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Explosions become so violent Bloons are stunned for a short time when they are hit. Range is increased and frags are even more effective.
~ In-game description

Bloon Impact is the fourth upgrade of Path 1 for the Bomb Shooter in Bloons TD 6. Along with creating singular large explosions that knock Bloons back as its previous Really Big Bombs upgrade does, the Bloon Impact upgrade allows the Bomb Shooter to stun all non-MOAB-class bloons affected by its explosion for up to 1.4s. However, its explosions still cannot pop Black Bloons, unless given external supports. The Bomb Shooter also gains slightly more range (+3). Blast radius remains at 27 and pierce at 80.

When crosspathed with Frag Bombs, it creates 16 large powerful fragments instead of just 12 from Really Big Bombs. Fragments have 3 pierce instead of 2, deal 3 damage and further increases frags projectile lifespan by 20%.

This upgrade costs $2,720 on Easy, $3,200 on Medium, $3,455 on Hard, and $3,840 on Impoppable.



Bimpact explode

Bloon Impact stunning and knocking back Ceramics

This upgrade returns the Bomb Shooter to its standard black color, however it now possesses several green add-ons: these include a green metallic ring, two thin green stripes, and a large green arrow pointing in the direction of the barrel.

Crosspathing changes the appearance of the Bloon Impact cannon depending on the chosen crosspaths. Similarly to Really Big Bombs, Bloon Impact does not become a missile bay if crosspathed with the Missile Launcher upgrade. Path 2 crosspathing adds red fins (one notably bisecting the arrow) and a white rim around the barrel. Path 3 exchanges the arrow for either a target or an explosion symbol.

Bloon Impact stuns damaged bloons for 1.4s, and the Bomb Shooter itself gains +3 range. Each explosion deals 3 damage onto up to 80 bloons, alongside the knockback from Really Big Bombs and the added stun effect. When crosspathed with Frag Bombs, frags inherit the 3 damage of the previous upgrade, gain an additional +1 pierce, for 3, gain 0.322s projectile lifespan, and their count increases from 12 (from Really Big Bombs) to 16.

Targeting Priorities[]

Bloon Impact targets bloons using the standard targeting priorities. It shoots straight movement projectiles.

  • First: Targets the first bloon visible within its range.
  • Last: Targets the last bloon visible within its range.
  • Close: Targets the closest bloon visible within its range.
  • Strong: Targets the strongest bloon visible within its range.

Full Popology[]


Updated as of Version 44.0
Base stats
  • Bomb:
    • Projectile, explosion type, 40 range, 1.5s attack cooldown, 3 damage, 80 pierce. Blast radius of 27. Stuns damaged bloons for 1.0s, and knocks back damaged non-blimp bloons by 10 units.
Crosspathing interactions
  • 4-1-0:
    • Bomb attack speed increased (1.5s → 1.125s)
  • 4-2-0:
    • Bomb changed to Missile, attack speed increased (1.5s → 1.125s → 0.825s)
    • Projectile speed increased
  • 4-0-1:
    • Gains +7 range (40 → 52)
  • 4-0-2:
    • Gains +2 range (40 → 52 → 54)
    • Upon collision, release Frags that cannot affect the collided bloon (if hitting a bloon). Compared to 3-0-2, Frags deals 3 damage and 3 hitbox size, and improved to 16 projectiles, 3 pierce, and increased +20% lifespan.
Monkey Knowledge interactions

Attack Interactions[]

See also: Attack Interactions/Bloons TD 6/Primary
Updated as of Version 38.3
Base attack(s)
  • Bomb:
    • Explosion Type (pops White, Purple, Lead, Frozen) Explosion
    • Single Projectile Single Projectile
    • Straight Attack Straight Attack
    • Area of Effect Area of Effect
    • Extra damage to all bloon types (3) Extra Damage (3)
    • Stun (standard bloons, 1 Stun (duration: 1.4s)
    • Press (Non MOAB-Class bloons backward by 10 units) Press (10 units backwards)


