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Bloon properties

Several types of properties of non-MOAB-class bloons

Bloon Properties are special properties of Bloons. Many bloon properties alter the structure of the bloon, usually adding special immunities or increasing HP. Many forms of damage types interact with bloon properties in different ways.

  • Regrow: Any non-MOAB bloon can have this property. Bloons with Regrow look like a heart. When damaged, Regrow Bloons continuously change to higher level types, but no higher than their original type. If a Regrow bloon splits, the component bloons clone their parent. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage to Regrow Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Regrows.
  • Black: This is a property that makes bloons resistant to certain damage types, resisting explosives. There is no damage bonus available that does extra damage to Black Bloons.
  • White: This is a property that makes bloons resistant to certain damage types, resisting freezing. There is no damage bonus available that does extra damage to White Bloons.
  • Purple: This is a property that makes bloons resistant to certain damage types, resisting energy, fire, and plasma attacks. There is no damage bonus available that does extra damage to Purple Bloons.
  • Lead: This is a property that makes bloons resistant to certain damage types, typically sharp attacks. In BTD6, this includes energy, sharp, and most ice-based attacks. In pre-BTD6 games, the Monkey Apprentices attacks (associated with energy) can pop lead. The lead property only applies to lead bloons, DDTs, and BMC Dreadbloon. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage to Leads (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Leads.
  • Camo: Bloons with the camo property require certain towers/upgrades to target/attack. In BTD4, it can be damaged by accident, but still not targeted. In the BTD series, this can apply to any non-MOAB class bloon, DDTs, and the camo bloon (BTD4). In Bloons Pop!, camo is a mix of Phasing and Camo, as monkeys with camo detection can always pop camo, but monkeys without camo detection can only pop camo bloons when they reveal themselves every few seconds. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage to Camo Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Camos.
  • Ceramic: Contains multiple health points and visually possess a clay-like shell. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage versus Ceramics (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Ceramics. In Bloons Super Monkey 2 this also grants it immunity to Magic Type (pops Black, White, Glass, Lead, Frozen, not Ceramic) Magic attacks without research.
  • Fortified: Much more health than normal. In BTD6 this property only can be applied to Leads, Ceramic and MOAB-Class Bloons, although in Bloons Adventure Time TD and Bloons Pop! this can apply to normal bloons. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage to Fortified (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Fortified.
  • Phasing: The equivalent of Camo Bloons in Bloons Supermonkey 2 Mobile and Bloons 2. In Bloons 2, "Phasing" are technically called Camo Bloons, and thus, exclusive to them. Phasing can only affect standard bloons and not MOAB-class (except for the mobile exclusiveUFO). Phasing will cause the bloon to periodically become unable to be targeted for a few seconds without Phase Scanner. Using Phase Scanner lets the player damage phasing bloons at all times when close enough. There is no damage bonus available that does extra damage to Phasing Bloons.
  • Shielded: Adds a set amount of health to bloons that will consume all pierce from projectiles, except explosions and projectiles with PierceShields Pierce Shields in Bloons Super Monkey 2's flash and mobile variants. Consuming all pierce is only a trait in both Bloons Supermonkey 2 games. In Bloons Pop! it instead has one health that prevents damage from soaking past the shielded layer until popped, and it does not prematurely consume all pierce of any projectiles. Bloons Adventure Time TD also has the shielded property grant bloons an extra layer with 5 health, but does not consume all pierce from towers. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage to Shielded Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Shields.
  • Zombie: Drops gravestones that spawn more bloons after one round. Exclusive to Bloons Adventure Time TD. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Template:Extra Damage to Zombie Extra Damage to Zombies.
