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Banana Central

The Banana Farm is a money-generating tower. It is much more powerful compared to BTD6 due to the base tower and most upgrades providing twice the income compared to BTD6 because of the shorter rounds and the competitive nature of Battles 2. This is also the case since most upgrades are either the same cost as in BTD6 or cheaper. Like the Monkey Village, itself is totally helpless against bloons and is used to either purchase upgrades sooner and to afford bigger rushes.


Attributes Banana Farm countermeasures


  • Banana Farm forms exclusively as a support role, to purchase strong upgrades sooner and/or to send larger rushes sooner.

Attack Speed

  • Although attack speed is an erroneous attribute for Banana Farm, an important metric for Banana Farms is how many rounds it takes for an upgrade with cross paths can pay itself and how much money can be made per round after it pays itself off.


  • The Banana Farm has no way of utilizing these attributes since they can only be present when interacting with bloons, in which the Banana Farm has no way of doing so with any of its upgrades.




  • Although Range is an unimportant feature of Banana Farms, especially for its upper path 2 and 3 upgrades, it has below average range.


  • Banana Farm has two buffing options: Banana Central and Central Market. Banana Central buffs all BRFs to produce crates that are worth 25% more. Central Market buffs all Merchantman on-screen to produce 10% additional end-of-round cash.
  • Banana Farms are a support tower that focuses on allowing the player to be more money to purchase strong upgrades for defense or to send large rushes on the offense.


  • Despite the fact that the Banana Farm has a moderately above average base cost, it can work in the early game and make mid- and late-game much easier for all aspects of defense and offense due to gradually making up the cost and then profiting off of the Banana Farm.


Path 1[]

Upgrade Banana Farm countermeasures

Increased Production

  • There is not much to say for this upgrade, as all it does is increase the number of banana bunches per round from 3 to 5.

Greater Produciton

  • Again, increase the number of banana bunches per round by another 2 bunches, from 5 to 7.
  • This is the most efficient very early-game Banana Farm, as this is the only path that has both Tier 1 and 2 upgrades that increase the Banana Farms efficiency.

Banana Plantation

  • More than doubles the number of banana bunches produced, from 7 to 16.
  • Because the banana bunches spawn more rapidly in order to produce more bananas in the same amount of time, more attention must be dedicated to collecting these bananas to make the most out of an upgrade that faces fierce competition from Marketplace, which produces less income per round but has higher sellback when sold and automatic collection.

Banana Research Facility

  • BRF is extremely expensive for a Tier 4 upgrade, especially for one that is supposed to be spammed all over the map. However, it proves to be an equally efficient Banana Farm, especially with path 2 upgrades and in conjunction with its next upgrade.
  • BRF replaces the banana bunches with crates that produce less but are worth much more. More specifically, 5 crates that are worth $300 each per round when uncrosspathed and without the Banana Central buff.

Banana Central

  • For this Banana Farm only, creates are worth 5x more. Buffs all BRFs on-screen to produce 25% more.
  • The only reason why this upgrade might be necessary is when the opponent is going for Maxed Tier sacrifices for True Sun God as soon as possible or to send an extreme number of Fortified BADs to you

Path 2[]

Upgrade Banana Farm countermeasures

Long Life Bananas

  • Doubles the lifespan of banana bunches before spoiling, from 15 secs to 30 secs.
  • This upgrade doesn't directly increase the efficiency of the Banana Farm, and is a stepping stone for Valuable Bananas.
  • It does allow the player to focus on the defense for longer, so it's not all bad.

Valuable Bananas

  • All money that is produced by Path 1 and 3 for this Banana Farm is worth 25% percent more (except for Monkey Wall Street's end-of-round cash).
  • In the case of Banana Centrals buff to BRFs, this upgrade stacks multiplicatively with the buff for a total of x1.5625 more cash, rounded down.
  • Spamming 0-2-0 is less efficient than spamming 2-0-0 and should only be bought as a crosspath for upper path 1 and 3 upgrades or as a stepping stone for Monkey Bank.

Monkey Bank

  • Monkey Bank radically changes how Banana Farm makes money. Instead of periodically spawning a set amount of cash per round, Monkey Bank gets an initial payment of $395 and earns 1.15 interest over the course of the round. It also has a bank capacity of $14,000.
  • Because of how Monkey Bank starts off with low amount amounts of money per round but exponentially gains more money as the game goes on, it can be really efficient in the long run but takes time for the money to start to skyrocket.
  • This means that when the opponent sees you go for this upgrade, they will most likely rush you immediately, hoping that you sell your Monkey Bank quickly before it had time to pay itself off in order to avoid dying. The intention is to waste money each time you sell since you only get 70% back of what you've paid for that tower. This is especially the case in BTDB2 than BTD6 as this upgrade is significantly more expensive than its BTD6 variant.

