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Bloons Wiki
Bigger, more powerful magic blasts pop through 2 layers of bloon.
~ BTDB2 description
Archblast ezili buff

Arcane Blast affected by Ezili's Wizard buff

Arcane Blast is the 2nd upgrade of Path 1 for the Wizard Monkey in Bloons TD Battles 2. The Wizard Monkey's magic shots to deal 2 damage, and fireballs deal 3 damage instead of 2. Also increases projectile size of just the magic bolts.

It costs $250.



Some extra bolt damage to make more use of the bolt attack. It also improves fireballs if needing more penetration. It does not increase damage of other attacks, making it a near-useless crosspath for most fire-oriented Wizards or Necromancers.


  • TBA

Version History[]

Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
  • Released
  • BUFF Arcane Blast price decreased ($600 → $350)
  • BUFF Arcane Blast price decreased ($350 -> $250)
    • Overall price decrease is $200, due to base Wizard buff.
Arcane Mastery seems to be in a decent spot, but it has poor stepping stones in the early game, so we have buffed the lower tiers leading up to it. Arcane Mastery, Wall of Fire, and Shimmer have all had their price increased so that they do not indirectly get buffed from the price cuts.
~ Ninja Kiwi
  • BUFF 210 Fireball crosspathed damage increased 2 -> 3
We still feel that Wizard Monkey could do with some minor improvements, with a slightly cheaper decamo and some added crosspathing changes that make sense. [...]
~ Ninja Kiwi


  • The cheapest two-damage upgrade in the entire game, and even when compared to BTD6.