Updated as of Version 44.0. Listed prices exclude external buffs, any sacrifices, and Monkey Knowledge.
[Module | Data] Purchase Sell
Costs Easy Medium Hard Impoppable Easy Medium Hard Impoppable
Upgrade (4-X-X) $2,720 $3,200 $3,455 $3,840 -
Total (4-0-0) $4,735 $5,575 $6,020 $6,690 $3,315 $3,903 $4,214 $4,683
Crosspath (4-1-0) $4,945 $5,825 $6,290 $6,990 $3,462 $4,078 $4,403 $4,893
Crosspath (4-2-0) $5,285 $6,225 $6,720 $7,470 $3,700 $4,358 $4,704 $5,229
Crosspath (4-0-1) $4,905 $5,775 $6,235 $6,930 $3,434 $4,043 $4,365 $4,851
Crosspath (4-0-2) $5,160 $6,075 $6,560 $7,290 $3,612 $4,253 $4,592 $5,103

This upgrade's prices (or included crosspath's prices) are affected by the following MK: ComeOnEverybodyIcon Come On Everybody!, BetterSellDealsIcon Better Sell Deals



Bloon Impact creates large single explosions to stun groups of bloons over a wide radius. Bloon Impact can refresh the stun effect, making it a good choice for stunning compact groups of regular bloons, especially Super Ceramics. It is also helpful in the mid-game to hold regular bloons in place and push them back, although Bloon Impact shines the most during Rounds 81+, where Super Ceramics start appearing and therefore can lock them in place without spawning too many bloon offspring.

Its main role is to reduce the progress of dense groups of regular bloons, to allow more time for other defenses to deal with other bloons. Bloon Impact works really well with Striker Jones and MOAB Mauler spam strategies to combat Super Ceramics, as Striker provides numerous benefits for all Bomb Shooters including this upgrade.


  • Use this upgrade to stun bloons, especially Super Ceramics. With the 4-2-0 crosspath, the Bloon Impact is capable of permastunning bloons as long as it hits the same bloons.
    • Beware of Zebra and Black Bloons, because it is unable to damage them without Striker Jones Level 5+ or a MIB.
  • If better stunning is desired, the 4-2-0 crosspath is better than 4-0-2. While the added fragments offered by 4-0-2 are stronger, the extra damage from these fragments do sacrifice Bloon Impact's permastun potential for much higher DPS, but the black-popping for explosions can come in handy.
  • Bloon Impact is a viable option for stopping Super Ceramics. Against lower density bloons, a single 4-2-0 Bloon Impact can fully solo the bloons if given black bloon popping power. However, it needs sufficient time as well. It's also worth adding in a 3-2-0 Spiked Balls to clean up any passing Super Ceramics while Bloon Impact stalls the other Super Ceramics in place.
  • While the best at the late-game thanks to its stalling power, 4-2-0 Impact also works well against Round 63 for permastunning Ceramics in place while chipping them into weaker chunks. In that case, set it on Strong for this purpose.

Version History[]

Balance Changes[]

Overall cheaper compared to initial release, as its preceding upgrades have reduced its price considerably, although the price of the Bloon Impact upgrade is slightly more. Like Bloon Crush, Bloon Impact permastunning bloons is the most significant change for Bloon Impact, allowing it to be useful in conjunction with Striker + Mauler spam strategies at countering Super Ceramics.

However, Bloon Impact has been nerfed considerably in history, the biggest nerf going to its removed built-in black-popping power. This was done, however, to balance out with Cryo Cannon.

