a delay of 3 instead of 60 damage and a delay of 4.
    • Change Golden Bloon's ability is now "On Damaged: Gives 1 gold" instead of "On Popped: Gives 3 gold". This was likely because the original functionality did not reward Gold if the Bloon was not popped, making it easy for opponents to get it to low health and then let it attack so it did not give Gold to its player.
    • Change BFB's description, "The Brutal Flying Behemoth.", was removed.
    • NERF Quick Ready now costs 4 Gold instead of 3.
    • Change Red Bloon Storm's description now says "fills" instead of "fill."
    • Change High Finance now has each player start with 2 additional Gold instead of 3.
    • Change Dark Castle's map effect is now "Bloons gain +5 Health" instead of "Monkey Cards cost 1 Gold extra to play."
    • NERF Quick Ready was further nerfed and now costs 6 gold instead of 4.
    • NERF Bionic Boomerang was nerfed and now has 2 delay instead of 1.
    • BUFF The MOAB was buffed and now has 2 charges instead of 1.
    • BUFF The BFB was similarly buffed and has 2 charges instead of 1.
  • Miscellaneous Changes
    • A new title screen has been added.
    • Players now have to log in with their Ninja Kiwi accounts, rather than making a nickname when the game starts.
    • The UI elements are slightly smaller.
    • The inventory button was added.
    • The Store and Feats icons on the menu are now clickable, although both only show a screen saying to return later.
    • In the First Look test, players had a win-draw-loss count next to their username. The Full Playable test replaces this with the player leveling.
    • The tutorials and singleplayer missions are completely different.
    • Only one placeholder deck, for Quincy, is available, rather than three for Quincy and two for Gwen.

More of Ninja Kiwi's Developer Diaries have arrived since then:

On 23 August 2024, the Steam page for Bloons Card Storm became publicly available for the first time. One of the screenshots shows a new map layout for the first time, since the visual changes per map were not implemented during either test.

Gwen august 23rd 2024

Gwendolin artwork for the August 23rd 2024 balance changes

A post "Bloons Card Storm Developer Diary and Balance Changes" for August 23rd 2024 lists a further update to the Full Playable as a miniature update.

  • BUFF Dart Monkey - Cost 1 -> Cost 0
Dart Monkey is in a tricky spot because of limited monkey spots and deck slots there are almost always better options. Making it cost 0 to play will hopefully encourage it being added to some decks as an early defense.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Spike o Pult - Cost 5 -> Cost 4, AP 20 -> 25
We love the potential of Spike, especially in Dart Monkey combo decks, but at 5 cost it’s just too difficult to get into play and start ramping its’ AP.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Wizard Monkey - AP 15 -> 25
Much like Spike, there’s potential with the Wizard but it scales too slowly. Starting it out slightly higher so it doesn’t take as many turns to feel strong.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Bionic Boomer - Reload 1 -> Reload 2
Boomer was actually designed as Reload 2 but Reload 1 somehow slipped into the Full Playable test. 80 DPT with 160 on play was always going to be too strong for 6 gold, so we’ve reverted it to the intended Reload 2. Still should be a strong pick for that initial burst.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Glaive Ricochet - Reload 1 -> Reload 2
Ricochet is an Ultra Rare and as such should be an impactful card, but it’s a little too powerful at the moment and easy to use. Switching reload to 2 will mean you’ll want to time your glaive bursts more.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Quick Ready - Cost 4 -> Cost 6
Surprise damage is a core part of any card game and Quick Ready is an important part of this. We’ve seen tons of great suggestions about other designs for this card, and some of those match with ideas we’ve had for cards in the future, but we feel the basic idea of “reduce delay by 1” still has a place in the launch set. At cost 6, it’s now on a par with Hastening Bloon, but gives you guaranteed targeting in exchange for the body you get with Hastening. No changes to Hastening just yet but we’ve seen some fun ideas around it as well!
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Double Green Bloon - Health 90 -> Health 80
  • NERF Double Yellow Bloon - Health 140 -> Health 110
  • NERF Double Ceramic Bloon - Health 250 -> Health 220
These Bloons are just too efficient for their costs and delays, so reducing their health slightly. Double yellow gets a slightly higher nerf because of its’ 1 delay.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Emboldened Bloon - Cost 10 -> 8, Health 200 -> 300
Another card that wasn’t working as designed. So we’ve fixed the bugs (hopefully!) but the design itself on second look wasn’t particularly strong (without the bugs), so we’ve reduced the cost further and increased the health, but kept delay at 3. The idea is this is a strong threat that you can add to your swarm decks, but it’s a looming threat more than instant damage. At best it’s 600 damage on the board for 3 gold which is pretty decent!
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Obyn Hero Abilities: Passive ability - Shield effect increased from 10 to 20. Occurs at end of turn instead of start of turn.
The shield isn’t impactful enough at the moment and having to wait an entire turn to get any value out of it also doesn’t feel good. Shifting it to be immediate and bumping up the value should make it much more meaningful in longer games.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Yellow Bloon - Health 145 -> Health 140
  • NERF Swarm Yellow Bloon - Health 120 -> Health 115
Yellows are ever so slightly too good for their cost. A small tweak to see how that affects aggro in particular.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF MOAB - Health 450 -> 500. Charges 1 -> 2
  • BUFF BFB - Health 550 -> 600. Charges 1-> 2
  • BUFF ZOMG - Health 700 -> 800.
Ooh spicy! Large Bloons in general are under-utilized and not strong enough to warrant space in your deck at the moment. Beefing them up a little while also giving the MOAB and BFB staying power by adding a charge to each. ZOMG stays at 1 charge but gets a larger health bump. This is a BIG Bloon. This will also affect the Storm Bloons so watch out!
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Mortar Monkey - AP 45 -> 40
At 2 cost, Mortar Monkey is ever so slightly too efficient, and the random downside is not offsetting that enough to matter.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Burny Stuff Mortar - AP 50 -> 40
The value of setting things on fire wasn’t properly being considered with Burny Stuff, and the sheer efficiency of 80 damage per turn + possible ongoing damage is a little too much for 4 cost. We considered playing with the reload time here but didn’t want to try anything too drastic at this point. Even at 40 AP this will still represent great value.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Crippling Sniper - Reload 4 -> 3
Not seeing play beyond theory crafting yet, but the reload is way too long. Further buffs might come but not for this patch!
~ Ninja Kiwi

