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Bloons Wiki

Basalt Columns is a map in Bloons TD Battles 2. It is one of 11 maps to be introduced on initial release. It is available in all arenas, as well as Casual Mode and Event Theatre.


The map takes place in a rocky basalt landscape. There are some black streaks that form the bloon tracks.

Basalt Columns has two pools of water that can be used to place Monkey Buccaneers or Monkey Subs. Bloons that are sent from the opponent enter from the top left, while naturally spawned bloons enter from the top right. Both paths take sharp turns from the top of the hexagon towards their respective opposite sides of the hexagon, follow down and exit their respective same-sided exits.


Main article: Basalt Columns/Strategies




  • TBA



  • Basalt Columns is the shortest map in Bloons TD Battles 2 so far.
    • Glade does have a shorter path, but it is only for player-sent MOAB-class bloons.
  • Basalt is igneous rock that is formed from rapid cooling of lava rich in magnesium and iron.