Initial release (compared to BTD5)
  • BUFF Bloon Impact has a much longer stun duration (0.5 seconds → 1).
  • BUFF Cost much cheaper ($4,000 → $3,200)
  • Change Several changes in path placement of the upgrades; some upgrades are moved to different paths. This allows for more options with the first two middle path upgrades but means that both upgrade and higher can no longer have both at once.
  • BUFF Bloon Impact deals more damage (2 → 3)
  • BUFF Bloon Impact (along with Bloon Crush) can now refresh their own bloon stuns.
  • BUFF Bloon Impact range increased (40 → 43)
  • BUFF 402 Bomb Shooter increases pierce of frags from 1 → 2
  • BUFF 402 Bomb Shooter increases damage of frags from 1 → 2
  • BUFF 402 Bomb Shooter increases lifespan of frags from 0.191s‬ → 0.322s
Some low tier Bomb pierce has been shifted further up into the 2xx Heavy Bombs upgrade [...] , but the price of these upgrades and [...] have both been buffed to benefit other variations of bomb better. Bloon Impact's price was increased as it didn't need to benefit from this buff, [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi, explaining both direct and indirect balance changes for Bloon Impact
  • NERF Bloon Impact costs more ($3200 → $3600)
  • BUFF Bloon Impact pops more bloons (48 → 50)
In some cases the effort to make upgrades feel powerful eclipsed the need for monkey tower weaknesses to be supported by path or other tower synergies. Reviewing the state of White compared to Black Bloons we feel it no longer makes sense for Bomb stall path to ignore inherent Bomb weakness compared to Ice, which can't fully get around it's [sic] weakness until T5. [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • NERF Bloon Impact damage type changed from normal to explosion
  • [Undocumented] Striker Jones' Level 5+ and 19+ did not affect Bloon Impact. This bug likely appeared because it coincided with a previous bug fix to energy-type attacks and because Impact recently received a damage type nerf.
  • BUFF [Bug Fix] The bug concerning Striker Jones' Level 5+ and 19+ not affecting Bloon Impact was fixed.
The Frags crosspath for top path Bomb Shooter has always been quite a poor choice, trying to compete with attack speed as a benefit for stun utility isn’t going to ever work out so we have instead gone the route of turning the frags crosspath into a DPS/Stun hybrid with a lot of small buffs to frag power.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Bloon Impact frag damage increased 2 → 3
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Bloon Impact gains more frags 8 → 16
  • BUFF 4-0-2 Bloon Impact frag pierce increased 2 → 3
Cluster Bombs has far superior pierce over top path which is the actual pierce path while also providing better overall cleanup power, so for now we’d like to reign those in a little closer.
~ Ninja Kiwi, referring to Cluster Bombs vs Really Big Bombs
  • BUFF Bloon Impact pierce increased (50 → 60)
We wanted to add something unique to Bloon Impact while also improving Really Big Bombs very slightly as a stepping stone into it, so now both of these upgrades will become capable of pushing back Bloons that they hit – even if they are stunned or frozen! This allows Bloon Impact to now catch groups of Bloons in a stun net and slowly push them back the way they came while keeping them stunned. […]
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Bloon Impact now deals 10 unit knockback to affected bloons, inherited from Really Big Bombs
  • BUFF Bloon Impact stun duration increased from 1s → 1.4s
  • NERF Bloon Impact no longer knockbacks Black Bloons or Zebra Bloons unless it can damage them.
Just a little cost coming off the Bloon Impact upgrade, [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF Bloon Impact price reduced from $3600 to $3200
  • BUFF Bloon Impact pierce increased from 60 to 80.

Bug Fixes and General Changes[]

Extra Notes (Version History)[]

  • Although Bloon Impact was not directly buffed by improved Path 2 crosspathing attack speed buffs on Version 12.0 and Version 18.0, this still resulted in an overall buff, as utilizing the improved Path 2 upgrades allows the Bloon Impact to inflict higher stun uptime versus bloons.
  • Although Bloon Impact got a damage buff in Version 7.0, its previous upgrade Really Big Bombs received a similar damage buff in Version 20.0, which Bloon Impact does not inherit.
  • On Version 22.0, the Bloon Impact cost was increased by $400 to counteract the tiny pierce buff and the variety of price buffs for its previous upgrades: $300 off Really Big Bombs in Version 7.0, and a total of $200 off in Version 22.0 for the lower Tier 1 upgrades. According to NK, Bloon Impact did not need to be indirectly buffed in Version 22.0, and the cost was increased presumably to accommodate its already much stronger role.


Official artwork[]


  • In BTD6, the Bloon Impact upgrade creates large singular explosions, whereas in BTD5 the Bloon Impact upgrade creates clusters of explosions. This is because the BTD5 Bloon Impact's previous upgrade is Cluster Bombs, whereas the previous upgrade of the BTD6 Bloon Impact is Really Big Bombs.
