“ | Accolades - a new system to show appreciation for player created Maps, Challenges, and Odysseys! | ” |
~ Ninja Kiwi BTD6 42.0 patch notes |
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Accolades were added in Update 42.0 and are a set of pins/reactions that can be gifted to the Content Browser creators.
There are many types of accolades:
- Benjamin lowering his glasses.
- Heart
- Ezili
- Dr. Monkey
- Monkey as Mona Lisa
- Gwendolin
- "Mind blown" monkey
- Arm flexing
- Dancing Monkey emote
- Super Monkey
- Skull & Bones
- Sunset
Accolades are bought with real money (1 accolade = $0.99, 5 accolades = $4.99, and 20 accolades = $19.99), with 35% of purchase going directly to the registered Player Creator.
- Buying accolades in bulk is more expensive than buying accolades one at a time (4.95$ vs 4.99$, 19.80$ vs 19.99$).