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Throws a potion at nearby Monkeys allowing them to pop Leads and do extra damage to Ceramic and MOAB class bloons until it wears off.
~ BTDB2 description
Amd hydra

AMDed Hydra

Massive amd stack battles

Massive stacking on an Overdrive. Not proven if there actually is a cap to AMD stacks

Acidic Mixture Dip is the 2nd upgrade on Path 1 of the Alchemist in Bloons TD Battles 2. It is similar to its BTD6 counterpart, except AMD appears to have no cap.

It allows the Alchemist to throw separate potions every 10 seconds at any type of tower, boosting boost their popping power. These special potions sent at towers allow affected towers to pop Lead Bloons (but will not grant popping of Frozen Bloons) and deal +1 damage to Ceramic, MOAB-class bloons, and Fortified Lead for the next 10 shots (or 13 with 2-2-0), and can be stacked up (consecutively, not concurrently) to have more AMD-buffed shots.

Unlike Berserker Brew, the chosen target is selected randomly, although it will prioritize towers without Acidic Mixture Dip first before choosing any other towers. In addition, Acidic Mixture Dip can stack shot counts up to 30, but brews cannot.

It costs $350.



It is a powerful choice for helping other towers destroy DDTs and making Leads easier to handle. The main power of AMD in this game is mega-stacking them in preparation for a DDT rush sent by the opponent.


  • 2-0-0 works well to just get the dip. 2-0-1 is cheaper to spam than 2-2-0, but 2-2-0 offers slightly stronger AMDs and a better offense via Perishing Potions.

Version History[]

Initial release (compared to BTD6 during Version 28.0)
  • Released