On August 27th 2024, a "Full Playable AMA - Questions" post was released, open to questions from various users in response to the Full Playable AMA, and this post's comments were closed on 3rd September 2024. The Q&A will arrive soon.

And even more of Ninja Kiwi's Developer Diaries arriving since the Full Playable AMA:


We are super excited to announce Bloons Card Storm, a competitive card game within the Blooniverse coming to mobile and PC in 2024.

Pick your favorite Hero, fill your deck with Bloons, Monkeys, and Powers, and then do battle!

In true Bloons tradition, Monkeys don't attack other Monkeys, so you'll need to carefully balance your deck with nefarious Bloon cards for offense and powerful Monkey cards for defense. Use Powers at just the right time to swing the battle in your favor, inject some much needed gold into your economy, or draw deeper into your deck.

Quincy, Gwen, and many of your favorite Heroes are here and ready to help you pop Bloons and conquer the playfield.

As you've come to expect from Ninja Kiwi games, we're aiming to build something that is super fun to play, easy to pick up, but hard to put down. With tons of developer and artist time already invested into the project, we're loving this turn-based, deep strategy card game internally, and we think you will, too. We're making great strides and are aiming to launch the game mid-2024. As that date approaches we will be opening Beta testing phases, so keep your eyes peeled to Ninja Kiwi socials for those announcements, most probably starting early in 2024.

We've created a subreddit here and check out the new Bloons Card Storm general channel where we will be occasionally stopping by to post dev progress and updates, so make sure to come say hi!

~ Ninja Kiwi Discord announcement, — 09/20/2023 12:26 PM

When will BCS be out?
We are hoping for a mid-2024 launch

What platforms will the game launch on?
Steam and mobile!

Can I play in the Beta?
The team is currently planning on launching our first Beta test in early 2024 with another one slightly closer to the official launch but we will make sure to provide more information around this closer to the time

Can we get more details about the game?
We'll have more information to share about BCS in the coming months. We may also update this FAQ from time to time with any relevant information. Thank you for your patience and support!

~ Ninja Kiwi, r/bloonscardstorm FAQ announcement


First Look Test Images[]

Full Playable Test Images[]


  • In the First Look test, the "Return 2 Sender" card had a placeholder image. The final one was used for the Full Playable test.
  • In the First Look test, the Cash Drop Sniper card was named "Supply Drop Sniper" to match its BTD6 name.