  • Ghost: Immune to sharp and explosives, specifically the Crushing Type (pops Black, White, Purple, Lead, Frozen, not Ghost) Physical damage type. Exclusive to Bloons Adventure Time TD. These bloon properties are vulnerable to sources of Template:Extra Damage to Ghost Extra Damage to Ghosts.
  • MOAB-Class Bloon: Bloons with this property are generally shaped like zeppelins and blimps (and hence sometimes colloquially referred as "blimps"). MOAB-Class Bloons generally contain hundreds to thousands of health. Uniquely, they have different interactions to their non-blimp counterparts; for instance, they can only be stunned by blimp-specific stuns such as Maim MOAB and Cripple MOAB. They prevent attacks that can't target them (specifically Target Bloon(s) (unspecified types of bloons targeting, and quantity) Target Bloon attacks) and are the only bloon types that can be targeted by blimp-only attacks (specifically Target Blimp(s) (unspecified types of bloons targeting, and quantity) Target Blimp attacks). Certain attacks can only be targeted at specific tiers of MOAB-class bloons. MOAB-Class Bloons are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage versus MOAB-class Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Blimps.
    • Massive Ornary Air Blimp (MOAB): MOABs in terms of bloon properties are the weakest type of MOAB-Class Bloon, having the least immunities to specific attacks. For example, Pat Fusty's slap attack can knock back MOABs and below, but not BFBs and above.
    • Brutal Floating Behemoth (BFB): BFBs in terms of bloon properties are one rank above MOABs, at least for the most part (strictly higher targeting priority in terms of Strong targeting, but sometimes more resilient than DDTs such as from Super Glue's "stuck" slowdown). It is still considered a "small" blimp in the case of MOAB-class destruction SFX and the targeting of certain attacks such as Monkey Pirates, BTDB1 Mobile Super Wide Funnel, and Giant Condor, which the BFBs are vulnerable towards.
    • Zeppelin Of Mighty Gargantuaness (ZOMG): ZOMGs in terms of bloon properties are one rank above BFBs, at least for the most part (strictly higher targeting priority in terms of Strong targeting, almost always more resilient than DDTs except in some cases such as BMC Flash Cripple MOAB's blimp stuns). It is considered a "big" blimp in the case of MOAB-class destruction SFX and the targeting of certain attacks such as Monkey Pirates, BTDB1 Mobile Super Wide Funnel, and Giant Condor, which the ZOMGs are immune towards.
    • Dark Dirigible Titan (DDT): DDTs in terms of bloon properties are unique in that they contain the fast speed that resembles Fast Bloons, and contains the properties of a Camo Bloon, Lead Bloon, and Black Bloon all at once. As such, it is generally considered higher ranking than ZOMGs in most cases, but strictly considered higher targeting priority in terms of the Strong targeting priority. It is still considered a "small" blimp in the case of MOAB-class destruction SFX and the targeting of certain attacks such as Monkey Pirates and a lead-supported Giant Condor, which the DDTs are vulnerable towards. DDTs can be dealt more damage via sources of Extra damage to Leads (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Leads, plus Extra damage to Camo Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Camos if the Camo property is not stripped by a universal decamo source such as Shimmer or Submerge and Support.
    • Big Airship of Doom (BAD): BADs, which were first introduced in Bloons TD 6 Generation, are currently the strongest standard types of bloons in the games it appears in. They have complete immunity to all sources of movement impairment (including stuns, slowdowns, and knockback) and almost full immunity to all true instakills, with exception of a few BAD-targeting instakill abilities such as Ezili's Level 20 ability, Navarch of the Seas' activated hook, and Megalodon if the BAD starts with low enough health. However, in terms of bloon properties, the BAD is considered the second-highest MOAB-class bloon type in terms of immunities and is vulnerable to sources of Extra damage versus BADs (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to BADs.
    • Boss Bloon: These are much more powerful versions of MOAB-Class Bloons that have complete immunity to slowdown, instant health reducers, and true instakills. Boss Bloons are considered properties since they are vulnerable to sources of Extra damage versus Boss Bloons (unspecified damage) Extra Damage to Boss.

Hybrid Bloon Properties[]

Zebra Bloon[]

Main article: Zebra Bloon

Zebra Bloons contain both the properties of a White Bloon and a Black Bloon. It makes a debut in Bloons TD 4. As a Thermal Bloon that is the parent of both these Thermal Bloons, the Zebra Bloon is available to send in Bloons Monkey City under the "Thermal Bloons" upgrade.

