It is a powerful early MK Point for optimizing Grape Shot attacks. Combined with Naval Upgrades, it can allow Buccaneers to dish more overall damage against both bloons and blimps.
For more damage with grapes, this MK will be helpful. This is especially useful with Double Shot Buccaneers, especially 3-1-0 or 3-2-0 Destroyers. It also serves helpful for Merchantman strategies that depend on Grape Shot for defense.
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In particular, this article needs: Hot grape effects with 0-2-0 and 2-2-0.
Big Bunch in the MK menu ready to be unlocked
Grape Shot shoots 6 grapes from Big Bunch
Grape Shot with Double Shot shoots 11 grapes from Big Bunch (no longer possible after v37.0)
Grape Shot with Double Shot shoots 7 grapes from Big Bunch (since v37.0)