A Slimey Expedition is a Story Quest in Bloons TD 6, added in Version 42.0. It requires Level 60 to unlock.
PLOT: Dr Monkey is investigating why enormous blobs of slime are raining from the sky, causing disstress among the Monkeys. Slime can be removed with cash. He slowly pins it down to Bloonarius, who lives in its dirty swamp. the third subquest is a battle against a tier 3 Bloonarius.
Flashback in slime[]
This Takes place in Logs. Having Four Merchantmen is a god idea for clearing the Ooze.
Slime's running out[]
This takes place in Haunted. Banana Farms can be used for income and Spike Factories for offence. Use MIBs if Lead Bloons appear. The map slowly gets more slime over time, and if it reaches 15 slime, you will automatically lose.
Slime. Slime Everywhere[]
A Tier 3 Bloonarius Boss Fight in Bloonarius Prime. Use The Same Strategy as you Would for a boss Battle.
- This is the first quest where Dr Monkey is physically seen.