Glass Bloon[]

Main article: Glass Bloon
Glass Bloon

Glass Bloons contain both the resistances later associated with a Purple Bloon and the multiple health points on its outer layer associated with the Ceramic Bloon. This Bloon is only able to resist Storm arm and Energy weapon attacks, which are arbitrarily categorized as Plasma Type (pops Black, White, Lead, Frozen) Plasma, and do not resist magic attacks.

Camo Regrow Bloon[]

Main article: Camo Regrow Bloon

Camo Regrow Bloons contain both the properties of Camo Bloons and Regrow Bloons. These bloon types make a debut in the Bloons TD 5 Generation. The combination of them make them deadly against defenses that rely on a non-camo popper to dispatch Regrow rushes.

Regrow Fortified Bloon[]


Regrow Fortified Bloons (sometimes prioritizing the "Fortified" keyword first as Fortified Regrow Bloons) contain two of three of the main modifiers in the Bloons TD 6 Generation, containing properties of the Fortified Bloon and Regrow Bloon.

Here are the rounds that Camo Fortified bloons guaranteed to spawn in Bloons TD 6.

Standard Rounds
  • Round TBA: TBA
Alternate Bloons Rounds:
  • Round TBA: TBA

Camo Fortified Bloon[]


Camo Fortified Bloons (sometimes prioritizing the "Fortified" keyword first as Fortified Camo Bloons) contain two of three of the main modifiers in the Bloons TD 6 Generation, containing properties of the Fortified Bloon and Camo Bloon.

In normal gameplay, camo fortified leads makes its first appearance on Round 90 with regrowth property and Round 129 without regrowth property. Camo Fortified Ceramics makes its first appearance on Round 67 with regrowth property and Round 128 without regrowth property. On Round 163, a huge group of camo fortified leads and camo fortified ceramics are guaranteed to spawn.

Since beyond Round 80, regrowth property gets nearly worthless, camo regrow fortified bloons are practically having no difference between camo fortified bloons with no regrowth properties. After Round 100 (except for Rounds 126 and 163), camo regrow fortified bloons won't occur naturally and non-MOAB class bloons always spawn with either camo and/or fortified properties (lead bloons are always fortified), and they are very stacked.

Camo Fortified Bloons require more efficient camo-popping power. Use Monkey Intelligence Bureau if you need. See DDT/Strategies for camo fortified bloons beyond Round 80.

Fortified DDTs are also considered to be a camo fortified bloon. Since DDT features the camo property by default. They starts to appear on Round 99 in normal gameplay. In game code, normal DDTs are "c-ddt" and fortified DDTs are "cf-ddt".

Round 138 has the largest RBE amount of camo fortified bloons in the first 140 pre-determined rounds, considered to be the most dangerous DDT rush round. This round has {512+(800*4.7)}*81=346,032 RBE of camo fortified bloons.

Fortified BADs are not a camo fortified bloon, however they spawn 3 fortified DDTs when it gets popped, considered to be camo fortified bloons.

Here are the rounds that Camo Fortified bloons guaranteed to spawn in Bloons TD 6.

Standard Rounds:[]