IMF Loan

  • Acts like a Monkey Bank but with increased bank capacity to $20,000 and grants an ability that instantly puts $20,000 into your total funds at the cost of putting on $20,000 in debt. This debt acts like a 50% income penalty where all money earned (whether that be through eco, or other means of income, including other IMF loan abilities) will be split evenly to your total funds and to pay off the debt. In the case of Rubber to Gold, even $1 produced will alternate between adding it towards your total funds and paying off the debt (?).
  • The ability could be used in an emergency to purchase expensive, strong upgrades in face of a rush from you or to support a strong, expensive rush towards you.
  • Don't worry about paying off all the debt before you win. As previously stated, it is merely a temporary 50% income penalty and you will still win even if you have debt remaining


  • Monkey-nomics is the same as IMF loan but removes the debt altogether and it has a shorter cooldown
  • There really is no downside to Monkey-nomics, in fact, it is significantly better here than in BTD6, which in this game, produces twice the cash from its interest and ability for half the cost.

Path 3[]

Upgrade Banana Farm countermeasures

Banana Salvage

  • Increases the area in which banana bunches can be collected and makes banks auto collect for the full amount.
  • Like Long Life Bananas, this upgrade doesn't directly increase the efficiency of the Banan Farm and is a convenience option and a stepping stone for Banana Salvage.

Banana Salvage

  • Banana Salvage auto collects bananas once they are spoiled at half the income and increases sellback potency by 10% additively for a total of 80% sellback when sold.
  • This increased sellback is particularly important for Monkey Bank whose weakness is being very vulnerable in the short term in terms of cash for defenses. Purchasing this upgrade in conjunction with Monkey Bank could somewhat alleviate this issue.


  • Marketplace automatically puts money that is generated into your total funds. Faces competition from Banana Plantation, which produces more but has lower sellback and manual collection.
  • Unlike other types of Farms, Marketplace and above has the benefit of being both relatively inexpensive compared to Path 1 and being relatively profitable in the short term, unlike Path 2.

Central Market

  • Central Market produces more money payments and boosts Merchantmen end-of-round cash by 10%. It is usually bought for high income while retaining high sellback.
  • Most players can get this as early as about Rounds 16-18 safely with decent income flow. Before then, a rush should force the opponent to buy more defense.

Monkey Wall Street

  • Monkey Wall Street is the same as Central Market but adds $10,000 end-of-round cash. A greedy opponent would try to aim to get this upgrade in order to obtain a massive income advantage.
  • Most players can get this as early as about Rounds 21-25 safely with decent income flow. Before then, a rush should force the opponent to buy more defense.


Crosspath Banana Farm countermeasures


  • As previously stated, an uncrosspathed Greater Production Banana Farm is typically the first Banana Farm to go to since it is the only path that consistently increases the efficiency of Banana Farms.


First Second Banana Farm countermeasures

Central Market



  • Central Market buffs Merchantman to produce an additional 10% end-of-round cash. Unlike most money-generating towers, Merchantman is the only tower that can attack bloons and have its money generation be buffed.

Other Advice[]

  • If you see the opponent's Banana Farms having their respective unique cosmetics, the opponent has unlocked all upgrades for Banana Farm. In that case, prepare for all possible upgrades.
  • The earlier you place down your Banana Farm, the more you allow the Banana Farm to compound more money exponentially and increase the money ouput of farms, enabling you to be more flexible to any shifts in gameplay by enabling you to send game-ending rushes or game-saving upgrades. Because of this, make sure you try focusing on the Banana Farm as much as possible but don't forget about building an actual defense!
  • Unless you're sure your defense can handle a rush, don't be afraid to sell Banana Farms for defense if you are being rushed it could make you lose a lot of lives or even lose the game if you don't sell your Banana farms. If you have any non-crosspathed Banana Farms upgrade those Farms with Banana Salvage and sell those farms immediately and you'll end up with more cash to defend the rush.
  • If you see your opponent selling a lot of towers and other Banana Farms they are likely going For a Banana Research Facility, Monkey Wall Street or Banana Central usually opponents will usually get a Banana Research Facility or Monkey Wall Street usually on round 20, and opponents may later get a Banana Central after they have enough cash for one by selling their Monkey Wall Street, your opponent spending a lot of money on farms leaves them vulnerable to rushes as they will not have money to defend your rush.

See also[]

Template:BTDB2 strategies
