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Launches waves of fighter planes that strafe their targets and fire missiles at MOAB class Bloons.
~ BTDB2 description
Aircraft Carrier is the 4th upgrade on Path 1 of the Monkey Buccaneer in Bloons TD Battles 2. Like its BTD6 counterpart, the Aircraft Carrier in BTDB2 gains 3 planes that shoot darts and anti-MOAB missiles. However, anti-MOAB missiles deal more damage, 20 damage, and are locked on Strong, among more differences.
Along with keeping its old Destroyer attacks, the Aircraft Carrier now comes with three mini aircraft planes that rapidly shoot darts radially and forwards as well as regularly shooting anti-MOAB missiles similarly to the Fighter Plane upgrade. Radial darts come in groups of 8 like a typical Monkey Ace and are regularly shot every 1.0s, while the forward darts are twin darts shot like Buccaneer's Double Shot and are shot 0.15s whenever bloons are in front of the planes. These missiles are shot every 3.0s per plane, deal 20 damage, have 3 pierce, and have a blast radius of 30. The darts from the mini Aces pop up to 20 bloons per dart (+1 with 4-0-1) but consume 2 pierce versus MOAB-class bloons, radial darts and forward darts dealing 2 and 1 damage, respectively, and deal a bonus +3 damage to Ceramics.
Grape Shot keeps the 10-spray grapes with a +200% speed bonus compared to 2-1-0, and the dart attack also remaining similar to Destroyer. Grape crosspaths do not modify the Aircraft Carrier's planes.
It costs $6,400, and is unlocked with the purchase of Monkey Buccaneer.
Aircraft Carriers fire a lot of darts across the screen and deal decent MOAB-class damage with their anti-MOAB missiles. Aircraft Carrier has global range, but may be inaccurate. But with a steady defense, it can serve a lot of extra damage throughout the screen, which often is swarmed with bloons, which works well in this game.
The best crosspath for Aircraft Carrier is Grape Shot or Hot Shot, as this greatly increases DPS by shooting lots of grapes per shot at rapid speeds. If camo detection is needed, use external camo detection or decamo for the 4-2-0. 4-0-2 is simply not as strong as 4-2-0 in terms of DPS.
Aircraft Carrier pairs well with debuffs such as Super Brittle and Cripple Moab as Aircraft Carrier fires many low damage projectiles.
Version History[]
Balance Changes[]
Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
No longer requires 12,500 XP to unlock. Players who have unlocked this upgrade before the update will not receive a full refund.
Missile damage increased (15 → 20)
Affected by Destroyer Grape buff
Aircraft Carrier cost decreased ($7200 → $6800)
Buccaneer as a whole lacks late-game potential in terms of dealing pure damage, so we are making some pretty substantial buffs to the top path.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Aircraft Carrier cost decreased ($6800 → $6400)
Just a small price decrease to an upgrade that could do with a little buff.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Aircraft darts pierce 9 → 13
Aircraft darts bonus ceramic damage: +0 → +3
Top path Buccaneer does not see a lot of use and Buccaneer in general does not have a good answer to the new tight sends, so we’ve added some decent pierce and cleanup buffs to Aircraft Carrier and Carrier Flagship.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Aircraft Carrier: mini ace dart pierce 13 -> 20
Aircraft Carrier: mini ace darts now consume 2 pierce versus MOAB-class bloons
We would like Aircraft Carrier and Carrier Flagship to be more effective in bloon cleanup, which we have done by increasing the pierce that the darts have against regular bloons but not against MOAB class bloons. For example, Carrier Flagship’s darts remain unchanged when hitting all MOAB class bloons, but they have the potential to hit 4x as many regular bloons now.
~ Ninja Kiwi
Enough XP to unlock Aircraft Carrier (pre-1.5.0)
Aircraft Carrier in BTDB2 is cheaper than its BTD6 counterpart.