  • Round 67: 13 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 8 M.O.A.B.
  • Round 74: 50 Ceramic, 60 Ceramic Regrowth, 25 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 1 B.F.B.
  • Round 90: 50 Fortified Lead Camo Regrowth, 3 D.D.T.
  • Round 95: 500 Purple Camo Regrowth, 250 Fortified Lead Camo Regrowth, 50 Fortified M.O.A.B., 30 D.D.T.
  • Round 99: 60 M.O.A.B., 9 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 102: 3 B.F.B., 3 Fortified B.F.B., 1 Z.O.M.G., 3 Fortified Z.O.M.G. (last 2 are stacked), 18 D.D.T., 12 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 106: 66 D.D.T., 27 Fortified D.D.T. (last 12 are stacked)
  • Round 110: 25 B.F.B., 18 D.D.T., 12 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 112: 27 Fortified B.F.B., 21 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 114: 24 M.O.A.B., 36 Fortified M.O.A.B., 12 B.F.B., 8 Fortified B.F.B., 5 Z.O.M.G., 3 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 9 D.D.T. (3 groups of 3), 6 Fortified D.D.T. (3 groups of 2)
  • Round 115: 24 M.O.A.B., 36 Fortified M.O.A.B., 12 B.F.B., 8 Fortified B.F.B., 5 Z.O.M.G., 3 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 9 D.D.T. (3 groups of 3), 6 Fortified D.D.T. (3 groups of 2)
  • Round 117: 250 Lead, 27 D.D.T., 18 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 118: 12 Z.O.M.G., 30 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 126: 1 Fortified Lead Camo Regrowth, 99 D.D.T.
  • Round 128: 200 Fortified Ceramic Camo (2 groups of 100), 39 Fortified D.D.T., 30 B.F.B.
  • Round 129: 77 Purple Camo, 77 Fortified Lead Camo, 77 Ceramic Camo, 7 Z.O.M.G., 7 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 18 D.D.T.
  • Round 130: 84 M.O.A.B., 66 Fortified M.O.A.B., 48 D.D.T., 6 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 135: 21 Fortified D.D.T. (3 groups of 7, stacked), 14 Fortified Z.O.M.G. (2 groups of 7, stacked)
  • Round 138: 81 Fortified D.D.T., 45 D.D.T.
  • Round 140: 1 Fortified B.A.D., 1 B.A.D.
  • Rounds 141+: randomized
  • Round 163: 100 Fortified Lead Camo, 100 Lead Camo Regrowth, 100 Fortified Lead Regrowth, 200 Fortified Lead Camo Regrowth (2 groups of 100), 333 Fortified Ceramic, 541 Fortified Ceramic Camo, 1000 Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 437 Fortified Ceramic Regrowth, 1254 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth
  • Round 200: 2 Fortified B.A.D.
  • Round 263: 216 M.O.A.B., 152 Fortified M.O.A.B., 110 Fortified D.D.T. (groups spawn in various order but always contain these amounts)
  • Rounds 1,000+: 96 M.O.A.B., 64 Fortified M.O.A.B., 49 B.F.B., 34 Fortified B.F.B., 40 Z.O.M.G., 26 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 56 D.D.T., 60 Fortified D.D.T., 41 B.A.D., 38 Fortified B.A.D. (all bloon groups are guaranteed to spawn by this point, but they spawn in various orders)
  • Round 10,000: 100 Fortified B.A.D.
  • Rounds 10,006+: 100 Fortified B.A.D.

Alternate Bloons Rounds:[]

