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Bloons Wiki
Submit a Challenge to the Challenge Browser
~ BTD6 description

A La Code (or À La Code) is an achievement in BTD6 introduced in the Version 22.0 update. It is achieved when the player submits a Challenge to the Challenge Browser for the first time. The reward for completing A La Code is BloonjaminsIcon50.



The A La Code achievement is a trivial achievement that gives a little reward for new players. However, its not recommended for the player to earn this achievement for the reward only as the reward can be weak for players with a good amount of Monkey Money already.


  • If the player wants to earn A La Code as fast as possible, they should set the starting round and maximum round to 40, as it sends a single M.O.A.B as soon as the round starts. The player should make sure they set enough starting cash for them to defend accordingly, or set the lives to 617 or higher and let the MOAB leak to instantly win without placing any towers.
    • The Alternate Bloons Rounds round 24 can also be used for the sole round, as it sends a singular camo lead which can be tanked with lives set at 24 or higher.
  • Setting the starting round and maximum round to 1 works, but it can be a bit slow for the round to finish as it is all spaced Red Bloons.