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Welcome to Bloons TD Battles 2! Just follow my lead and I'll show you how to become a Battles expert.

There are 4 lessons to complete. Get through them all and a new hero, Gwendolin, will join the team.

~ Quincy, when player starts for the first time
Quincy welcome

Welcome message

Quincy welcome 2

Part 2 of welcome message

Bloons TD Battles 2 contains a tutorial-like game mode called Battle School. Completing the four lessons will award the player the hero Gwendolin for use in standard games. When the player first loads the game, they are prompted to complete the tutorials, although they can opt out of them after the third lesson. Battle School is very similar to the tutorial from Bloons TD Battles. In this game's tutorial, Quincy instructs the player to follow his lead. All four lessons take place on the map Glade.

The in-game tutorial was removed in Version 3.2. Instead, Battle School was replaced with popups containing basic tips of the game.

Lesson 1 - Don't Be a Dummy![]

A training dummy? Seriously? Drop me in, I'll get through this with one eye closed.
~ Quincy, when the match begins.

Lesson 1 begins with a match against an non-player AI character named "T.D.", an anthropomorphic scarecrow functioning as a test dummy. They instantly place down four differently-upgraded Dart Monkeys: a 1-0-0 to the bottom-left before the first slope bend, a 1-0-0 to the top-left from the lower stone structure, a 0-1-0 to the bottom-right of that same stone structure, and a 0-0-0 to the top-left from the left edge of the bottom lake.

Quincy tells the player to place him at a designated spot to the right of the stone structure. Afterwards, he advises the player to place down Dart Monkeys. The player can place down as many as they want and upgrade them twice on the top and middle paths. As Round 5 begins, Quincy unlocks his Rapid Shot ability, which he then gestures the player to use. When Round 6 begins, he advises the player to send Yellow Bloons to T.D. If the player sends enough, T.D. will be defeated.

Upon winning, the player receives Monkey Money5, Battlepoint icon small3, Quincy XP, and Dart Monkey XP.

Before the next lesson, Quincy brings the player to the Monkeys screen. He tells the player to use the Dart Monkey XP they just got to unlock Long Range Darts and Enhanced Eyesight. Despite Quincy telling the player to purchase the upgrades with XP, both upgrades are free. After the player unlocks the two upgrades, the player is brought into Lesson 2.

Additional Quotes (Tutorial 1)[]

At level 3, Heroes gain a special Activated Ability.
~ Tutorial, points at Quincy's newly acquired ability
If Bloons escape you lose lives. Send bloons at your opponent to win.
~ Tutorial
Remember, Heroes level up in game but Monkeys gain XP after Battles have finished.

Let's spend some of that sweet Dart Monkey XP and get some new upgrades.

~ Quincy
In the next battle we'll be able to upgrade Dart Monkeys to Long Range Darts.

Hey look, we can also afford Enhanced Eyesight. Let's buy it now.

~ Quincy, after player unlocks Long Range Darts with XP
We're all set, time for another Battle!
~ Quincy, after player unlocks Enhanced Eyesight with XP

Lesson 2 - Lock and Load![]

Bloons come in all shapes and sizes.

We'll need a well rounded defense to ensure we can handle anything that comes our way.

~ Quincy, when the match begins
Quit battle school ask

Quit Battle School?

Playing Lesson 2 onwards is optional, though the game still recommends the player to keep playing the tutorials. T.D. continues to use the same setup as last tutorial session.

Completing this tutorial rewards a T.D. avatar.

Total transcript:

  • "Time to add more Monkey Towers to our loadout." - Quincy, prompting player to put Tack and Bomb to loadout
  • "Awesome! With a full loadout, we're ready to battle!" - Quincy, after player successfully adds Tack and Bomb to loadout
  • "Bloons come in all shapes and sizes." - Quincy, when the match begins (Part 1)
  • "We'll need a well rounded defense to ensure we can handle anything that comes our way." - Quincy, when the match begins (Part 2)
  • "Place one of each Monkey Tower." [prompts monkey hand going horizontally to the right for all towers] - Tutorial
  • "Remember those Dart Monkey upgrades? Time to put them to work!"
  • "Purchase two upgrades for the Dart Monkey" [points at Dart Monkey, and also upgrades in the upgrade menu] - Tutorial
  • "Sweet! Upgrading Monkey Towers makes them more powerful." - Quincy, after player upgrades two upgrades for the Dart Monkey
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Lesson 3 - Cash Inflation![]

It's important to build defenses to fend off bloons but its also important to build income.
~ Quincy, after Round 1 of the match

In this tutorial, Quincy introduces the player to the concept of building eco while defending against enemy sends at the same time.

Completing this tutorial rewards a T.D. banner.

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Lesson 4 - Competition Is Heating Up![]

Ok here we go, no more training dummies.
Gwen won't be so easy to defeat, we'll have to use all of the skills we've learned so far
~ Quincy, when the match begins

In the last lesson, the player must face off against Gwendolin. Gwendolin will have access to herself, Druids, Wizard Monkeys and Tack Shooters. She will always place a Ring of Fire, Wall of Fire, and Ball Lightning, destroying almost all rushes, despite this not being possible in-game before Round 4. The player must wait until Purple Bloons become available on Round 8, which Quincy will advise the player to send. Due to their immunity to fire and magic attacks, none of Gwendolin's defenses can damage them, expect for the Druid's thorns and tornado attacks. Gwendolin will refuse to modify her defenses to counter the Purple Bloons, and will be defeated.

After Lesson 4 is completed, Gwendolin will be unlocked as a hero. Exiting out of the Battle School screen will prevent the player from opening it again.

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  • If the player quits the game during the tutorial, they will need to do the Battle School over from the beginning.
  • In Lesson 1, the rounds always repeat the same natural bloon sends during the segments of tutorial when the player needs to perform an action.
  • In Lesson 1, the player can send any bloon other than yellow.
  • It is possible to lose lives and therefore lose the match in any of the lessons. This can be done in the Dart Monkey placement part of Lesson 1 by setting Quincy to Last and refusing to place down any Dart Monkeys, since Quincy does not upgrade himself if no progression is made.
    • T.D stands still for its victory animation if it wins due to this.
    • The player is then sent to the main screen without being provided any further instruction.
  • Sudden Death does not begin in any of the lessons, therefore the rounds can progress beyond Round 50.
    • This is to allow the player the chance to come back and finish the match after being AFK.