  • Round 51: 10 Zebra, 28 Fortified Ceramic Camo
  • Round 59: 50 Lead Camo Regrowth, 20 Fortified Ceramic Camo, 25 Rainbow
  • Round 62: 250 Purple, 15 Fortified Lead Camo Regrowth, 5 Fortified M.O.A.B., 2 B.F.B.
  • Round 67: 20 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 6 M.O.A.B., 4 Fortified M.O.A.B.
  • Round 74: 100 Black Regrowth, 25 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 1 Fortified B.F.B.
  • Round 83: 40 Ceramic Camo, 40 Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 40 Fortified Ceramic Camo, 20 Fortified M.O.A.B.
  • Round 90: 50 Fortified Ceramic Camo Regrowth, 4 D.D.T.
  • Round 93: 17 Fortified B.F.B., 7 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 97: 2 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 8 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 99: 30 M.O.A.B., 9 Fortified D.D.T., 1 B.A.D.
  • Round 100: 1 Fortified B.A.D.
  • Round 103: 100 M.O.A.B., 50 Fortified M.O.A.B., 10 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 18 Fortified D.D.T. (3 groups of 6)
  • Round 106: 81 D.D.T., 12 Fortified D.D.T. (stacked), 1 B.A.D.
  • Round 107: 111 Purple Camo, 10 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 25 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 110: 40 B.F.B., 42 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 112: 12 Fortified B.F.B., 21 Fortified D.D.T., 1 B.A.D.
  • Round 114: 60 Fortified M.O.A.B., 20 Fortified B.F.B., 8 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 15 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 117: 250 Fortified Ceramic Camo, 27 D.D.T., 18 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 120: 2 B.A.D., 1 Fortified B.A.D.
  • Round 122: 225 Fortified Lead Camo (3 groups of 75, stacked), 100 M.O.A.B., 60 B.F.B.
  • Round 123: 200 Fortified M.O.A.B., 100 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 125: 81 Fortified M.O.A.B., 66 Fortified M.O.A.B., 63 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 129: 7 Z.O.M.G., 7 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 48 D.D.T., 9 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 130: 36 M.O.A.B., 54 Fortified M.O.A.B., 24 B.F.B., 21 D.D.T., 27 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 135: 18 Fortified Z.O.M.G., 30 Fortified D.D.T.
  • Round 138: 138 Fortified D.D.T., 1 B.A.D.
  • Round 140: 1 B.A.D., 4 Fortified B.A.D. (B.A.D. and Fortified B.A.D. are stacked at the beginning, and 3 Fortified B.A.D.s are very close together at the end)
Exclusive to Boss Events (ABR):[]

This rule only applies on rounds 101-140 in boss events where uses Alternate Bloons Rounds game mode at this moment.

  • Round 101: 450 Purples (1 group of 250 and 1 group of 200), 50 Fortified Ceramics, 10 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 102: 3 BFBs, 3 Fortified BFBs, 1 ZOMG, 3 Fortified ZOMGs (last 2 are stacked), 18 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 106: 54 MOABs, 27 Fortified MOABs, 12 Fortified DDTs (stacked)
  • Round 109: 15 Camo Purples, 15 Ceramics, 15 Fortified MOABs, 15 Fortified BFBs, 15 ZOMGs, 15 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 110: 20 Fortified BFBs, 18 MOABs, 9 DDTs, 12 Fortified MOABs, 6 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 111: 17 Fortified ZOMGs, 18 DDTs, 5 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 112: 9 ZOMGs, 21 Fortified DDTs
  • Rounds 114 and 115: 36 MOABs, 24 Fortified MOABs, 8 BFBs, 12 Fortified BFBs, 3 ZOMGs, 5 Fortified ZOMGs, 6 DDTs, 9 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 117: 250 Camo Leads, 18 DDTs, 27 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 118: 10 Fortified ZOMGs, 30 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 126: 1 Camo Regrow Fortified Lead, 48 MOABs, 99 DDTs (3 groups of 33, stacked)
  • Round 128: 200 Camo Fortified Ceramics, 39 DDTs (sent in 1 second), 1 ZOMG, 1 Fortified ZOMG (stacked with a regular ZOMG), 30 Fortified MOABs, 20 Fortified DDTs (sent in 1 second)
  • Round 129: 77 Camo Purples, 77 Camo Fortified Leads, 77 Camo Ceramics, 7 ZOMGs, 7 Fortified ZOMGs, 7 Fortified DDTs (stacked)
  • Round 130: 36 MOABs, 114 Fortified MOABs, 21 DDTs, 33 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 131: 16 Fortified ZOMGs, 24 Fortified DDTs (3 groups of 8, stacked)
  • Round 133: 4 Fortified ZOMGs, 12 Fortified BFBs, 12 Fortified MOABs, 6 ZOMGs, 18 BFBs, 18 MOABs, 9 DDTs, 15 Fortified DDTs
  • Round 135: 8 Fortified ZOMGs, 40 Fortified DDTs (5 groups of 8, stacked)
  • Round 138: 33 DDTs, 93 Fortified DDTs (sent in 20 seconds)
  • Round 140: 1 Fortified BAD, 2 BADs (last 2 are very close together)

Apopalypse Rounds:[]

  • Round 49: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads)
  • Rounds 50-60: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 13 Spaced Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics, 25 Spaced Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics)
  • Rounds 61-64: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 13 Spaced Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics)
  • Round 65: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 13 Spaced Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics)
  • Rounds 66-69: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads)
  • Rounds 70-75: Random (50 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing)
  • Rounds 76-85: Random (250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing)
  • Rounds 86-88: Random (250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing, 2 Spaced Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Round 89: Random (250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing, 2 Spaced Fortified D.D.T., 3 Spaced Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Rounds 90-96: Random (250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing, 2 Spaced Fortified D.D.T., 3 Spaced Fortified D.D.T., 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics; no spacing)
  • Rounds 97-99: Random (250 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads; no spacing, 50 Tight Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics; no spacing)
  • Rounds 101-109: Random (100 Tight Fortified Camo Leads; no spacing, Grouped Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Rounds 110-118: Random (100 Tight Fortified Camo Leads; no spacing, 100 Grouped Fortified Camo Ceramics, Grouped Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Rounds 120-139: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Rounds 141-162: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Round 163: Guaranteed (100 Grouped Fortified Camo Leads, 100 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Leads x2, 208 Grouped Fortified Camo Ceramics, 333 Grouped Fortified Camo Ceramics, 104 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics, 450 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics, 700 Grouped Fortified Camo Regrowth Ceramics)
  • Rounds 164-199: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T.)
  • Round 200: Guaranteed (2 Fortified B.A.D.)
  • Rounds 201-262: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T., Single Fortified B.A.D.)
  • Round 263: Guaranteed (10 Spaced Fortified D.D.T. x2, 30 Grouped Fortified D.D.T. x3)
  • Rounds 264-510: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T., Single Fortified B.A.D.; at least 1 guaranteed)
  • Rounds 511-999: Random (Grouped Fortified D.D.T., Single Fortified B.A.D.; some of them are guaranteed, 5 Tight Fortified B.A.D.; guaranteed with no spacing)
  • Rounds 1,000-9,999: Guaranteed (60 Fortified D.D.T. in total, 38 Fortified B.A.D. in total)
  • Round 10,000: Guaranteed (100 Fortified B.A.D.)
  • Rounds 10,006+: Guaranteed (100 Fortified B.A.D.)

Camo Regrow Fortified Bloon[]

Main article: Fortified Camo Regrow Bloon
Next Round: Camo Regrow Fortified Ceramic Bloons. Phew! What a mouthful.
~ BTD6 Round 74 Pre-Round Comment

Camo Regrow Fortified Bloons (sometimes prioritizing the "Fortified" keyword first as Fortified Camo Regrow Bloons) contain three of the main modifiers in the Bloons TD 6 Generation, containing properties of the Fortified Bloon, Camo Bloon, and Regrow Bloon.

Here are the rounds that Camo Regrow Fortified bloons guaranteed to spawn in Bloons TD 6. These include Fortified DDTs and Fortified BADs, which produce offspring that eventually lead to Camo Regrow Fortified Bloons. Since after Round 80, the regrowth property gets worthless due to freeplay rules, so their strategies are technically the same as Camo Fortified Bloons. They don't even occur naturally with a few exceptions past Round 100.

Standard Rounds
  • Round 67: 13 Camo Regrow Fortified Ceramics, 8 MOABs
  • Round 74: 50 Ceramics, 60 Fortified Ceramics, 25 Camo Regrow Fortified Ceramics, 1 BFB
  • Round 90: 50 Camo Regrow Fortified Leads, 3 DDTs
  • Round 95: 500 Camo Regrow Purples, 250 Camo Regrow Fortified Leads, 50 Fortified MOABs, 30 DDTs
  • Round 99: 60 MOABs, 9 Fortified DDTs
  • Rounds 102+: Transition to Camo Fortified Bloons.
Alternate Bloons Rounds:
  • Round TBA: TBA


